Continued from Preceding Page ONLY TWO LEFT Walnut near S. University. 2 bedroom apartm Modern building, Dishwasher, Disposals, Lau Parking, near Med. Center, CCRB, and Bus MODERN MANAGEMENT, 668-6906 or 663-364 BRAD URLAUB - Always the frugal one, he chance to save. Pick up your free tickets to the Theatre at the Daily. d STUDIO BURNS PARK Grad Student Preferred 769-6478 EXTRA LARGE 1 and 2 bdr. apts. Near IM building and Available fall. Parking, laundry, A/C, furn unfurnished. 5 styles to choose from. Modern agement, 668-6908 or 663-3641. Fall Rental Thompson Apartmen 350 Thompson St. Modern 1 bedroom & efficiencies, fully carpet furnished. Air-conditioned, laundry & st faci ties. 24 hr. maintenance. Please conta managers at 483-7232. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Near Medical Center. Unusual, large apartmen restored older home. New carpet and drapes. ing. MODERN MANAGEMENT, 668-6906 or 663 CAMPUS - FALL 911 S. Forest NEAR HILL ST. - FURNISHED 2 bedroom - 3 or 4 man ZWAS REALTY 418E. Washington 769-6478 3 Bedroom Apartment 818 Henry, No. 2. 1 mile south of Campus. $ utilities. Furnished, carpeted, 2 bathrooms. able Sept. n for 1 year lease. No pets. Dav Capi, 663-56011. Are you in need of an apt.? Perhaps for now or for the Fal DON'T STALL GIVE US A CALL Spears-Woltersom Management Incorporated 663-3050 621 Chur GREAT LOCATION rents. Packard and Hill, 2 Bdr. Apts., available fall. 5 min- indry, utes from diag, business and law schools. Furnished- Lines. Unfurnished, A/C. Parking, laundry. 2 to 4 person. 1. MODERN MANAGEMENT. 668-6906or 663-3641. cCtc cCtc re's a State dA0617 PERSONAL STUDENTS! Need housing for the Summer? We've cCtc got it! Come into the Housing Information Office, -- 1011 Student Activities Building or call 763-3164. 91F0617 NEW CREDIT CARD! Na use refused. Visa! track. Mastercard. Call1-(619)-569-0242.n 4FO71O ished/ Man- ERIC'S ACTION SPORTSWEAR-Swimwear, body- cCtc wear, footwear. Factory closeouts, 419 E. Liberty, 2 blocksoffStateStreet. 663-6771. cFtc SUMMER COPY SALE ts 21/2a copy overnight. Accu-copy, 402 Maynard. 1 769-0330. cFtc AN EXCLUSIVE DIAMOND-Viewing room offers privacy and an opportunity to ask questions regard- ed and ing your most important purchases at Austin Dia- orage mond, 1209S. University.663-7151. cFtc cttc LOREE MARKS - Make your mark and parade on dawn lathe Daily In pick up your free tickets to the State Theatre. dF0617 WE'RE SERIOUS about wine. Wine isonly fun if you are seriaus about it. The Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. cFtc nt in a STUDENTS! Need housing for the Summer? We've Park- got it! Come into the Housing Information Office, 3-3641. 1011 Student Activities Building or call 763-3164. cCtc 91F0617 WE'RE NUMBER ONE in diamond sales in Ann Arbor. Find our why. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univ- versity.663-7151. cFtc ATTENTION PSORIASIS sufferers: Volunteers needed to test new dietary therapy for psoriasis. Sub- jecs moot be willing to reeeive all meals tram the clinical research cener atthe UM Haspital tacoa per- iod of eight weeks. Food and clinic visits are pro- vided free for all eligible participants. Call UM CCtc Department of Dermatology at763-5519. 22F0619 NOTED QUOTE: "I don't get the Daily just to say I do, I read it!" -MAYA BERNSTEIN dFO617 WHO'S SKY KING? Why, America's favorite flying cowboy of course. dF0617 TODD - Wanna come over sometime? I'll make some TANG and some egg salad sandwiches. LISA LUEBNER. dF0667 500 + GUINEVERE - Gave my blue shield to The Village Avail- Apothecaryfor a prescription. Launcelot. cFtc icC SUMMER STUDENTS! Move into the Residence Hall today! Come into the Housing Information Of- fice, 114 Student Activities Building or call 763- 3164. 93FO619 CAR OWNERS ... get a lifetime guarantee and pay less for a First Quality muffler. Call for a price over the phone 769-5913, Ann Arbor Muffler on Jack- son Ave. cFtc WHERE TO LIVE? We have all your housing op- tions! Housing Information Office, 1011 Student Activities Building or call 763-3164. 90F0729 RESIDENCE HALL Summer housing available now from the Housing Information Office, 1011 Student Activities Building, telephone 763-3164. 93FO619 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy quality dia- ch St. monds. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cCtc cFtc have awn car. Call Say It With Ballos, 995-1972. cHtc GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559 - $50,553/year. Now Hiring. Your Area. Call 1-(805)-6-6000 Ext. R-10152. 78H0617 NEED A JOB? Become a sales rep and earn com- missions for Spring and Summer terms. Call Rob at 764-0554. dH0608 ACTIVISTS Full time paid summer positions with state's largest consumer organization. Michigan Citizen's Lobby needs outgoing people to canvas, fundraise, and petition for state-wide energy and economics issues. For interview call: 663-6824 after 10:00. dHtc GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559 - $50,553/year. Now hiring. For directory call 1-805 687-000 Ext. R- 10152. 26H0724 cover letters, theses, dissertations. 426 " 5217. cJtc STEREO & TV & Air Conditioner Rentals & Service. Reasonable rates. Used TVs & Stereos. Ann Arbor Radio& TV, 215S. Ashley, 769-0342. Downtown 1 blk. north of Liberty. 24J0720 TONGUE-TIED? I can be eloquent. Prone to prat- tle? I'm crisp. Ex Paladin Press editor seeks non- fiction edit/rewrite assignments. $12/hr. Tom Myers 994-3676 eves. 17J0619 RESUMES/COVERLETTERS CAREER DIMENSIONS 761-2458 cJtc INSTANT EURAILPASSES 1 MONTH EURAIL youth pass $290, 2 months $370. Euraileass 15 days $260, 21 days $330. 1, 2, 3 month available. Detroit/Frankfort charter from $439. Great Places Travel Consultants, 208 E. Washington, 769-1776. cP0616 ALASKAN ADVENTURE ALL EXPENSE ADVENTURE TRIP TO ALASKA. Explore McKinley Nat'l Park & Alaskan back- country. Bachelor (attractive, slender, 40) needs traveling companion on 3-4 week trip. Travel by out- fitted van & Alaskan ferry. Approx. departure July 10-15. Female 18-30. Details: collect (313) 851-8798, after 9 p.m, 27P0619 ROOMMATES PAULA PONSETTO -Well, you don't know Rob, but we thought we'd give you State Theatre tickets any- ways. Pickthem up atlthe Daily. dY0617 W0 iUJ rfivA'17aOOl SUMMER SALE We've reduced our rates but not our quality. Cover Letters & Resumes. Ask about our other word pro- cessing and editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 Accurate, fast, reasonable, papers, briefs, letters ACCURACY INK Editing/Word Processing Papers, Articles, Reports 971-4139 cJtc TYPING - ON CAMPUS Fast turn around resumes, cover letters, disserta- tions, term papers. Very professional.662-4530. cJtc Write on... Editorial and Typing Services 96-056 cJtc BUDGET WORD PROCESSING resumes - repetitive letters - mailing lists papers - thesises - dissertations professional Editing Available. Quick Quill 665-6157 c jtc Phone 764-0558 You can... advertise your get rid of an unwantd pet, and find fulfillment, t' 5 f'i d } gpoRTS N a subscribe now! call 764-0558 Ndr- et yourTrena how much you ca fidhignn Batil much, much more, with a PERSONAL AD (764-0557) re, i