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June 15, 1984 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily, 1984-06-15

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Friday, June 15, 1984

Page 16

The Michigan Daily

inning r
to a 3-2
Davis, 6
Bill Sch
single p
had ad
on base1

Brewers rally to nip 0's, 3-2
AUKEE (AP) - Rookie Dion two with a double and two singles, while Carlton, 4-3, allowed five hits and two Giants 5, Padr
two-run single in the seventh Dave Kingman hit his league-leading runs over eight innings and struck out SAN DIEGO (AP)
allied the Milwaukee Brewers 16th homer and Carney Lansford added six to run his major league career drove in three runs wi
victory yesterday over the a two-run homer for the A's. leading total to 3,785. single and Johnnie L
re Orioles. Keith Atherton, the fourth of five The victory cut the Cubs' lead over solo home run as th
hit came after pinchhitter Ed Oakland pitchers, improved to 4-3 with the Phillies to one game in the National Giants defeated San.
drew a leadoff walk by Storm the victory. Bill Caudill pitched the League East. day ending the Padre
-3, the third Oriole pitcher, and final 11/3 innings for his 13th save. The Phillies scored once in the first ning streak.
on a single by Von Hayes and a double Left-hander MarkI
roeder followed with a bunt by Mike Schmidt and four times in the and was working on
asat the mound. Rick Manning Mariners 4, RoxYals 1 second on singles by Corcoran, Ivan until two were out intl
vanced the runners on a SEATTLE (AP) - Pinch hitter Al Dejesus and Carlton and Samuel's Luis Salazar strokeda
ORIOLES, who left 10 runners Cowens broke up a pitching duel with a homer to left-center, his fourth of the hitter Kurt Bevacqus
threatened in the bottom of the two-run single in the sixth inning and season. homer of the year to m
i r n-nll hit atwnrn hnmer in

es 2
- Jeff Leonard
ith a homer and a
eMaster added a
he San Francisco
Diego 5-2 yester-
s' five-game win-
Davis, 3-6, led 4-0
a four hit shutout
he seventh inning.
a single and pinch
i belted his first
hake the score 4-2.


eighth, loading the bases with one out.
But Milwaukee reliever Rollie
Fingers, who replaced winner Rick
Waits, 1-2, after Eddie Murray's leadoff
single, earned his 11th save by getting
Al Rayford on a grounder and then
striking out the side in the ninth.
Murray and John Lowenstein hit suc-
cessive home runs, both on 3-2 counts,
off Brewer starter Bob Gibson with two
outs in the third inning to give the
Orioles a 2-0 lead.
A's 7, Indians 6
OAKLAND (AP) - Davey Lopes' two
run single with the bases loaded in the
seventh inning lifted the Oakland A's to
a 7-6 victory over the Cleveland Indians
Lopes drove in three runs and scored

Barry Bonne na i wo-run n o i
the eighth, carrying the Seattle
Mariners to a 4-1 victory yesterday
over the Kansas City Royals.
Royals starter Bud Black, 6-5, had
allowed just two hits over the first 5 1/3
innings before walking Jack Perconte
and Phil Bradley. The Mariners then
loaded the bases when Black, covering
first, dropped second baseman Onix
Conception's throw on Alvin Davis'
Phillies 11, Cubs 2
CHICAGO (AP) - Juan Samuel hit a
three run homer and Tim Corcoran a
two run shot to lead a 15-hit attack as
Steve Carlton and the Philadelphia
Phillies coasted to an 11-2 victory
yesterday over the division leading
Chicago Cubs.


Three-way tie for
early U.S. Open lead

Irwin and Hubert Green, two past win-
ners of the United States Open Golf
championship, and Jim Thorpe, who
has yet to win any tournament on the
PGA Tour, fired 2-under-par 68's and
were tied for the lead yesterday in the
first round of the national champion-
The opening round was interrupted
for 45 minutes by a violent thunderstorm
which struck the Winged Foot Golf Club
course just moments after Irwin had
IRWIN WON this prestigious title ten
years ago, the last time it was played on
this difficult course in the northern
suburbs of New York, and again in
Green, the wiiner of this title in 1977
but in a deep slump for two seasons,
had his round interrupted by the storm
that raked the course with winds, rain
and lightning. About two dozen players
remained on the course when Green
At that point, it appeared unlikely
that the round could be completed
before darkness.
ASINGLE stroke off the pace at 69, 1-
under-par on the course that was sof-
tened by overnight rains, were former
Masters champion Seve Ballesteros of
Spain, national amateur champion Jay
Sigel, Curtis Strange, Fred Couples,
Lennie Clements, Mick Soli and David
Among the group at par 70 were steady

Gil Morgan, the non-practicing op-
tometrist who has recorded five third-
place finishes this season, Australian
Greg Norman, Morris Hatalsky, Andy
Bean, Mike Sullivan and club pro Fran
Jack Nicklaus, at age 44 seeking a
record fifth U.S. Open title, said he was
satisfied with a 71.
"I'm quite happy to be in with a 71. I
think I'll play better as the week goes
on," said Nicklaus, who broke a two-
year non-winning string two weeks ago.

Golfer Calvin Peete (right) is checked by a medic after he collapsed due to
dehydration while playing the third hole of the U.S Open in Mamaroneck,
N.Y. Peete was shooting from a sandtrap when he fell ill.




P~niella to step down
BOSTON (AP) - Saying it was time for younger players to Lions including appearances in every game the last three
e over, Yankee outfielder Lou Piniella announced yester- seasons.
y he will retire after two more games to be a first base NCAA sticks with eligibility rule
ch and batting instructor for his team.
I have a shoulder injury and I'm not the player that I once KANSAS CITY (AP) - The NCAA chose yesterday not to
S," the 40-year-old told an impromptu news conference at change a new academic requirement and took issue with
American League team's hotel. coaches who say the rule could cause a great number of
IT'S TIME to step down. It's time for this organization to players to become ineligible.
rt looking down the line, to go with younger players," said The "Satisfactory Progress Rule," adopted by vote of
iella, who has a .295 average in 27 games this year with 23 NCAA schools at the Jan. 1983 convention, becomes effective
s in 78 times at bat. ' Aug. 1. It states that a student athlete must, by the third year
ons' Turnure signs with Panthers ofhis enrollment, declare a designated program of studies
ons leading to a degree. The rule is aimed at players who spend
'ONTIAC, Mich. (UPI) - Veteran reserve center Tom their college careers as "eligibility majors," drifting from
rnure of the NFL Detroit Lions was signed yesterday to a one easy course to another with no intention of earning a
lti-year contract by the USFL Michigan Panthers. diploma.
the 6-foot-4, 250-pound Turnure also plays guard and snaps "I do not foresee wholesale ineligibility," said Steve
punts and field goals. He played four seasons with the Morgan of the NCAA enforcement department.



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