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May 14, 1983 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1983-05-14

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCIII, No. 5-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, May 14, 1983 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages

of at lea
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only 19
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hiring fr

Fearing cuts, pr(
that University administrators will im-r
a plan that would eliminate the engineering
ties program has resulted in the resignationt
st four faculty members, sources close to the
A Engineering revealed.
igh the School's administrators refuse to of- program administrators have "asked and asked
confirm the reason behind the resignations, repeatedly" for replacements, but the central ad-
d that a majority of assistant professors have ministration has turned a deaf ear, Stevenson added
Meanwhile, the program has "absorbed the loss,"
79 by hiring temporary faculty, enlarging classes, and
7r, the humanties program employed 27 reducing the number of humanities electives students
ors, but due to retirements and resignations, are required to take, Stevenson said.
remain. No new full-time faculty members a
en recruited-or are expected to be-due to a LAST MONTH, the College of Engineering's Exec-
reeze. utive Committee endorsed a plan that would phase
ve lost some really good people," said out the humanities program by September. Final ap-
n chairman Dwight Stevenson. Humanities proval, however, rests with the University's

fs quit
executive officers and the Board of Regents.
The recommendation comes as no surprise to many
of the faculty members who received a warning from
the school's Dean that their jobs two years ago would
be in jeopardy.
Many professors said they were reluctant to
discuss the department's elimination because they
fear reprisals from the school administrators.
"I THINK it all began when an economist was put
into the office of the president of the University," said
a former humanities program faculty member who
refused to be identified.
"If it's just a matter of losing jobs, then I wouldn't
be concerned, but the administrators are taking the
department away from the students. (The faculty)
know best how to pass on humanistic
values," he added.

Towering inferno
Firefighters battled 100 foot flames Thursday at a fire behind a Ford Motor
Co. Plastics plant in Saline. The blaze emitted toxic fumes, which prompted
officials to evacuate 150 factory workers and 1100 neighboring residents.

Firefighting units from more than four neighboring cities, including Ann Ar-
bor, were called in to extinguish the blaze. See story, Page 3.

Admissions become big issue
By JACKIE YOUNG for admissions to combat the "rising tide of mediocrity in
Recent recommendations by several national committees education."
on eucaionto tifen ollge dmisios sandrdsmay TOUGHER admissions requirements do not guarantee a
on education to stiffen college admissions standards may higher quality student, said Cliff Sjogren, director of ad-
discriminate against minority students and increase
academic pressure, University officials said yesterday. missins.
Reprtswhih hve ritcizd te por ualty f eucaion Recent reports calling for changes in America's education
Reports which have criticized the poor quality of education system have "blitzed" the public, Sjogren said. Although the
in the U.S. have encouraged colleges to require higher scores recommendations place "much needed attention on crucial
on entrance exams. , issues," Sjogren said - any rash solution to he declining
BUT SUCH requirements will hurt minority students quality of education would have negative effects.
chances of gaining admissions to top-quality universities "Programs shouldn't be instantaneous," added Lance
because they have traditionally scored lower on the tests, Erickson associate director of admissions. "University ad-
said Dave Robinson, assistant director of admissions. ministrators should take into account the people who haven't
If fewer minority students are able to come to the had all the advantages."
University the student body will become less diverse, Robin- h thea n e s s
son said.' THE UNIVERSITY supports the reports' recommendation
The main report by the National Commission on Excellen- to increase the number of courses needed to earn a high
ce in Education, encouraged colleges to raise their standards See STIFFER, Page 4

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