0 OPINION Page 6 0 be mitbigan ate Vol. XCIV, No. 15-S 94 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Sunday, June 10, 1984 The Michigan Daily Simpson-Mazzoli: The road to oppression 0 Hands off Stoney Burke THE ANN ARBOR police have come up with another in what appears to be a series of unique interpretations of the Constitution: The First Amendment really reads "citizens may say whatever they want as long as it meets the Ann Arbor police standards for good taste." Diag regular Stoney Burke found out this week while he was being his usually offensive self, shouting obscenities as part of his ongoing social commentary. Part of that commentary allegedly included a "fuck you" directed at an Ann Arbor police officer. The officer didn't take kindly to Burke's repeated remarks, so he arrested the self-proclaimed clown. Burke now faces charges of disturbing the public peace. Burke, though, has done nothing to disturb the public peace, especially in the Diag, no mat- ter how offensive his speech was. Part of the special character of the Diag is that someone-anyone-can get on a soapbox and shout whatever he pleases. Other Diag pundits often are far more offensive, calling passers-by whores and condemning them to hell. Perhaps the Ann Arbor Police Department has forgotten that the First Amendment protec- ts all speech, not just that speech which does not offend people. The idea was to be able to stand up and say what you had to say without worrying about being thrown in jail because the government didn't like it. Burke is used to this sort of police reaction to his antics. He said he has been arrested on similar charges "12 or 13 times," but the charges dropped each time. Earlier this week, disorderly conduct charges stemming from an incident in Detroit during the 1980 Republican National Convention were dropped. The Ann Arbor Police officer may not have thought Burke's remarks added anything to the discussion of the topics on which Burke was ex- pounding. But it is not the police's-or anyone else's-right to make that judgment. It is the Ann Arbor police which has disturbed the peace in the diag, not Stoney Burke. Unsigned editorials ap- pearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. By Charles Thomson It's quite disturbing, of course, that the House of Represen- tatives is about to consider legislation which will have us all carrying around a national iden- tification card within three years. It's just as bad that the same bill will effectively require, for the first time, U.S. citizens to have the permission of their gover- nment before takinga job. What's really galling, however, is the righteous indignation with which the supporters of the Sim- pson-Mazzoli Immigration Act react when questioned about their bill's controversial provisions. THE BILL attempts to cure what is euphemistically referred to as the "immigration problem": the flow of thousands of documented and undocumen- ted workers into the United States each year. It combines a unique and unprecedented com- bination of sanctions for em- ployers who hire illegal aliens, of- ficial documentation for all U.S. citizens, and amnesty for the illegal aliens already in the coun- try. When questioned, Simpson- Mazzoli supporters invariably start tossing words around like "good government," "bipartisan cooperation," and "complete agreement." They ask how anyone could seriously be against them. In fact, to listen to the Sim- pson gang, you'd think the bill is the best proposal to come out of Washington since the repeal of Prohibition. The idea, apparen- tly, is to so slather the thing in praise that even Carrie Nation would have to support it. Unfortunately, the reality of the Simpson bill, which will be before the full House for final ap- proval this week-is far different. If passed, the bill promises to significantly increase federal harrassment of employers, to ex- pand the potential for invasions of privacy, and to end once and for all the U.S. tradition of providing a sanctuary for the world's op- pressed. It is, in fact, a monster of a bill-tinged with economic nationalism, no small amount of racism, and an almost fanatical desire for social control. EVEN THE basic premise of the bill is fallacious. Its suppor- ters argue that the recent influx of Hispanic immigrants are driving down wages, taking away jobs from U.S. citizens, and causing a deterioration in working conditions. The argument should sound familiar: It is a carbon copy of the one used against, variously, the Irish, the Italians, the Ger- mans, the Slavs, and other ethnic groups who came to this country. The argument has a certain ap- peal, especially to politicians who would like very much to blame the nation's economic woes on something besides their own ineptitude. The problem is the theory has almost no basis in economic reality. A number of recent studies, in fact, suggest that immigration, even on a large scale, is good for the economy. Although they may initially take some jobs from American workers, immigrants in the long run create at least as many jobs as they take-maybe more. Immigrants tend to spend more of their incomes than natives, increasing the demand for goods and, ultimately, production workers. They also are much more likely to start small businesses than the native population, and small businesses are the most important source of newly created jobs in the U.S. economy. IN ORDER to solve this "problem" of immigration, the Simpson-Mazzoli bill proposes to place unprecedented federal con- trols over all U.S. citizens, not just illegal immigrants. The theory is that the only way to stop illegal immigration is to have the federal government make sure that no one is employing any of the illegals. As a result, the cornerstone of the bill is the civil and criminal penalties that will be imposed on virtually any employer who knowingly hires an illegal alien or fails to follow the bill's prescribed standards for "citizenship verification" of all employees. In the future, before you can take a job, you will have to prove to your employer that you are a U.S. citizen. At first, a driver's license, a passport, or a social security card will be enough. But after three years, things will get nasty. The president is required to establish some kind of "secure system"-most think it will be in the form of a tamper-proof card issued to all working Americans-to determine em- ployment eligibility. You will have the choice of presenting the card to each new employer or simply not working. THE SUPPORTERS of the bill swear up and down that this will not be a national identification card. They point to provisions in the Senate-passed version of the bill which purports to prohibit the government from either requiring the card to be carried on the person or using the card for general law enforcement pur- poses. But there are a couple very good reasons to be skeptical about those assurances. First, the federal government doesn't exactly have a terrific track record on matters of individual privacy and means of mass iden- tification.These are, afterall, all the same folks who brought us the social security number. The social security number, at the time it was created, was "never to be used for identification." Within a few years, that charade was over, and the number was on every driver's license, student ID, lease, credit application, bank account, and hospital record in the nation. A number of groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, forsee a similar scenario for the national "employment verification" card. SECONDLY, THE bill itself seems to create a powerful con- stituency-the nation's em- ployers-which will push for weaker controls over the iden- tification card. Under a series of U.S. Supreme Court cases, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has been given authority to raid a factory and arrest suspected illegal immigrants on the basis of "Hispanic appearan- ce" alone. If those cases continue to be good law after the passage of Simpson-Mazzoli; employers will find themselves ina very dif- ficult position. If they hire Hispanics-even if they are ab- solutely certain they are U.S. citizens-they could still face substantial harassment from INS agents. Their employees would not necessarily be able to prove themselves "eligible" for em- ployment during a INS raid, since they cannot be forced to carry their cards. Employers will respond by doing two things: Fir- st, stop hiring Hispanics, and second, write their congressper- son a letter asking that their em- ployeers be required to carry their ID's at all times. UNDERSTANDABLY, the Simpson-Mazzolli bill has drawn bitter opposition from the ACLU, a host of Hispanic rights organizations, and even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Much of the opposition, however, has gone unheard. So far, at least, the mom-and-apple- pie adulation strategy seems to have worked. Even the most virulent critics of the bill now concede that is has an excellent chance of passage if it makes it out to the House floor tomorrow as promised. Thomson is editor of the Daily's Opinion Page. 0 0 0 0 Letters and columns represent the opinions of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the at- titudes or beliefs of the Daily. 0