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June 15, 1984 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1984-06-15

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 15, 1984- Page 3
Second trial begins
in Faber murder case

After a week and a half of jury selec-
tion, the trial of alleged murderer
Richardo Hart began yesterday.
The jury was finally seated after
more than 60 potential jurors were tur-
ned away due to their knowledge of the
Machelle Pearson trial.
ATTORNEYS FOR the defense and
the prosecution rejected scores of
potential jurors before seating the all-
white panel.
Pearson, 17, was convicted June 1 on
charges of first-degree felony murder,
armed robbery, and possession of a
firearm in the shooting death of 39-
year-old Nancy}Faber last November
22. During her trial, Pearson testified
that Hart, her boyfriend of three years,
forced her to commit the crime.
Hart, 20, who was not present when
Faber was shot in the neck, is allegedly
an accomplice in the crime and faces
the same charges as Pearson.
BECAUSE OF the publicity surroun-
ding the trial, blamed by some on the
fact that Faber is the wife of Ann Arbor
News editorial writer Don Faber,
defense attorney Thomas Quarterman
said it was impossible to seat an impar-
tial jury in Washtenaw County and
petitioned for a change in the location of

the trial before the jury selection
Quarterman, in his motion for a
change of venue, argued that Mackie
had intentionally dismissed minorities
from the jury. Mackie denied the
Judge Ross Campbell denied
requests for a relocation of the trial.
QUARTERMAN and prosecuting at-
torney Brian Mackie both made their
opening statements yesterday, and
eight witnesses for the prosecution
The two men who discovered Faber
slumped over in her blue Ford Fair-
mont last winter were the first to
testify. They said the police and am-
bulance were at the scene minutes after
they found Faber on Green Road near
Ann Arbor resident Lynda Wojno said
she saw a black man walking from his
car back to Faber's car, but she admit-
ted under cross-examination that she
failed to identify Hart ina police line-up
as the man she saw that night.
WOJNO SAID she narrowed the
choice down to either Hart or the man
she chose, but she didn't pick Hart
because the other man's husky build
was similar to that of the man she saw
See HART, Page5

Speak no evil
Karen Malofy chats on a pay phone on Main Street yesterday while her 6-
month-old daughter waits quietly.

Merger to create stronger computer dept
By ANDREW ERIKSEN and LSA. will remain the same - only the course numoers will
LSA students majoring in computer science will Administrators in both departments expect the change, he said.
join engineering students in paying $100 each term to merger to eliminate duplicated courses and create a "The core curriculum will be the same ... the elec-
use the engineering computer network this fall as a stronger computer science program at the Univer- tives will be different," said Pollack.
result of the merger of two University departments, sity. THE DEPARTMENT is changing slowly to limit
according to an LSA dean. THE NEW department will have two divisions: the number of problems for its students.
"If the course requires the use of the engineering Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Elec- "We will try to minimize the negative impact for
network, then the individual student will pay the trical Engineering (EE). students," said Frieder, "and maximize the
fee," said LSA associate dean Henry Pollack. "I see it as a welcome change," said Prof. Gideon benefits."
THE COMPUTERS in the network consist mostly Frieder, who will be the chairman of the Computer There is a plan to provide a suite of offices so that
of small personal computers like the Apple Lisa and Science and Engineering division professors may have office hours on central campus
the Apollo computer. Engineering students began Prof. George Haddad, the current chairman of the - probably in East Engineering - and to offer
paying the $100 fee last fall. electrical and computer engineering department, academic counseling. Some professors will have to
The computer and communication sciences depar- will be the chairman of the new department and its commute between North Campus and Central Cam-
tment in LSA and the Department of Electrical and electrical engineering division pus to teach classes and hold office hours.
Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering THE NEW department will still offer an un- The new department will eventually be moved
will officially merge July 1 into the Department of dergraduate degree in computer science for LSA from East Engineering to North Campus when the
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences students and an undergraduate degree in computer new engineering building is complete. The ground
(EECS). The faculty will report to James Duder- engineering for engineering students. was broken for the building last month and the
stadt, the dean of the engineering school, but the The department hopes to have new course listings project is expected to be complete by spring of 1987.
curriculum will serve students in both engineering ready for next winter term, said Frieder. The courses

The U
with a ne
plan ap
tium of
work wit
the Uni
in North
housed at

'U' to join super computer consortium
the consortium will enable the Univer- the leasing of unused channel time to The regents also voted
y GEORGEA KOVANIS sity to gain experience in operating commercial operators. substantial completion d
niversity will begin working computers which will eventually have According to James Brinkerhoff, the replacement hospital from
w super computer soon under a to be purchased by most major univer- University will make some type of August 1985. Originally th
proved yesterday by the sities. profit, however he said he is not sure had been targeted as a dat
ty's regents. The unit costs about $10-12 million how big this figure will be. He also said tions to begin.
regents authorized funds and the fee for belonging to this consor- that he is not sure if the University will The regents also approv
the University to join a consor- tium is $10,000 per year. The Univer- be able to broadcast sporting events sfer of funds to help pa
eight universities which will sity, according to Sussman, will receive over the channels. departments of the replac
h a super computer that can do 230 hours of computing time as a result The regents also approved two ital project which have
advanced calculations at of the membership. renovation projects for the West budget. These departm
enal speeds. Consortium The regents also gave the University Engineering building - a $150,000 diagnostic radiology,
s include Dartmouth College, the go-ahead to negotiate with commer- allotment to make the building han- pathology and radiation th(
versity of Massachusetts, cial television operators for the unused dicapped accessible and a $850,000 The regents also appoin
ty of Rochester, University of airtime on its two instructional project to repair the building's roof. Dougherty as the actingc
, University of Houston, and television channels. Since 1970, more Brinkerhoff, told regents that many school of library sciences
tion from a research triangle than 28,000 hours in graduate of the programs now housed in Lorch year term, effective July 1.
Carolina, and Colorado State engineering and business courses have Hall will be moved to West They also approved th
yt. The supercomputer will be been transmitted to about 11,000 Engineering. CRISP will move to the tment of Sussman as dean
t Colorado State. students at 15 Detroit locations. basement of Angell Hall, and the Thomas Switzer was also
ding to Alfred Sussman, And in July 1983, the Federal Com- economics department will take over to his position as the assoc
ty vice president for research, munications Commission authorized Lorch. the education school.

to move the
late for the
May 1985 to
he May date
te for inspec-
ved the tran-
ay for three
ement hosp-
gone over-
ents include
ited Richard
dean for the
, for a one-
he reappoin-
of Rackham.
biate dean of

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