Continued from Preceding Page SINGING MESSENGERS: Balloon deliveries. Must have own car. Call Say It With Balloons, 995-1972. cHtc GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559 - $50,553/year. Now Hiring. Your Area. Call 1-(805)-687-6000 Ext. R-10152. 78H0617 SHINYA KAWABE - Anata no tame ni kippu ga arimasu. Kippu o morau tame ni Michigan Daily 'to is shinbun no kaisha e irrashyawanakute wa ike- masen. dHS612 2 BOO~UM APT. maoern slog. $150/ma.+ Available July 1 to Sep. I. Air cnd., pa garbage disposal and finished basement. C mont 761-1846 persistently. FALL RENTAL 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom Apt. - 306 E. Madi No pets. $1,000 plus util. Furnished. One P Space. Washer & Dryer. David M. Copi, 6 CATHERINE STREET - Students: 6 BR, for fall. Huge home with formal DR, LR, room, loft BR, full basement, a must see! 663-8487. 2 CHURCH STREET - Furnished rooms for fa chen,2baths,$185andup. 663-8487. A ONLY TWO LEFT Walnut near S. University. 2 bedroom apart Modern building, Dishwasher, Disposals, La Parking, near Med. Center, CCRB, and Bus MODERN MANAGEMENT,668-6906or663-36 CAMPUS Room for rent: Furnished, carpeted, laund pets. Summer rates. 663-5861. GREAT LOCATION Packard and Hill, 2 Bdr. Apts., available fall. utes from diag, business and law schools. Furn Unfurnished, A/C Parking, laundry. 2 to 4 p MODERN MANAGEMENT. 668-6906or 663-36 EXTRA LARGE 1 and 2 bdr. apts. Near IM building and Available fall. Parking, laundry, A/C, furn unfurnished. 5 styles to choose from. Modern agement, 668-6908 or 663-3641. Fall Rental Thompson Apartmen 350 Thompson St. Modern 1 bedroom & efficiencies, fully carpet furnished. Air-conditioned, laundry & sI facilities. 24 hr. maintenance. Please conta managers at 483-7232. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Near Medical Center. Unusual, large apartme restored older home. New carpet and drapes. ing. MODERN MANAGEMENT, 668-6906 or 66 CAMPUS-FALL 911 S. Forest NEAR HILL ST. - FURNISHED 2 bedroom -3 or 4 man ZWAS REALTY 418 E. Washington 769-6478 3 Bedroom Apartment 818 Henry, No. 2. 1 mile south of Campus. $5 utilities. Furnished, carpeted, 2 bathrooms. able Sept. I for 1 year lease. No pets. Dav Copi, 663-5609. Are you in need of an apt.? Perhaps fornow or for the Fall DON'T STALL GIVE US A CALL! Spears-Woltersom Management Incorporated 663-3050 621 Churc 19C0612 ERIC'S ACTION SPORTSWEAR-Swimwear, body- wear, footwear. Factory closeouts, 419 E. Liberty, 2 blocksoff State Street. 663-6771. cFtc GAELIC TUTOR needed. Call 761-5475 day or night. 505n 11. Cost neg. 980615 arking 63-5609. SUMMER COPYSALE eCtc 2'/g a copy overnight. Accu-copy, 402 Maynard. 2 bath 769-8338. cFtc family DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY RACQUETBALL BUT $1425. DON'T HAVE A PARTNER? If so, call Finn Palmer 1C0619 at 668-6001. dF0612 ll, Kit- ATTENTION PSORIASIS sufferers: Volunteers 0C0619 neededtotestnewdietarytherapyforpsoriasis. Sub- jects must be willing to receive all meals from the clinical researchcenter at the UM Hospital for a per- ments. iod of eight weeks. Food and clinic visits are pro- undry, vided free for all eligible participants. Call UM Lines. Department ofDermatology at763-5519. 22F0619 41 tc VISIT ANNARBOR'S only gem lab before you spend eCtc your money-needlessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prices on all engagement and wedding rings. ry, no AustinDiamond, 1209S. University. 663-7151. cFtc eCtc GUINEVERE - Gave my blue shield to The Village Apothecary for a prescription. Launcelot. cFtc 5 min- SUMMER STUDENTS! Move into the Residence nished- Hall today! Come into the Housing Information Of- erson fice, 114 Student Activities Building or call 763- 41. 3164. 93F0619 cCtc CAR OWNERS ... get a lifetime guarantee and pay less for a First Quality muffler. Call for a price over the phone 769-5913, Ann Arbor Muffler on Jack- sonAve. cFtc track. WHERE TO LIVE? We have all your housing op- ished/ tions! Housing Information Office, 1011 Student n Man- Activities Building or call 763-3164. 90F0729 cCtc RESIDENCE HALL Summer housing available now from the Housing Information Office, 1011 Student its Activities Building, telephone763-3164. 93F0619 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy quality dia- monds. Austin Diamond, 1209S. University. 663-7151. cFtc ed and INTERESTED in joining the STEVE BLOOM fan torage club? Call764-0557 for information. dF0612 ct the cCtc ANYBODY WHO fits the qualifications and is in- terested in joining the Hawaiian student organiza- tion, contact Finn Palmer at 668-6001. dF0615 fnt lHLP WANTED) ia 3rPark. 3-3641. eCtc NEED A JOB? Become a sales rep and earn com- missions for Spring and Summer terms. Call Rob at 764-0554. dHS608 FEDERAL, STATE, and Civil Service jobs now available in yourarea. Call 1-(619)-569-8304 for infor- mation. 24 hours. 97H0615 ACTIVISTS Full time paid summer positions with state's largest consumer organization. Michigan Citizen's Lobby needs outgoing people to canvas, fundraise, and cCtc petition for state-wide energy and economics issues. For interview call: 663-68240after 10:00. dHtc cJtc TYPING - ON CAMPUS Fast turn around resumes, cover letters, disserta- tions, term papers. Very professional.662-4530. cJtc Write on Editorial and Typing Services 996-M566 cJtc TRA VEL INSTANT EURAILPASSES 1 MONTH EURAIL youth pass$290,2months $370. Eurailoass 15 days $260, 21 days $330. 1, 2, 3 month available. Detroit/Frankfort charter from $439. Great PlacesTravel Consultants, 208 E. Washington, 769-1776. cP0616 language, suy skis, Frenes. AS Ages, Cal l09- 0217. 10J0612 RESUMES/COVERLETTERS CAREER DIMENSIONS 761-2458 cJtc BETTER TYPING = BETTER GRADES TYPING & WORD PROCESSING by SANDI Accurate, fast, reasonable. Papers, resumes, cover letters, theses, dissertations. 426 " 5217. cJte TONGUE-TIED? I can be eloquent. Prone to prat- tle? I'm crisp. Ex Paladin Press editor seeks non- fiction edit/rewrite assignments. $12/hr. Tom Myers 994-3676 eves. 17J0619 STEREO & TV & Air Conditioner Rentals & Service. Reasonable rates. Used TVs & stereos. Ann Arbor Radio & TV, 215 S. Ashley. 769-0342. Downtown / bl. north oftLiberty. 85JO612 BUDGET WORD PROCESSING resumes --repetitiveletters -mailing lists papers-- thesises - dissertations professional Editing Available. Quick Quill 665-6157 JOE HAMILTON - Guess what, you won two tickets to the State Theatre. Come to the Michigan Daily to pick them up. dY0612 Michigan Daily m IFor MODELS WANTED The Velet Connections Michigans newest connections magazin e is looking for Covergirl and Centerfold Models. Will pay up to $1000 if chosen. Send sample photo and information to VELVET PUBLISHERS, Inc. PO Box 28127 Detroit, MI 4822$ PHOTO DEPT. r more information call 846-0715 . :. +---- - SUBSCRIPTIONS .........764-0558 CLASSIFIEDS .............764-0557 O O Q NEWS .........:.........764-S552 SPORTS ---.--.....764-0562 - DISPLAY A DVERTISING ... 764-0554 BILLING.................764-0550 ~Jieloro43n fl4l CLASSIFl ADS!