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June 03, 1984 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1984-06-03

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Ninety-four years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCIV, No. 12-S

Copyright 1984
ThMichigan Doil1y

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, June 3, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

Faber jury
Pearson of
1st degree
After a day and a half of deliberation,
a jury convicted 17-year-old Machelle
Pearson on Friday of the November 22
murder of Ann Arbor resident Nancy
The jury of six men and six women
found Pearson guilty of first-degree
murder, armed robbery, and
possession of a firearm for her role in
the shooting death of Faber.
The first-degree murder conviction
carries a mandatory life prison senten-
ce. Pearson will return to Judge Ross
Campbell's courtroom on July 6 for sen-
Judge Campbell wasted no time in
asking for the verdict when the jury
was ushered in shortly after lunch
Friday. The jury's foreman read the
verdict of guilty to all three charges.
A teary-eyed Pearson listened as the
court clerk asked each juror in turn if
they agreed to the verdict. Without
emotion, the jurors all responded in the
Prosecuting attorney William Delhey
said he agreed with the verdict in the
case which he described as filled with
"complicated issues."
Delhey said all of the evidence was
important but Pearson's statement
given to police officers on Dec. 21 was
inconsistent with her in-court testimony
and that probably harmed her case.
See PEARSON, Page 2

Papa bear DEBORAH LEWIS/Daily.
Tom Dodd, a Community High School teacher, entertains the kids at the Washtenaw Council for the Arts first annual
Teddy Bears' Party yesterday at the Kempf House, an historical home on South Division. Peter "Madcat" Ruth provided
the music which included his original tune, "The Teddy Bear Blues."
Errors doom Blue's CWS opener
By ROB POLLARD outfielder Chuck Froning had trouble picking up the ball,
Special to the Daily Mota raced home with the tying run. After a strike out, Fishel
OMAHA, Neb. - If you've ever been in a race and run out stole third and rightfielder John Bryant walked to set the
of gas just before reaching the finish line, you can relate to stage for the pivotal play in the ball game.
Michigan's finish in Friday night's 8-4 loss to Cal-State PINCH-HITTER Mike Halasz laid a bunt down the first
Fullerton. base line. First baseman Ken Hayward fired the ball to the
The Wolverines had the lead in the late innings, but lost it in plate in an attempt to nail the fleet Fishel. It appeared as
the bottom of the eighth when the Titans rallied for five though Fishel was out, but umpire Gus Steiner ruled
unearned runs to wipe out a 4-3 Michigan lead, otherwise and the Titans had the lead for good.
"WE HAD THE doggone thing in hand and we kind of let it "I asked my catcher (Rich Bair) and he said he thought he
get away from us," said coach Bud Middaugh. "You have to had him," said Middaugh. "But the umpire was right there"
play nine innings. You can't just play seven." 'YI As one might expect, Fishel's opinion differed from Bair's.
playnineinnngs.Youcan' jus ply seen."I thought I was safe," said Fishel. "But then again, I'm
The Titans did the damage in the eighth off starter Gary biased."
Wayne without hitting a ball hard. Two bunts, two walks and After walking shortstop Shane Turner, Wayne was relieved
a two-out, bases-loaded bloop double spelled the end for by Hayward. Michigan's bullpen ace ran the count to 1-2 on
Michigan. The Wolverines' poor fielding didn't help them Blaine Larker before the pesky third baseman blooped a
Second baseman Jose Mota led off the fatal eighth by base-clearing double down the right field line. The hit also
beating out a bunt. Leftfielder John Fishel then hit a ground cleared the stands of most of the 10,274 fans in attendance.
ball double down the third base line. When Wolverine See LATE, Page 11

Taubman tells grads to help 'U'

"Make no mistake about it. This school and the
community have substantial investments in each one
of you. And now as you graduate I think it only fitting
to consider how each of you will return that invest-
ment," A. Alfred Taubman told 210 Medical School
graduates Friday at Hill Auditorium.
Taubman, a local businessman and philanthropist,
spoke of a "shared commitment of mutual reinvest-
ment" between the University and the community.
He cited financial support for the University's $285
million Replacement Hospital Project as "a tangible
commitment by the larger community to support the
continued excellence of the school."
"BY ITSELF, this building is only a measure of
quality," he said. "But even more importantly, this
kind of reinvestment represents a clear signal to the

entire country that Michigan intends to be the best."
Taubman, who was originally opposed to the idea of
a new hospital for the University, was recruited by
former University President Robben Fleming in 1977
to serve on the planning committee for the hospital.
"I figured that if we couldn't convince him that it
was a good project, then we weren't going to convince
anybody else," Fleming said at the time.
Taubman also spoke of an investment relationship
between the school and this year's graduates. He
suggested returning the investment the school made
in its graduates through individual excellence in the
field of medicine, community leadership, and finan-
cial support.
"There is one very direct way for you to reinvest in
this community and this school and that is by your
See TAUBMAN, Page 3

" A 70-year-old scholarship program brings
oriental women to the University each year to
study medicine and science. See Page 3.
" Free radio advertising turned an OSU party
into a violent evening in Columbus. See
Colleges, Page5.
" Indianapolis' new pornography law is ob-
scene. See Opinion, Page 6.
" Star Trek should search for a plot, not Spock.
See Arts, Page 7.
Sunny and less humid with a high around 75.

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