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June 10, 1984 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1984-06-10

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U7itbts n EUII
Ninety-four years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCIV, No. 15-S

Copyight 1984

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, June 10, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Sixteen Pages

Summer orientation kicks off

The ranks of Ann Arbor's citizens will
swell for the summer to include
bewildered tourists - the incoming
freshpersons and transfer students
taking part in the annual summer
orientation program which begins
Distinguishable by the brightly
colored folders they carry, nearly 3900
new students, in groups of about 130,
will have less than three full days to
learn their way around campus, take
placement tests, choose courses, and
register for classes. Orientation will
continue through the second week off
is voluntary, said Heidi Wilson, the
assistant director of orientation, the
students participating are usually
cooperative with the efforts of their
group leaders.
"I would say the most difficult thing is
deciding what to emphasize, to keep
them from being overloaded with in-

formation," she said. "We really have
few discipline or attendance
Soon after they are accepted, in-
coming students receive a brochure
describing the summer program and
allowing students to choose the three
most convenient dates of the entire
orientation period to attend. The fear of
closed courses has made the early
sessions popular among the freshper-
"WORD GETS out that if you don't
come in the first week you get closed
out of your classes," Wilson said.
"That's definitely not true."
As in past years, the incoming
students will be treated to a University
Activities Center dance at the Michigan
Union on their first night in town, but
first, they will inaugurate a new twist to
the orientation process - Michigamia.
Michigania introduces the students to
nine campus organizations through the
orientation version of Trivial Pursuit.
Teams visit offices set up by the groups

to gather information which they might Michigamia is "our way of showing
find useful in' their years at Michigan. students that being involved can be
"WE'RE HOPING (Michigamia) will fun."
give the organizations some exposure," Wilson said she did not think that the
said Wilson. "At least it will get studen- first night activities would create a
ts to the fourth floor (of the Union)." problem for student who wished to get
Rob Markus, co-organizer along with to bed early in preparation for tests
Pam McCann of the contest, said See NEW, Page 3
Orainwicome prepared
By DAVID VANKER leaders applaud and laugh as if that
"I'm going to ask you to kind of get in leader had acted like the stereotypical
the mindset of a freshman," says Heidi freshperson.
Wilson as she prepares her crew of THAT LEADER'S quick - but unin-
summer orientation leaders for a trial tentional - response to Wilson's
run of the scavenger hunt that begins request may be the result of the
tonight for incoming freshpersons. rigorous training program for orien-
At the same moment, one obliging tation leaders which began in February
leader accidentally spilled a large and came to an end last week with a
drink on the floor. The rest of the See TRAINING, Page 3
Leaders urge
renewal of
arms talks

From AP and UPI
LONDON - President Reagan and
his six colleagues at the economic
summit urged speedy renewal of
nuclear arms control talks yesterday,
telling the Soviet Union that the United
States is ready to bargain
"anywhere, at any time, without
Leaders of seven Democratic in-
dustrial powers ended their 10th
economic summit yesterday with
commitments to combat international
terrorism, ease East-West tensions,
promote a worldwide economic
recovery, and pledged further aid for
developing countries.

THE LEADERS of the United States,
Britain, Italy, France, West.Germany,
Japan and Canada also called for an
end to the 44-month-old war between
Iran and Iraq, saying the freedom of
navigation in the Gulf "must be respec-
"It has been a valuable, interesting
and friendly economic summit," said
British Prime Minister Margaret That-
However, remarks by the leaders at
separate news conferences showed
dissension underlying their previous
displays of unity.

Associated Press
Anti-nuclear protesters are lifted from a London street yesterday as they try
to stop traffic. The demonstrators were protesting the foreign and nuclear
policy of President Reagan, who is in London for the annual Economic

" A group of local astronomers travelled a
total of about 2,000 miles to see last month's
eclipse. See Page 2.
" Stoney Burke's arrest on the Diag last week
shows that the police don't understand the First
Amendment.See Opinion, Page 6.
" The ectoplasmic removal specialists of
Ghostbusters are an entertaining bunch. See
Arts, Page 7.
* Several Wolverine hockey players were
claimed in yesterday's professional draft. See
Sports, Page 16.
Cloudy with afternoon showers and a high in
the 80s.

$3 million satellite lost
28 minutes after launch
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - A $30 million in- ted the Centaur and the attached satellite were tum-
ternational communications satellite tumbled out of bling.
control after it was launched over the Atlantic Ocean JOHN GIBBS, Atlas-Centaur project manager, told
yesterday and NASA officials said there was no way to a news conference an hour after the failure that of-
save it. ficials don't know what went wrong.
The rocket, which was launched by a new "stret- "If we have this wrapped up in six weeks to two
ched" model of the Atlas-centaur rocket, lifted on months we'll be doing well," Gibbs said, adding that
schedule at 7:03 p.m. EDT and everything went well the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
for 23 minutes when suddenly the Centaur upper Stage would have to analyze data relayed from the rocket.
went out of control. The launch control center repor- See CAUSE, Page 14

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