The Michigan Daily - Saturday, July 23, 1983 - Page 3
'U' may b4
University athletic officials are supporting a
proposal which could ban freshmen from playing
college football.
The proposal, passed by the UCLA faculty in April,
would require students to complete their freshman
year before playing in any games, in order to
establish a good academic status.
"IN GENERAL, we're in favor of the proposal,"
said University Athletic Director Don Canham.
"We've always voted against the eligibility of fresh-
men," he said.
Canham said he did not think banning freshmen
would seriously hurt the University's football team
because "we very seldom use a lot of freshmen."
Will Perry, assistant athletic director, agreed. "I
think it's a great. idea to not have freshmen
eligible ... it's very sound academically not to have
freshmen," he said.
THE UCLA FACULTY is asking its administration
e V
nch ootball players
to bring the proposal before the National Collegiate adjusted to the university."
Athletic Association (NCAA) in its January meeting. SO FAR, no formal action has been taken by1
Although UCLA has not taken any action to ban to ban freshmen from football.
freshmen from football, faculty hope to rally support In the meantime, the UCLA faculty group is
for the proposal by sending it to schools across the pting to rally support from other top unive
nation.pigt al uprtfo te o nv
aGiky racross the country. Keogh said about 200 1
Paul Gikas, faculty representative of the Univer- requesting support have been sent to all Divi
sity's Board in Conrol of Athletics, has mixed NCAA schools, including the University.
emotions about the proposal. So far, she said, the response has been pos
"I think there's a lot of support for freshmen "One of our hopes is that other schools will tak
ineligibility and there are a lot of problems," he said. same bent we're taking. There seems to be
THE PROPOSAL came about after a UCLA faculty siderable interest."
committee examined the records of football players Gikas said the proposal will be discussed b
and found that most experienced academic dif- board in September, and added "we are wait
ficulties during their freshmen years. see what the Big 1OCanference is going to do."
"The freshman year is a very demanding year," Perry thinks almost all of the Big 10 school
explained Barbara Keogh, chairperson of the UCLA support it. He said he would support making a si
academic senate, ". .. and football is very deman- provision for basketball.
ding," she added. If the proposal passes, players would be allom
Keogh said by enacting the ban, theNCAA would be stay at the University for a total of five years, p1
"providing student athletes with the opportunity to be football their last four years.
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Cheerleaders learn
pom-pon essentials
short break for lunch. Squads compete
By HALLE CZECHOWSKI against each other at night they
"Fire up, and ignite, F-I-G-H-T, let's are judged for a slick performance, en-
fight!" shouted 75 high school thusiasm, and vibrant attitudes, said
cheerleaders clad in red, white, blue, Corey Blackwell, a counselor from Ohio
and pink uniforms bouncing under State University.
yesterday's hot afternoon sun at the The camp is run by college students
University's football practice field. nationwide to help high school squads
Until Sunday cheerleaders from high polish their skills.
schools throughout Michigan will learn Many cheerleaders said they were
to perfect the art of lifting the spirits of tired of their reputations as a sideline
crowds at football and basketball "fluff show."
games. "Every one is sick of hearing that
Cheerleaders lodged in South Quad cheerleading is not a sport. I think it
Dormitory, will master at least 20 new is," said Lora Parisian, a Thurston
cheers, chants, mounting techniques senior.
and gymnastics at the 28th annual
United States Cheerlesder Association EQUALLY frustrating is the miscon-
Camps, said Diane Luxonski, camp ception that cheerleaders enjoy the
field director. craft solely to nab dates with football or
CAMPERS come dressed in mat- basketball players, said Julie Kramer,
ching outfits to compete for ribbons, a varsity cheerleader from Essexville
plaques and a chance to qualify for the Garber high school.
Grand National Cheerleading Cham-
pionships held in Lansing at the end of "We don't make cheerleading to date
the summer. the players or be with the guys. We do it
Cheerleaders from Thurston High to support our school Krammer said.
School in Redford, Michigan, said they
spent about $40 each on their coor- The few high school men spotted at
dinated outfits in addition to the $100 fee the camp reported being hassled by
for the camp. The varsity squad prac- football players for being cheerleaders.
ticed in red shorts and gray t-shirts that Orice Dennis, a cheerleader from
said "I love THS." Osbourne High School in Detroit, said
During the year, the school spends although he is occasionally hassled, he
about $500 on each of the seven Thur- usually ignores it.
ston cheerleaders for uniforms during Dennis said put a quick end to the
the season, a squad member said. razzing by football players by virtue of
CAMPERS spend from 9 a.m. until 5 his position on the school's football
p.m. in constant motion with only a team.
Hey Sailor! Daily Photo by ELIZABETH SCOTT
These stuffed dolls let it all hang out as they survey art fair beefcake from
their perch on Liberty Street. Covered in nylon, the glamourous mermaid
and bellydancer have one day left to be sold to an adventurous art fair
Artists must spend money to make money
By DAN GRANTHAM plus 3 percent of the artist's gross at the artists - she sells jewelry, which she Still, artists this year are saying the
You've been sho in around at the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair on South can pack into carry-on luggage, so she fair is worth the expense of coming -
en s University. do 't have to most say they are making money.
iart fair all Nancy o'r butray os
t day, and you're about ready y Davison, an Ann Arbor artist, h work mpay extra to transport "People seem to be more into art" than
tobuy a K-Mart picture she the' e wrs in other cities, Parker said. Ann Arbor
your said she doesn't mind paying the rent Horton and many other artists alsoan
bedroom wall - the price tags are when things get busy. "Friday night need a place to stay once they're in fair goers are here to buy, she said, in-
scaring you away. I'm glad I have a place to sit," she said, stead of attending simply for enter-
trying to take you to the cleaners, ewuldn't be out in that zoo if you paid Peter Saenger, a potter from Delaware, Horton agreed that the money she put
remember that it's expensive to par- me." and a five-year fair veteran, found a into travel wasn't wasted, as she is
reebrta tsepniet a- Davison doesn't have to worry about wyto stay out of his hosts' way int hislwsntwsessei
ticipate in an art fair, On top of the time getting to the art fair since she lives in wan tent "I cm in he bay - a having a very good year at the fair.
and money put into their creations, ar- Ann Arbor, but other artist like Kit friend's house he ad. "I'm not in the business to lose money,"
tists also incur debts just by showing up Horton from Houston, Texas, have to said.she said.
at the fair. spend a lot of time and money But for those not fortunate enough to Davison said that although she
FIRST OFF, there's rent. Artists travelling to the fair. stay with friends, finding a place to stay travels to several other art fairs in the
have to pay a fee for that little booth, HORTON SAID spent about $300 can be very expensive. Painter Jeanne area, the Ann Arbor extravaganza is
which ranges from about $130 for mem- on a flight from home, and had to rent a Parker of North Carolina said she will the most worthwhile because it's the
bers of the University Artist and Craf- car to get her from the airport to Ann spend about $175 to stay in a hotel largest one she attends. "This art fair is
tsmen's Guild on Main Street, to $70 Arbor. Horton has it easier than some during the five days she is here. worth ten of those little ones," she said.