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May 12, 1983 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1983-05-12

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Women profs:'U' minorfty
By LISA CRUMRINE member in a department is not unusual. There is only education, said Virginia Nordby, director of the Of-
Jan Collier, (not her real name,) fulfilled a long- one female professor in the Department of Electrical fice of Affirmative Action.
awaited dream when she joined the faculty ranks at a and Computer Engineering and there are no women "The national commitment to affirmative action
prestigious midwestern university. After one year as faculty members in either mechanical engineering or for women isn't there anymore," Nordby said. In the
the only female faculty member in the physics depar- the statistics department. past, when universities did make an effort to recruit
tment, the dream faded. Jan felt isolated from her THE COMMUNICATION department has only one women, many people criticized the special treatment
colleagues and burdened by work on committees full-time female professor and in the Medical School women were receiving, she said.
which needed female representation. the human genetics department stands alone with A recent report by the affirmative action office
The rewards became fewer and the demands in- only one female faculty member. showed an almost 9 percent drop over the past year in
creased when she had her first child. Competition for The trend continues up the ladder. There are only the number of female faculty members at the
a full professor position clashed with her respon- two female deans, Joan Stark in the School of University.
sibilities as a mother. Education and recently appointed Nursing School ALTHOUGH THE number of female full professors
AFTER being denied tenure, a year later, because Dean Rhetaugh Dumas. has stayed the same since 1982, the report showed
she did not publish enough research, Jan felt defeated Although women fill assistant positions in the that associate professors declined by 6.5 percent and
and angry. University's administration, there are no female vice an even sharper 9.8 percent decline occured in female
Situations similar to Jan's are becoming more presidents. assistant professors.
frequent at universities across the nation. THE SPARSE representation of women faculty at The decreases are disturbing, Nordby said. The
At the University being the only female faculty the University reflects a national trend in higher See WOMEN, Page 5
The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCIII, No. 4-S Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, May 12, 1983 Ten Cents Twenty Pages

Prof asks
for new
hearing on
A key faculty committee recently
made recommendations on the possible
dismissal of a University professor
charged with sexually harassing
female students.
The professor, however, has
requested a new hearing, said William
Stebbins, chairman of the Committee
on Tenure.
released the professor's name or the
nature of the harassment charges.
The hearings began last October un-
der Section 5.09 of the Regents bylaws,
which outline the procedure for faculty
dismissals. Under those guidelines, the
accused faculty member can appeal to
a faculty governing board if he or she
objects to the way the hearings were
carried out.
The faculty board will review only the
procedure followed by the tenure com-
See PROF. Page 12

Dally rnoto by DEURAH LEWIS
Flying doughnut?
The sun warms the Dodge Fountain in downtown Detroit's Hart Plaza yesterday.
Panel calls for 30% phys. ed. cut
By GEORGEA KOVANIS resources ... than those recommended by the (education
The physical education department should move out of the review panel) to assure the quality of its research and in-
School of Education and cut its budget by 30 percent, a top structional programs," the committee's report said. It also
student and faculty budget committee said yesterday. said the department should reduce its faculty from the equiv-
The committee also said the department has"historically" alent of 17 fulltime professors to 12.
been an entry port for athletes with poor academic records, With its remaining resources, the department should con-
adding that the department was not solely to blame for the centrate on its programs in exercise science and phase out its
problem. "The University as a whole should deal with the other programs in leisure studies, the committee said.
issue ... the matter should not fall to one department," the DEE EDINGTON, the department's chairman, said that
committee said. the department has been trying "for years" to emphasize
IN THE PAST, many people have blamed the department exercise science. It is the core of the department, he said.
for the admission of several athletes with poor academic A focus on exercise science, however, would not fit in well
records. Professors in the department say that if the ad- with the education school, and should be moved to a more
missions are a problem it is not solely their fault. compatible location within the University, the committee
The committee's report made no connection between the said.
budget cuts and the admission of athletes. The physical education professors have been pushing central
The cut is 17 percent less than the 47 percent reduction administrators for several years to move the department.
recommended by a panel which recently reviewed the THE BIOLOGICAL sciences division of LSA, the medical
education school. "We believe that this unit will need more See PANEL, Page 11

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