OPINIO I . . . ~ Page 6 The Michigan Daily Saturday, August 6, 1983 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 32-S 93 Years of E ditorial Freedom Managed and Edited by students of The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Never again /s / \ -- - T Sljs 11i , / t i ,Wt PE tR E tA? czgTGAPis i 8 M 4 b t 'r 4 iQ N-170/4\ i/!Ri im Hunger strikes U. S. As one reads history ... one is absolutely sickened,. not by the crimes that the wicked have committed, but By 'Mary Jo McConahay by the punishments that the good have inflicted. - A F C- - Oca Wide SAN FRANCISCO - The recession has passed for most Americans, but for many others T HE PUNISHMENT the United States it remains disturbingly evident at inflicted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, dinner time. Economic troubles Japan 38 years ago today is something all hit millions so hard - in the Americans must live with and painfully chers already are noticing what remember for the rest of this country's existen- may be debilitating health effects ce. of hunger, American-style. This hunger is less visible than We must remember the more than 200,000 the starvation which produces killed in the world's first and only emaciated adults and toddlers peopleky with distended bellies in Third atomic bomb attacks so that we never let such a World countries. Rather, it cruel event happen again. For if we do not learn results from an inability to get from history - and somehow allow nuclear enough food on the table day after holocaust to occur again - not only will we go day, is more likely to produce what the World Health down in history as the country that unleashed Organization calls "silent the world's first atomic bomb, but as the coun- malnutrition." try that failed to contain the spread of nuclear According to Dr. J. Larry war. After all, we opened the nuclear Pandora's Brown of the HarvardsSchool of box; we lit the nuclear fuse, and now it is up to us Public Health there is concern that such hunger is behind an ap- to make sure the flame is never ignited parent increase among American again. infants in the condition pediatricians call "failure to To be sure, this is no easy task - we have the thrive." In cases where pregnant weight of the world as we know it on our mothers have deficient nutrition, shoulders. But it is a responsibility we researchers suggest that it may contribute to the widening gap in automatically assumed the instant the first U.S. infant mortality rates bet- bomb on Hiroshima was dropped. ween whites and minorities. Warning signals of an impen- The burden of peace is with us because of our ding, hunger-related decline in record. The Soviet Union has never dropped America's general good health any nuclear bombs; Cuba and Nicaragua have now are sounding in several parts never dropped any nuclear bombs; China has of the country: neve drppe an nucearbombs ; only we - At Chicago's Cook County never dropped any nucleary Hospital an increase in failure-to- have. That means it is our moral responsibility thrive cases has led nutritionists to put an end to the production and deployment and volunteer staff members to of nuclear weapons throughout the world. monitor children under 2 years of age treated in the hospital's The only way to do that is to begin serious emergency room, according to arms reduction talks with the Soviet Union. So direc the study. The directo of far, the Reagan administration has failed to do protective services, Dr. Cathryn so, claiming the Soviets aren't willing to, either. Better, reports that more babies In reality, the Soviets have been no less willing seen at Cook also are suffering to talk than Washington, but even if they were it is from "water intoxication." As up to us to put pressure on them to do so. Put jamoney for food runs out, she ex- plained, some mothers try to simply, the ball is in our court. "stretch" milk and formula with No American likes knowing that his or her water. country - in only a few hours time - destroyedI more than 364,000 people were cut over 200,000 human lives. As disturbing as that from nutrition programs, in- knowledge is, however, if we learn from our cluding school breakfasts and mistakes and do everything humanly possible lunches, following federal cut- to prevent them from happening again, we can backs and policy changes, a salvage the human decency and moral integrity team monitored patients at the this country is supposed to stand for. pediatric walk-in clinic. Initial "Never again." That is what we must say to findings showed that nearly three times the normal rate of children ourselves today, tomorrow, and everyday af- aged 5 and under were in the ter. lowest fifth percentile of growth. - At the Jackson-Hinds (Coun- ty) Clinic in Mississippi, Dr. James Anderson, themedical director, says it appears local families will continue to have trouble getting food on the table. Three large local manufacturing plants in the area which closed in the last two years show no signs of reopening, and the clinic now receives patients who formerly were covered by health insurance at their place of employment. According to Anderson, the federal WIC (Women, Infants and Children supplemental food) program is a boon to those who can get it, improving birth weights and generally keeping poor infants and new mothers healthier. "Yet it doesn't reach as many as it should," says An- derson. "Out here many don't have a car or the money for gas to go and pick up the food, and now the program has cut out the slots for the outreach people to help them." - At the Pine Ridge, N.D., In- dian reservation, registered nur- se Geraldine Janis says many of the approximately 12,000 Lakota Sioux there have no employment and have become dangerously dependent on government welfare and food commodities. vet "what they get (in food stamps and commodities) generally lasts only about the fir- st two weeks. For the rest of the month they try to borrow from neighbors or do without," she says. This year Dr. Alan Trachten- berg of Pine Ridge's Indian Health Service Hospital called on the federal Centers for Disease Control to study what Trachten- berg termed an "alarming in- crease" in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, a malady which tends to be linked with poverty, in- cluding poorly nourished mothers. Janis, director of a group of 22 community health represen- tatives, says she sometimes feels she's fighting an uphill battle. "I'm afraid there's going to be a lot more hungry here this win- ter," says Janis. - After the Michigan Depar- tment of Public Health released a report this year showing the largest year-to-year increase in infant deaths since World War II, the private Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) in Washington, D.C., began to con- tact cities and states across the country to determine whether the infants trend was widespread. Initial findings in a telephone survey showed apparent rising infant mortality rates statewide in Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, Rhode Island and West Virginia. Although infant mortality dropped nationally to a rate of 11.7 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1981, in sections of Detroit it is as high as in Honduras - 33 per 1,000. Moreover, according to an administrative petition presented to Health and Human Services (HHS) Director Margaret Heckler this summer by a coalition of public interest, health and civil rights groups, the gap between infant deaths of white and minority babies is growing. The HHS assistant secretary for health, Dr. Edward N. Brandt Jr., counters that FRAC's con- clusions were based on "random fluctuations" and that because there was an overall decline in the national infant death rate, the concerns expressed in the petition were not warranted. Clinical evidence that "silent malnutrition" is a factor in the increase of such health problems is hard to come by. Yet Dr. Carol Korenbrot of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California at San Francisco says the food factor is widely believed to be a pivotal one by health professionals. "It's so commonsensical," she says, "and nobody believes it isn't true because it can't be absolutely proven." She also points to possible future learning and development problems among children who go hungry as infants. Brown of Harvard agrees. "Our knowledge of the actual im- pact of hunger on health is presently less clear than the fact of its existence," he testified before the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition this spring. Short-term measures - or bet- ter food after a lengthy period of hunger - will not solve the problem, he adds. A child's brain, says Brown, is something like a construction site. The materials. and the work crew have to be there at the same time. "If the bricks are delivered after the crew is gone," he says, "they won't become part of the building." ivkiConahay wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. I I I I I I I