joint acti
oil crisis
panic" o
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The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 8, 1984 -Page 11
Reagan seeks oil crisis plan
ON (AP) - As the leaders of seven major industrial Palace.
cies converged for their annual economic summit, The reception in the parkside palace, built in the 16th cen-
it Reagan urged U.S. allies yesterday to plan for tury by King Henry VIII, was followed by a working dinner
on in the event the Persian Gulf conflict ignites a new for the seven leaders at 10 Downing St., the prime minister's
official residence.
g to avoid what an aide described as "psychological The dinner was expected to focus on political topics, such
ver a disruption of oil supplies, the president told as the widening war between Iran and Iraq and U.S. relations
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"WE RECOGNIZE that we can act better together if faced
with such a crisis. I think we would all probably mutually
share. Other nations have reserves also."
Apparently anticipating pressure from his summit
colleagues to reduce U.S. interest rates and budget deficits,
Reagan predicted that interest rates eventually would fall,
and disputed a suggestion to the contrary by his chief White
House economist.
U.S. officials said Reagan also will seek a commitment
from the other leaders for joint action to stem international
WITH BRITISH Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as
host, the 10th annual economic summit got under way with a
reception for the leaders of the United States, Canada,
Japan, West Germany, Italy and France at St. James'
wan ne ovie unonwnic ar copeting for attention at
the summit with such economic issues as high interest rates,
budget deficits, the overvalued dollar and the debt burden of
developing countries.
Reports persisted that Iran was preparing to launch a
major ground assault in Iraq. Assistant Secretary of State
Richard Burt, who accompanied Reagan to London, told CBS
News: "We've seen signs of a major assault for some time.
But the real question is whether or not this assault is going to
erupt during the summit - going to disrupt or distort what
the discussions will be."
Burt said the foreign ministers of the seven summit
nations, also meeting here, "are keeping a close watch on the
gulf." He said the summit leaders will focus on the long-term
aspects of the situation, "mainly the energy questions, and
how we can cooperate to make sure that if the worst happens,
there won't be a very serious economic impact."
Age plagues Chemistry Building
(Continued from, Page 1)
pleted in 1949, doubled the size of the Undergraduate teaching has also University has produced more bachelor
facilities. been affected by the crowded con- degrees in chemistry than any other
THE CURRENT crowded condition ditions. college in the nation, said Lawton.
of the building has led to a careful wat- "We've had to reduce the number of And the research performed by
ch over the safety of the laboratories. required semesters of lab for general chemistry professors hasn't been
"The Chemistry Department does an chemistry from 2 semesters to 1 greatly affected by the crowded con-
excellent job in terms of safety," said semester," said Curtis. ditions, according to some profs.
Gary Monroe, an industrial hygienist "We could doa much better job if we "My research has not been defeated
for the University Occupational Safety had better facilities," said chemistry by the building," said Curtis. "But in a
and Environmental Health Depar- department chairman Arthur Ashe. couple of years ... "
tment. Despite these complaints, the
All the labs on campus are inspected
semi-annually, said Kenneth Schatzle,
manager for the Occupational Safety
and Environmental Health Depar-
tment. If there is a problem, then a
recommendation is made to correct it,
added Schatzle.
Some chemistry faculty feel that the
overcrowded conditions of the building
hinder the department's ability to at-
tract graduate students.
"The crowded conditions do hurt us
when we're tryin'g to attract graduate
students," said Lawton.
... calls for unity with allies
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claims down
WASHINGTON (AP) - First-time
claims for unemployment compen-
sation fell in late May to their lowest
level in more than a month, according
to government statistics released
The Labor Department's Em-
ployment and Training Administration,
in its unemployment insurance weekly
claims report, said approximately
347,000 Americans applied for jobless
benefits in the week ending May 26.
That total was 6,000 below the 353,000
applications placed at state em-
ployment offices in the preceding week,
which ended on May 19. It was the
second straight week of declining
The agency's figures show only how
many people sought benefits, not the
nuntber of applicants certified as
eligible for the compensation checks.
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