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June 19, 1984 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily, 1984-06-19

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Page 16

Tuesday, June 19, 1984

The Michigan Daily

McCormick, Turner
expected to go high
in today's NBA draft
By PAUL HELGREN usually expect a contract in the neigh-
The decisions were difficult. borhood of $100,000 per year.
The waiting has been anxious. ROBINSON added that McCormick
But the day has finally arrived. - as a big man - is in especially high'
Sometime this afternoon the phone will demand. With a scarcity of post
ring for Tim McCormick. Shortly after players, McCormick could be among
that it will ring for Eric Turner. And the nation's top draftees.
then the pair of basketball stars will be McCormick's coach of four years
Wolverines no longer. They will belong agreed.
to their respective NBA clubs, their "He's gonna go higher than late first
collegiate careers just pleasant round," said Michigan basketball
memories of days and games gone by. coach Bill Frieder. "He might go in the
AND MICHIGAN basketball fans middle of the first round. He's a big kid,
might at last realize how valuable they mobile, flexible, coachable. Those guys
were to the program after all. ( NBA coaches) like those kind of
Today's NBA draft, which begins at players."
noon, will also culminate the surprising INDEED THERE has been some
rise of the soon-to-be-former Michigan speculation that McCormick might be
hoopsters. chosen as high as sixth or seventh. That
McCormick had a steady if unspec- may be a bit over-optimistic but it does
tacular senior season, but a good NIT seem certain now that McCormick will
tournament and Olympic tryout and be gone by the 15th pick.
bingo! He's a sure first-round pick. While Turner does not figure to go
Turner's final year was filled with that high, he said he would be "disap-
rising peaks and cavernous valleys, but pointed" if he is not taken by the end of
memories of his first two campaigns the first or beginning of the second
and a solid showing at a pre-draft camp rounds.
in Chicago have made him hot property Frieder thinks his former guard has
as well, little to worry about.
BOTH McCORMICK and Turner "I THINK he'll probably go early fir-
passed up their final seasons at st round," he predicted. "Eric's got
Michigan. McCormick, a 6-11 forward good talent. His problems are concen-
from Clarkston, is a senior but had an tration and consistency. That's what
extra year of eligibility. The 6-3 Turner he's gotta develop. But he's got good
is a junior, talent."
The main reason each player decided While every basketball observer
to forego his last collegiate hurrah is acknowledges Turner's physical
simple - the riches of the National abilities, some questioned his desire.
Basketball Association beckoned. Both He is determined to prove those skep-
should be selected by the second round. tics wrong.
"They will both go between the first "Yes, that's a big motivator for me -
and third rounds. I can tell you that the people that doubt my ability and my
much," said Will Robinson, an decision," said Turner. "That makes
assistant to the General Manager for me want to show they're wrong."
the Detroit Pistons in a cautious E.T. silenced some of the doubt by
estimate. Players in that range can excelling in a four-day, pre-draft camp


Eric Turner won't be driving to the hoop for Michigan anymore. Along wi
teammate Tim McCormick, Turner will be selected in today's NBA draft.

in Chicago. "I felt like my play in Ch-
icago helped my (draft) value. I played
very well.
TURNER ALSO resents assertions
that his decision to go pro was risky
because he is coming off his poorest
season as a Wolverine. He averaged
10.8 points per game, after averaging
14.7 and 19.2 his first two years.
"I don't think I had a bad year ...'
said Turner, who finished as
Michigan's all-time assist leader with
401. "I think I always played a good
floor game (and) got the ball to the
right people."
In general, there is little doubt that
both Turner and McCormick left their
marks on Michigan basketball. For
three years Turner dazzled fans, op-
ponents and teammates with crackling

passes. As a freshman and again as-a
sophomore he carried both the scoring
and passing leads, leading the team in
points and assists both years.,
McCormick rebounded from surgery
on both knees in 1981 to have two solid
seasons at Michigan. His career
culminated with a 28-point performan-
ce in the NIT finals against Notre Dame
in March. "No one will ever know all
the good things that Tim did for our
basketball team," said Frieder;
echoing the old addage, "you don't
know what something is worth until it's
Perhaps by this afternoon - and
surely by next year - Michigan
basketball fans will begin to understand
how much Tim McCormick and Eric
Turner meant to this team after all.




Pistons make deal for Roundfield
PONTIAC (UPI) - The Detroit perimeter shot," added Piston coach point out the club hasn't forgotten the "I'll say this," Daly said, "I would
Pistons, frustrated in their attempt to Chuck Daly. "Or, because so many man Roundfield, a product of Detroit not be averse to putting both he (Ben-
istovstheir draft position, yesterday teams double-team now, we can set it Chadsey who went to Central Michigan, son) and Roundfield on the floor at the
improve hinside and then take it back outside. is ticketed to replace the Piston's star- same time.
acquired veteran power forward Dan "I would say he increases our ting lineup - Kent Benson. "And this may allow us to move Kelly
Roundfield from the Atlanta Hawks in physical qualities," Daly said with a "He played terrific basketball for us, (Tripucka, who is unsigned) to the
return for two forwards and two draft smirk. especially after Dec. 15," Daly said. backcourt - assuming he's still with
choices. DETROIT'S COACH was quick to "We will have to resolve the problem of us," Dal said
trnit sent reser fnrwardCiff Dw


Levingston plus the rights to unsigned
1983 No. 1 draft choice -Antoine Carr to
Atlanta along with second-round draft
choices in 1986 and 1987.
THE PISTONS, who select 20th in
Tuesday's NBA draft, are getting a 31-
year-old power forward who has
averaged 16.6 points and 10.4 rebounds
for eight seasons.
"We are getting a complete player,"
Detroit General Manager Jack Mc-
Closkey said. "He is a player we have
sought for the last two years.
"I think he's a player who will add to
our team. He's a quality person and a
quality player," McCloskey said
"When the clock is running down,
we won't have to rely on the 15-foot

How today's draft shapes up
Here is the Associated Press' educated guess of the 9.,KANSAS CITY, TIM MCCORMICK, 6-11, CENTER, 17. New Jersey - Ben Coleman, 6-8, 230,
first-round selections in today's NBA draft. FOWARD .MICHIGAN Marytand.
1. Houston -Akeem Olajuwon, 7-0, 250, center. IS. Indiana-steve Burtt, 6-2, 185, lona.
2. Portland - Sam Bowie, 7-1, 235, center, Ken- 1 . Philadelphia - Alvin Robertson, 6-3, 190, G9 gPortland - Vern Fleming, 6-6, 195, guard,
tucky. guard, Arkansas, Goga
3. Chicago- Michael Jordan, 6-6, 195, guard, Nor-2.eor i -7
thCaroliua. 12. Cleveland - Kevin Willis, 7-0, 230, Michigan 20. Detroit - Dein Dur ot, 6-7, 201, forward,
0. Dallas- Sam Perkins. 6-9, 234, forward. North Slate. Brigham Young.
Carolina. 13. Phoenix - Michael Cage, 6-9, 225, forward, San 21. Milwaukee - Earl Jones, 7-0, 210, District of
5. Philadelphia - Charles Barkley, 6-, 275, for- DiegoState. Columbia.
ward, Auburn. 14. San Diego Clippers - Kenny Fields, 6-7, 225,
6. Washington - Melv inTurpin, 6-11, cent ere- forward, UCLA. 22. Philadelphia -l Jay Murphy. 6-11, 235, center
tochy. 15. Dallas -Anthony Teachey, 6-9, 210, forward, 1rard, Boston College.
7. San Antonio - Otis Thorpe, 6-9, 235, Providence. Wake Forest. 23. Los Angeles Lakers - Jeff Turner, 6-9, 220, for
8. San Diego Clippers - Leon Wood, 6-3, 194, 16. Utah - Jay Humphries, 6-3, 183, guard, ward, Vanderbilt.erenceStansbury, 6-5, 170, guard,
Cal Oate-Fullertu. C d.Temple.


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