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June 08, 1984 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1984-06-08

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 8, 1984
Mondale calls for
unity at convention

Hart met with Democratic leaders in
Congress yesterday, seeking advice on
the future of his campaign and support
for his claim that Walter Mondale does
not have the presidential nomination
locked up.
Mondale, confident it is all over but
the convention, abandoned the cam-
paign trail for the first time in more
than five months and vacationed at the
home of a millionaire friend in posh
Southampton, N.Y.
IN WASHINGTON aides announced
that Mondale has picked longtime
political operative John Reilly, the
campaign's senior adviser, to direct the
process of selecting a vice presidential
running mate.
"Mr. Mondale intends to make this
matter his highest personal priority in
the weeks ahead," said James Johnson,
the campaign chairman.
Johnson also said Mondale would call
Hart and Jesse Jackson to express his
respect for what they have done and to
ask for their support.
"HE WANTS to do everything he can
to earn their support," Johnson said,
but will not ask either of them to drop
out of the race. He also said it is doub-
tful Mondale will meet face-to-face with
Hart arranged to meet yesterday af-
ternoon with House Speaker Thomas
O'Neil, who was expected to urge the
senator from Colorado to make peace
with Mondale and join in a unified effort
to defeat President Reagan.
Top aides to Hart said they would be
"immensely surtprised" if Mondale-
should he win the nomination - picked
the Coloradan for vice president.'
They questioned whether Hart, a
very independent individual, would ac-
cept the nomination if offered after his
bitter primary battle because he feels

. .. seeks support from Hart, Jackson
Mondale unfairly attacked his personal
commitments in several vital areas.
Hart, according to some aides, has
seemed deeply wounded by Mondale's
charges that the 47-year-old westerner
lacked a deep commitment to nuclear
disarmament, civil rights and the
Equal Rights Amendment.
Class if ieds

- Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Sakharov lives, officials tified complex after a three-day
firefight. The government said 450 ex-
say tremists were captured.
LONDON - The United States has
been told through official channels Boat capsizes, 7 drown
that Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov MIAMI - Seven Haitians drowned
is "OK," a senior administration of- and up to 12 other people, including a
ficial said yesterday. U.S. immigration ,official, were
Friends of Sakharov said the missing yesterday in waters off the
nuclear physicist and human rights coast of Haiti where a crowded
activist is in the sixth week of a sailboat capsized while being boarded
hunger strike aimed at forcing the by the Coast Guard, who came aboard
Kremlin to allow his wife to seek to check for illegal aliens.
medical treatment abroad. The Soviet The rickety 80-foot woodenvessel,
news agency Tass denied Monday carrying 70 to 80 Haitians, capsized
that he is fasting. Wednesday night about 30 miles north
Beirut peace plan halted of Haiti. Officials said the Haitians
panicked and ran to one side of the
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Parliament boat when the Coast Guard officers
yesterday postponed a vote on a
government plan to bring peace to
Lebanon, as rocket and artillery duels Flash floods destroy homes
persisted for a third straight day. A threat of a mountain mudlide
Police said five civilians died in the forcedhthe evacuation o uputs 30
fighting. fre h vcaino pt 0
Thirteen people, most of them people yesterday in the ski resort
civilians, have been killed and 30 town of Aspen, Colo., and torrential
others have been wounded since rain in Vermont set off flash floods
Parliament opened debate Tuesday which destroyed ahalf-dozen homes
on Prime Minister Rashid Karami's and cut highways and utilities.
proposals to end the nine-year civil Up to 11 inches of snow fell in the
war.Colorado Rockies and other storms in
54 killed in Gulf bombin the lower Mississippi Valley spawned
54kile i G lfbo bigs tornadoes and funnel clouds in
Iran and Iraq bombed each other's Missouri, Louisiana and Kansas.
cities yesterday and shelled border
regions, according to communiques Spending debate begins
issued by the two aides. Fifty-four WASHINGTON - The Senate
people were reported killed and Iraq opened debate yesterday on a $291
claimed it shot down an invading billion Pentagon authorization bill,
plane. with battles expected in coming days
A Liberian-registered freighter was over the MX missile, anti-satellite
rocked by an explosion, possibly weapons and President Reagan's
caused by a mine, in the southern "star wars" program.
Persian Gulf. Iran, meanwhile, A Republican leadership aide said
protested Saudi Arabia's downing of votes on the major elements in the
an Iranian jet this week, saying it ex- detailed spending plan are not expec-
pected the Saudis to "refrain from ted before next week.
any measure that may set the gulf
ablaze." Nicaraguan church site
Militia invades Indian denied
In Nicaragua, a Roman Catholic
tempe Church official said the leftist gover-
NEW DELHI, India - The bloody nment had denied the church per-
military invasion of the sacred Golden mission to rebuild the Managua
Temple in Amritsar and the death of Cathedral that was destroyed in a 1972
radical Sikh leader Jarnail Singh earthquake, and offered another site
Bhindranwale set off violent protests for construction.
and attacks yesterday in which 27 A spokesman for the Nicaraguan
people were reported killed and Roman Catholic Church's legal office
scores injured. said the Curia received a letter from
More than 250 Sikh militants and 59 Housing and Human Settlements
soldiers had been killed Wednesday Minister Miguel Ernesto Vigil saying
when a battalion of troops, backed by the government had other plans for
tank and rocket fire, invaded a for- the current site.
Member of the Associated Press
Vol. XCIV- No. 14-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sun-
day during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of
Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April-$15.50 in Ann Ar-
bor, $19.50 outside the city; May through August-$4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00
outside the city.
Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109. Business Manager .................STEVEN BLOOM
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Qhurrl 3UrI)Ip 'ErEt0e


502 East Huron., 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship 9:55 a.m.
June 10: Young Peoples' Sunday -
"The Stories of Jesus."
Childcare provided.
John Reed, Director; Janice Beck, or-
Pastor and Campus Minister, Robert
B. Wallace.
Associate Minister, Terry Ging.
at Lord of Light
801 5. Forest at Hill St.
Pastor: Galen Hora
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Postema
Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Service:
Celebration of Pentecost.
6:00 p.m. Evening Prayers.

1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday 9:30 Worship Service.
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Sunday Worship Services 9:30 and
Wednesday Night Fellowship, 8:00.
Communion at 9:30
Campus Minister - Steve Spina
320 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00.
"T.G.I.S." by Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
vadast Sundays 9:30a.m.-WNRS, 1290AM
Teevbed Mondys 8 OP. m.-Cable Chanel 9,


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