The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, June 12, 1984 - Page 3
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EPA may cut highway funds
TON (UPI) - The Environmental restricting industrial construction permits to reduce or call a special session," said ChrisRice, and EPA
gency proposed cutting off federal high- ozone and carbon monoxide pollution in the metor- spokesman. "This is serious business."
o three countries in the Detroit area politan area. He said the proposal, to be published in the Federal
or failing to implement automobile The Michigan Legislature approved an emissions Register, will probably have a 45- to 60-day period for
sting programs. testing program in 1980, but so far has not enforced it public comment.
kland, and Macomb counties risk losing because of intense opposition by motorists in the Detroit is one of the few metropolitan areas still not
millions of dollars" if the state does not three counties. meeting emissions inspection requirements, he said.
rogram, intended to bring high pollution Under pressure by the EPA, the legislature - "Once motorists get used to the initial inconvenien-
ne with the Clean Air Act, an EPA which adjourns Thursday - is currently debating ce, the programs seem to run with little problem," he
aid. that law and another less costly program. said.
rE'S failure to comply could also mean "EITHER THE have to come up with something,
Commission discusses
state college
governing boards
LANSING (UPI) - A study com-
mission yesterday looked at possible
changes in the selection process for
board members at Michigan colleges
and universities.
Members of the Commission on the
Future of Higher Education met with
Richard Ingram, vice president of the
Association of Governing Boards of
Universities and Colleges in
Washington, to discuss the assocation's
Ingram said members of public
college governing boards should be ap-
pointed by the governor from a list of
carefully screened nominees by special
committees for each institution, also
appointed by the governor.
The AGB suggested that political par-
ty affiliation not be considered for ap-
pointment to university boards.
Currently, board members for
Michigan's three largest universities -
the University of Michigan, Michigan
State University and Wayne State
University - are the only elected
trustees and regents in the state.
While saying that college boards
should assume "buffer roles" between
the state government and their respec-
tive universities, Ingram said states
need strong presidents and strong
boards to work together to be "truly
great universities.
"We need to decide what needs to be
done so that strong leaders can be
recruited and not just selected," he
Many commissioners agreed that the
process for trustee selection needs
"It's a sorry situation," said Com-
missioner John Hannah, former MSU
president. "If you're going to elect
them, you'd better not do it at the
November election."
Sail on Associated Press
Rose Turtor stands with her hairdresser, Dante, at the site of the 50 ship
Parade of Sails in Halifax, Nova Scotia yesterday.
* State job
pro gram
In a late vote last night, the State Senate authorized fun-
ding for the Summer Youth Corps, an employment program
for unemployed 18 to 21-year-olds.
According to David Toombs, a staffer with the Senate
Labor Committee, the bill was "expected to pass' because it
was strongly supported by many people, including Labor
Department Director S. Martin Taylor.
The $17.9 million allocation for the second year of the Youth
Corps was expected to be voted on by the State House this
Kelly Rossman, acting administrator of the Youth Corps,
said additional funds might be added to the program if a
large number of people apply. Only 13,500 have applied so
far, she said, and registration ends Friday.
Rossman said the major stumbling block in getting
applicants is the lack of publicity. "It's not a front-page story
' so a lot of people don't know about it," she said, adding that
"it's difficult to promote a program that doesn't exist yet."
Last summer the Youth Corps provided 545 jobs locally,
said Kathryn Robinson of the Michigan Employment
Security Commission's Ann Arbor office. Only 63 ap-
plications have been received so far at the Ann Arbor office,
she said.
Softball players team up with the Cancer Society
The Swing for Life, a new fundraiser
for the American Cancer Society, cen-
ters around one of Ann Arbor's favorite
summer pastimes: Softball.
The event is open to men and women,
16 years or older, who play organized
league softball in Washtenaw County.
The players - collect pledges for each
time they reach base in league games
between June 17 and June 30.
"I THINK it's a great idea," said
Tom Adams, a coach whose team is in-
volved in the event. It encourages the
players to improve their personal per-
formance "and gives them incentive,
and it's for a great cause," he said.
Adams said the only members of his
team not participating are those who
will not be playing during the fun-
Adams said better publicity would
have allowed more of his players to join
the effort. "I wish they would have told
us about it a little sooner, and they
should have posted advertisements."
Both individuals and entire teams
may participate and will be eligible for
a variety of prizes based on the amount
of money raised from pledges.
PLAYERS WHO collect $25 or more
will receive a t-shirt, and those with $50
or more will get a painter's cap. With
$100 or more in donations, a player will
receive a special prize of softball
equipment donated by Wolverine Spor-
ting Goods.
Each team which enlists 100 percent
of its registered members will have its
name entered ina drawing to award the
team prize - a free team banquet. To
register, each player must donate a
minimum of $10 to the Cancer Society.
All coaches with 100% participation
by team members will geta t-shirt, and
everyone taking part in this event will
receive a certificate of appreciation
whether they collect any pledges or not.
There's also an added bonus: All
donations are tax-deductible.
People who play in the University's
I.M. Softball Program who want to get
involved should contact Gail Stewart,
the University coordinator, at 764-3209.
Any other Ann Arbor teams should call
the American Cancer Society at 668-
So far, the event is "being very well-
received, and I'm very pleased with the
results," said Deborah Bailey, the Ann
Arbor representative for the Cancer
Society. From the feedback she's