The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 26-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, July 23, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Frye adds F Zblack prof.l toed. ea candidates By GEORGEA KOVANIS A top University official said yesterday that he neglected affirmative action goals during the first stages of a University-wide search for anew School of Education dean. University Vice President for Academic affairs and Provost Billy Frye asked education school faculty members last month to recommend tenured colleagues from the school to replace outgoing Dean Joan Stark, but no minority candidates were chosen as finalists. "IN THE PROCESS of using the poll, (of education school faculty members), I neglected to consider (af- firmative action goals)," Frye said. Although education school faculty members named some minority professors in the poll, none ranked among top finalists. Frye, who will make the final decision on a new dean, added Education School Prof. Percy Bates, who is black, to the list of candidates after several faculty members pointed out the omission. nt of South Quad yesterday. Nearly 200 energetic men Frye reassessed the education school poll and hich lasts until tomorrow. See story Page 3. Bates, the top minority candidate, was added to the See BLACK, Page 5 minority administrator In addition to recruiting more black students, the THE CURRENT programs designed to aid new administrator faces the task of trying to keep minority students have been criticized as being too them here. According to a report issued by the fragmented to make significant progress, and Frye University in May, nearly 50 percent of black un- said he hopes the new post will help bring more coor- dergraduate students drop out, compared to a 30 per- dination to the University's efforts. cent drop-out rate for white undergraduates. In addition to working with minority programs The new administrator would head up a planned such as the Coalition for the Use of Learning Skills, University council on minority student affairs, ac- the administrator will attempt tor improve minority cording to Billy Frye, vice president for academic af- students contacts with the financial aid office and s fairs and provost. counseling services. - The council will "try and better understand the Frye said the new'administrator will also work with problems minority students face on this campus," the deans of schools and colleges to improve their Frye said. See 'U', Page 7 So excited High school cheerleaders strut their stuff in fro and women are participating in the pep rally wl 'U' to hire By JACKIE YOUNG After years of declining black enrollment, the University will name a new administrator in Sep tember to make the problems of minority students a greater priority. The move is an attempt to be "more accountable and more effective" in recruiting and retaining minority students at the University, according to ! Henry Johnson, vice president for student services. ALTHOUGH minority enrollment as a whole hat remained stable over the last few years, the percen tage of black students at the University has declined from 6.9 nercent in 1977 to 5.2 percent last year. E ngin. students to pay fee for eomputer network By MICHAEL WESTON Starting this fall, Engineering students will have unlimited access to their own computer system - a privilege that will cost students $100 a term. Under a plan approved by the Univer- sity Regents last week, engineering students will put up a total of $1.1 million annually in fees added to their tuition, to help subsidize the college's, new computing system, the Computer Aided Engineering Network(CAEN). THE REMAINING funds for the system will come from private donations, general fund, and loans, Engineering Dean James Duderstadt said. He added that the school hopes to purchase much of its equipment at a discount. The college has already received a powerful $350,004 computer to be used for scientific calculations, donated by the Harris Corporation of Melbourne, Fla. Still in the planning stage, the system will help provide engineering students with access to the most modern com- puting system at any public institution in the nation, said Engineering Dean James Duderstadt. THE NEW Harris computer is just the beginning of a system the college says will help satisfy its increasing need for computer equipment and time that the Michigan Terminal System See ENGIN., Page 4 ri}"".ti:::$::: :t *,:v::i:%}: :':i.,*v: h:.:{"