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July 16, 1983 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1983-07-16

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The Michigan Daily

Vol XCIll No. 23-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, July 16, 1983

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

'U' hikes tuition 9.5%

The University Regents yesterday
skeptically approved a 9.5 percent
tuition increase, or an average of $191
per student each term, which ad-
ministrators said is necessary to keep
the University from losing ground with
other top schools.
Part of the money from the tuition in-
crease will fund a five percent salary
increase for University faculty and
staff members.
THE PROPOSAL was passed 5 to 2
following more than an hour of
discussion yesterday and comment by
three Dearborn students at Thursday's
Regents Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing)
and Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) voted
against the increase. Regent Robert
Nederlander (D-Birmingham) was not
at the meeting.

Although 9.5 percent is smaller than
last year's 15 percent tuition increase
and an even steeper 18 percent hike in
1981, several Regents said they were
concerned with the recent trend of
rising tuition.
STUDENTS have paid the price for
deep state funding cuts to the Univer-
sity since 1981. This year, however,
state appropriations to the University
increased by nine percent or $12.8
million allowing for a smaller tuition
But the state increase, was not large
enough to freeze tuition because the
University needs to increase salaries
and pay rising utility costs, said
University Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Provost Billy
A 9.5 percent hike is the smallest in-
crease possible to offer faculty mem-
See REGENTS, Page 5

Axe drops on
Nat. Resources

and Art
The fates of two schools targeted for
major budget cuts under the Univer-
sity's plan to redistribute $20 million
to "high-priority" areas were sealed at
Thursday's Regent's meeting.
The School of Natural Resources will
have its budget reduced 25 percent over
the next five years, and the School of
Art will bear an 18 percent cut.
THE CUT in the School of Natural
Resources forces the school to
eliminate the equivalent of the nine full-
time faculty positions and brings an end
to the school's programs for freshmen
and sophomores.
The School of Arts budget cut
requires the school to reduce its faculty
by 11 full-time professors.
Because neither school is facing
closure, the Regents did not vote on the
cuts, and simply accepted the Univer-
sity's recommendations.
JAMES CROWFOOT, dean of the
School of Natural Resources, said he
was happy about the program changes
the school has made as a result of the
review but lashed out against the
climate of "mistrust and bitterness" it
"The length and conduct of the
review process has been damaging to
the school, its faculty, staff and studen-
ts and I believe to the University as
well," Crowfoot told the Regents Thur-
"Reputations have been hurt, time

and other resources have been diverted
from teaching and research, and
mistrust and bitterness have been
created," he said.
"A SCHOOL that has most of its vital
processes stopped or crippled for well
over a year.. . will require time and
resources to reestablish the remaining
faculty and staff confidence in the
University and its administration," he
Nevertheless, the changes forced by
the $600,000 to $700,000 budget cut have
pushed the school in a direction that
could produce "some very exciting
results," he said.
The changes for the school include:
" Reducing the undergraduate
program to include only juniors and
Sanee r T Pc.

Goodbye Guido's
A little girl peers into the windows of the now defunct Rabbi Guidos, which
closed Monday after creditors repossessed most of the equipment. The
restaurant, which opened in January, failed because the owner Dan Russo,
wasn't prepared for a slowdown in business during the summer months, said
one employee. All 11 employees were waiting for three weeks of back pay
before the restaurant's sudden shutdown. Russo could not be reached for

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