Continued from Preceding rage ACTIVISTS Full time paid summer positions with state's largest consumer organization. Michigan Citizen's Lobby needs outgoing people to canvas, fundraise, and petition for state-wide energy and economics issues. For interview call: 663-6824 after10:00. dHtc INSTANT EURAILPASSES I MONTH EURAIL youth pass $290, 2 months $370. EurailDass 15 days $260, 21 days $330. 1, 2, 3 month available. Detroit/Frankfort charter from $439. Great Places Travel Consultants, 208 E. Washington, 769-177 .cP0616 STUDIO BURNS PARK Grad Student Preferred 709-6478 FALL RENTAL 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom Apt. - 306 E. Madis No pets. $1,000 plus util. Furnished. One Pa Space. Washer & Dryer. David M. Copi, 66 CATHERINE STREET - Students: 6 BR, 2 for fall. Huge home with formal DR, LR, ft room, loft BR, full basement, a mut see! 00348487. 21+ CHURCH STREET - Furnished rooms for fa chen,2baths, $185and up. 663-8487. 2 ONLY TWO LEFT Walnut near S. University. 2 bedroom apartr Modern building, Dishwasher, Ditposals, Lau Parking, sour Med. Center, CCRB, and BusI MODERNMANAGEMENT, 668-69060r663-364 GREAT LOCATION Packard and Hill, 2 Bdr. Apts., available fall. utes from diag, business and law schools. Furn Unfurnished, A/C. Parking, laundry. 2 to 4 p MODERN MANAGEMENT. 668-6906 or 663-364 EXTRA LARGE 1 and 2 bdr. apts. Near IM building and Available fall. Parking, laundry, A/C, furn unfurnished. 5 styles to choose from. Modern agement, 6-68 or663-3641. Fall Rental Thompson Apartmen 350 Thompson St. Modern 1 bedroom & efficiencies, fully carpet furnished. Air-conditioned, laundry & st facilities. 24 hr. maintenance. Please conta managers at 483-7232. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Near Medical Center. Unusual, large apartme restored older home. New carpet and drapes, ing. MODERN MANAGEMENT, 668-69060r66 CAMPUS-FALL 911 S. Forest NEAR HILL ST. - FURNISHED 2 bedroom - 3 or 4 man ZWAS REALTY 418 E. Washington 769-6478 3 Bedroom Apartment 818 Henry, No. 2. 1 mile south of Campus. $ utilities. Furnished, carpeted, 2 bathrooms. able Sept. 1 for 1 year lease. No pets. Da Copi, 663-5609. Are you in need of an apt.? Perhaps for now or for the Falt DON'T STALL GIVE US A CALL! Spears-Woltersom Management Incorporated 663-3050 621 Chut VISIT ANN ARBORSo"lygem Ian neoreyouspend your money-needlessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prices on all engagement and wedding rings. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc cCtc GUINEVERE - Gave my blue shield to The Village Apothecary for a prescription. Launcelot. cFtc SUMMER STUDENTS! Move into the Residence on #1. Halt today! Come into the Housing Information Of- arking fice, 114 Student Activities Building or call 763- 3-5609. 3164. 93F0619 eCte CAR OWNERS ... get a lifetime guarantee and pay fbath less for a First Quality muffler. Call for a price amty over the phone 769-5913, Ann Arbor Muffler on Jack- $0012. sosnAve. cFtc 1C1 it- WHERE TO LIVE? We have all your housing op- 11, Eit- tions! Housing Information Office, 1011 Student 1C0619 Activities Building or call763-3164. 90F0729 RESIDENCE HALL Summer housing available now unets. from the Housing Information Office, 1011 Student aLndy, Activities Building, telephone763-3164. 93F0619 1. WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy quality dia- cCtc monds. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc NEW CREDIT CARD! No one refused. Visa/ 5 min- Mastercard. Call 1-(619)-569-0242. 14F0710 ished- erson. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTSWEAR-Swimwear, body- t. wear, footwear. Factory closeouts, 419 E. Liberty, 2 cCtc blocks off State Street.663-6771. cFtc GAELIC TUTOR needed. Call 761-5475 day or night. Costlneg. 98F0615 track. SUMMER COPY SALE ished/ 2 g a copy overnight. Accu-copy, 402 Maynard. Man- 769-8338. cFtc cCtc ATTENTION PSORIASIS sufferers: Volunteers needed to test new dietaryltherapy for psoriasis. Sub- jects moot be willing to receive all meals from the clinical researchenteratteUM Hospital fora per- ied of eight weeks. Food and clinic visits are pro- vided free for all eligible participants. Cult UM Departmentof Dermatology at 763-5519. 22F0619 ANYBODY WHO fits the qualifications and is in- ed and terested in joining the Hawaiian student organiza- orage tion, contact Finn Palmer at 668-6001. dF0615 ct tlle DEADBEATS: You are confirming my worst fears cCtc of your lack of taste and laziness. -The contest sponsor. dF0615 STUDENTS! Need housing for the Summer? We've got it! Come into the Housing Information Office, 1011 Student Activities Building or call 763-31064. nt in a Park- DON'T PAY for a store's overhead via highmark-up. 3-3641. For the area's lowest prices and finest qualities cCtc possible on an engagement ring, shop Austin Dia- mond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc DEAR ASHTRAY, I've got a few cigar butts that need digesting. Know anyone who might be inter- ested? As ever, Someone who'll stick to chili. dF06lS BIG ENOUGH for everything you need from a drug- store, small enough to remember you. The Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University Ave. cFtc CONTINUING STUDENTS! Apply for Fall/Winter cCtc residence hall spaces at 1011 Student Activities Building or call the Housing Information Office (763-3164). 88F0705 DAILY STAFF - If you want to see some really cute shorts, worn by Michael, Woody, Sparky and Mickey, you'll be seen at 1018 Church Friday, June 15th at 10 p.m. dF0615 LEARN THE FACTS before you buy - there is more L to a diamond than meets the eye. Austin Diamond, 1209S. University. 663-7151. cFtc n^^n -6 w oo rsame. negnnng J uy . Ca o- - , ass r Cluore 1sk olYr LEE WINKELMAN - You'll never know who you BETTER TYPING = BETTER GRADES are going to see at the State Theatres atla midnight TYPING & WORD PROCESSING by SANDI show. Come to the Daily to pick up your two free Accurate, fast, reasonable. Papers, resumes, tickets. dYfl5 cover letters, theses, dissertations. 426 5217. cJtc WORD PROCESSING SUMMER SALE We've reduced our rates but not our quality. Cover Letters & Resumes. Ask about our other word pro- cessing and editing services. QUICKQUILL 665-6157 STEREO & TV & Air Conditioner Rentals & Service. Reasonable rates. Used TVs & Stereos. Ann Arbor Radio&TV,215S. Ashley,769-0342. Downtown %blk. north of Liberty. 240720 TONGUE-TIED? I can be eloquent. Prone to prat- tle? I'm crisp. Ex Paladin Press editor seeks non- fiction edit/rewrite assignments. $12/hr. Tom Myers 994-3676 eves. 17J0619 RESUMES/COVERLETTERS CAREER DIMENSIONS 761-2458 cJtc Accurate, fast, reasonable, papers, briefs, letters ACCURACY INK Editing/WordProcessing Papers, Articles, Reports 971-4139 cJtc TYPING - ON CAMPUS Fast turn around resumes, cover letters, disserta- tions, termpapers. Very professional. 6624530. cJtc Write on... Editorial and Typing Services 998-O566 cJtc BUDGET WORD PROCESSING resumes - repetitiveletters - mailing lists papers - thesises - dissertations professional Editing Available. Quick Quillt665-6157 C jtc 1 - I *GET ITI 1 , 1 , I I 1 1 , 1 , 1g The Personal Column I MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS I 1 1 - m m mmmm m m mm m m m bare owo car. Call Say It With Balloos, 005-1072. . cHtc GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559 - $50,553/year. Now Hiring. Your Area. Call 1-(805)-687-6000 Ext. R-10152. 78H0617 NEED A JOB? Become a sales rep and earn com- missions for Spring and Summer terms. Call Robat 764-0554. dH0608 DEBORAH GENDERNALIK - What a wierd last name. Don't get insulted, though, the Daily loves wierd names. To prove it, we're giving you two free tickets to the midnight shows at the State Theatres. Come to 420 Maynard to pick them up. dF0615