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July 07, 1983 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1983-07-07

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. XCIII, No. 19-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, July 7, 1983

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Draft-aid law put in action

University financial aid officials heaved a sigh of re-
lief last month when a law linking student aid to draft
registration was barred by a Minnesota federal
judge. But in a surprise move last week, the U.S.
Supreme Court ordered the law into effect, leaving
the University scrambling to notify more than 10,000
students of the change.
The financial aid office is working overtime to
comply with the high court's ruling which requires all

men receiving federal financial aid after June 30, to
sign a form certifying they registered with the Selec-
tive Service, said Harvey Grotrian, the University's
financial aid director.
STUDENTS receiving federal aid this summer will
not be effected by the ruling, but male students ap-
plying for aid fall term must submit forms
verifying they registered before August 1, or they will
be denied funds, Grotrian said.
Students who aren't required to register with the
Selective Serivce, such as women or men born after

1963 must also sign the forms certifying their
ineligibility, Grotrian said.
"It is most unfortunate that the decision was made
so close to the academic year," said Grotrian. "While
it doesn't present a crisis, it does present students
with a challenge to complete the form and get it back
to the University (before the deadline)."
THE UNIVERSITY received nearly $47 million in
See RULING, Page 11

to vote
on 9.5%
Tuition should go up 9.5 percent next
year if the University's Regents ap-
prove the executive officer's recom-
mendations in their meeting next week.
For the last month University of-
ficials have said tuition would rise from
8 to 10 percent, but yesterday Vice
President for Academic Affairs and
Provost Billy Frye said "I can tell you
See 'U', Page 4

"Jack-it-up Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Tim Pendergrast, a football coach at Cornell University tries to motivate some of the high school players attending the
University's football camp, which is being conducted through Saturday. See story, Page5.

'U' workers push to drop union
the Insidetiaon fo new ntract, some mem- NEWMAN WOULD NOT comment on the dues petition or
bers of the University's service and maintenance workers the drive to decertify the union. Local 1583 has represented
union are rocking the bargaining table with a drive to dump the University's service and maintenance workers since
i1 News 6 the union, following a dues increase in May. 1968, and AFSCME has used the local's successes in its effort
we were away CBNews Nancy Wade, a stockkeeper at University stores, said she's to unionize clerical workers.
trying to get Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, at step in decer
County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) decertified signatures from 30 percent of the union's members on a
6nafter union officials ignored a petition asking for another petition stating that they no longer want AFSCME represen-
S r s vote on the dues increase. tation. Wade is optimistic that she can collect the 660
AT A UNION MEETING May 15, Wade said, about 40 signatures - "The idea of throwing them out seems to appeal
g ..es.7 workers voted down a motion that would that would have to everybody," she said.
" *id e a de.n t given AFSCME the equivalent of 14 working hours per year If she obtains the 30 percent, the petition will go to the
in dues, up from the current 12 hours. But after half the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC),
' members left, another vote was taken and the increase which would organize an election.
10 passed, Wade said. THE ELECTIONS ARE decided by a majority vote.
second Ch ance gets a rare Wade said she then sent a petition with 490 signatures to If AFSCME objected to elements in the decertification ef-
t e'ear Robert Palmer Local 1583 president Dwight Newman asking for a new vote fort, such as the way petitions were collected, a judge from
on the increase. The petition included a notice that the group MERC would decide if the vote should be taken, according to
would begin decertification efforts if AFSCME did not Burt Wicking, an administrative law judge for MERC.
ts Q respond in 10 days. Since May 20, when the union's old contract expired, the
(Sanders, basketball league That 10 day period elapsed June 29, and Wade said the union has been working on an extension of the contract. The
ome star players,.union has not responded. "Word filtered down through the University will hold bargaining sessions with the union July
stewards that they (the union officials) were just going to See WORKERS, Page11
ignore us," Wade said.
SUBSCRIBE. 764-0558

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