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August 06, 1983 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1983-08-06

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, August 6, 1983
'U' keeps out-state
students at legal limit

(Continued from Page 1)
"We're letting the out-of-state per-
centage creep up slowly, but I would not
endorse a plan to raise it as high as 40
percent," Sjogren said.
SJOGREN SAID the University
decides on what percentage of out-of-
state students to accept by "the need
for money."
"It's a financially based decision," he
Sjogren said that the University will
not simply admit out-of-state students
without considering their academic
"We would never cut the academic
quality of incoming students for
money," he said.
"Out-of-state students have had, on
the average, consistently higher overall
skills," he added.
Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost, said,
"The University has a number of
proposals for raising the percentage of
out-of-state students, but currently has
no policy or formal limits on that per-
"Increasing the number of out-of-
state students has been proposed to of-
fset costs," he said.
BY FAR THE highest percentage of
out-state students is found in the
University's, Law School, which has

about a 50-50 ratio, according to Sue
Mims, director of academic planning
and analysis.
Each out-of-state law stadents brings
in $2,000 more in tuition money than an
in-state student.
But that high ratio in a state-
supported university has brought
about opposition from some who felt
Michigan citizens shouldn't subsidize
the education of out-of-state students.
STATE SENATOR Arthur Miller (D-
Warren) tried to require the Law
School to reduce its out-of-state
enrollment to 25 percent in June.
Miller proposed an amendment to the
state appropriations for higher
education bill calling for the Law
School to reduce its out-of-state percen-
tage, but the amendment failed.
Although the University as a whole is
keeping to the 25 percent out-of-state
figure, discussing figures such as the
Law School makes some University's
officials uncomfortable.
"It's not to the University's benefit to
continue to air in the press the Law
School's numbers," Mims said.
The University's largest unit, the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, has a 27 percent out-of-state
enrollment. Peter Steiner, dean of the
college, would not comment on the

HOURS: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
TELEPHONE: (313) 763-3164

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
July jobless rates plunge
LANSING - Michigan's adjusted unemployment rate dropped sharply
from 15.2 percent in June to 13.1 percent last month, exceeding the cautious
expectations of state government economists.
Michigan's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, while still highest
among the nation's 10 largest states and above the national rate of 9.5 per-
cent, was well below last July's 14.7 percent.
S. Martin Taylor, Director of the state Labor Department and Michigan
Employment Security Commission, said the decline was unexpected since
joblessness usually increases in July.
This year, he said, seasonal hiring gains in the construction and service in-
dustries along with a somewhat mysterious decline in the labor force helped
account for the development.
The national jobless rate, adjusted for seasonal factors, plunged a half
percentage point from June's 10 percent level, the largest one-month drop
since December 1959, as the size of the civilian work force, which includes
both people with jobs and people seeking them, remained steady.
S. Korean troops sink spy ship
SEOUL, South Korea - South Korean troops, planes, and patrol boats
sank a North Korean "spy boat" and killed four commando frogmen who
tried to land yesterday near a nuclear power plant on the southeast coast,
the Defense Ministry reported.
Gen. Lee Ki-baek, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the bodies of
the communist agents were recovered from the water, along with arms, un-
derwater diving gear, a radio transmitter, a poisoned needle and other
Lee gave no details of the sinking of the North Korean boat or the
frogmen's attempted landing, but the Yonhap news agency reported from
the Wolsong area that the landing attempt was made about 1 a.m. It gave
this account:
Marines guarding the shore detected some movement in the water 5 yards
from the beach line, alerted their superior officers, and after a few minutes
threw hand grenades and opened fire.
AT & T faces strike deadline
WASHINGTON - American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and three unions,
negotiating the year's largest labor contract, were mired in low-level sub-
committee meetings yesterday as the current pact neared expiration.
Facing a threatened strike at 12:01 a.m. EDT tomorrow by its largest
union, the Communications Workers of America, AT & T management con-
tinued to talk optimistically of prospects for a peaceful settlement.
But the leadership of the CWA sent word to its locals to brace for a
walkout. Arthur Perry, a top negotiator with the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers exclaimed: "I don't know how we got into this crisis
bargaining. But nothing's happening."
Charles Dynes, a Bell System spokesman, said, "I'm still convinced that
we're going to have a contract sometime Saturday... We're pretty sure we
know what they want, and that they know what we want. What we're trying
to do is put together a package that will satisfy both sides."
Explosions kill 20 in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Explosions rocked Lebanon's three largest cities
yesterday, killing at least 20 people, in a wave of terrorist violence that
dramatized the nation's deteriorating state of security.
The worst blast, packed in a car, occurred amid a crowd of worshippers
and children outside a mosque in the Syrian-controlled northern city of
Tripoli, killing at least 19 people and wounding 38 others, state-run Beirut
radio said.
Twelve hours later a bomb in Beirut went off inside a four-story building in
the Christian neighborhood of Ain Rumaneh, killinga 17-year-old girl, woun-
ding five people and collapsing one side of the building, the radio said.
In the southern coastal city of Sidon, a third explosion damaged a
Lebanese police station, an Israeli military spokesman said. The state-run
radio said Lebanese patrolmen who arrived at the building were fired upon
but no one was injured.
Libya backs Upper Volta coup
Upper Volta - Former Prime Minister Thomas Sankara, reportedly using
Libyan-supplied arms, overthrew Upper Volta's military government in a
bloody coup yesterday that left 13 people dead and 15 wounded.
It was the second African uprising currently reported to have the backing
of Libya's Col. Moammar Khadafy, who is also active in Chad's civil war.
The coup, which took place on the 20th anniversary of the West African
country's independence from France, came two days after the State Depar-
tment warned of "a continent-wide pattern of Libyan destabilization."
Sankara, a 35-year-old Marxist army captain who was ousted in May from
the post of prime minister and jailed by President Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo,
claimed success in staging the country's second coup in eight months.
There was shooting through much of the night Thursday, and yesterday
morning Voltans awoke to military music on the state-owned radio interrup-
ted by denunciations of the "colonialist" regime that had been deposed.


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