The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCIII, No. 14-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, June 9, 1983 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
'1W batsmen
ahead in
Series game
Special to the Daily
OMAHA, Neb. - The Michigan baseball team, on
the verge of elimination from the College World
Series, led Stanford, 3-2, at the end of five and one-
half innings at press time last night in Rosenblatt
If Michigan wins, it will face undefeated Texas
tomorrow. If the Wolverines lose, they will be
eliminated from college baseball's national cham-
pionship playoffs.
BOTH TEAMS had their ace on the mound in the
do-or-die game. Michigan coach Bud Middaugh sent
Rich Stoll (11-2) against Brian Myers (10-5). Stoll won
Michigan's first-round game against Maine, 6-5,
while Myers lost Stanford's opener, 3-1, against
Oklahoma State.
Michigan took the lead in the fifth with a two-run
rally. Rich Bair was hit by a pitch to start the inning.
Dale Sklar moved Bair to second with a sacrifice
bunt. Barry Larkin followed with a sharp single up
the middle, moving Bair to third.
Larkin was the last batter Myers faced as Stanford
coach Mark Marquess brought in reliever Jeff
Ballard. Ballard promptly gave up a double off the
sed to be ... BUT WHILE male researchers make
for Primary salaries similar to their instructional
nal faculty of counterparts, associate professors ear-
rt said, but ned 22 percent more than female
t this is cer- associate researchers, and full
at present, professors get 16 percent more than
to female equally-ranked female researchers,
according to the report.
es between Susan Kilham, a Women's Caucus
imilar rank, member who also contributed to the
ong associate report, said she feels there is "no good
es have an reason" for the salary discrepancies.
25 percent It would not cost the University any
ounterparts. money to correct the inequalities,
:htly less for Kilham said, because researcher's
h males earn- salaries come from outside sources. All
an females. See 'U', Page8
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Tonka Toys
This toy store reject keeps an eye out for a quick to ticket roving meter maid on the corner of North
Division and East Huron. Other over sized toys spent the afternoon ripping up the parking lot. Similar
construction will be going on all over Ann Arbor this summer.
Female doctoral candidates receive
less money for their research than their
male counterparts, according to a
report issued by a group of women
faculty members.
The report, released this week by the
Academic Women's Caucus, focuses on
the discrepancies between instructional
staff and primaryresearchers, who are
independently funded career scientists.
PRIMARY researchers must solicit
grants from outside the University for
their funding, but the University sets a
proposed salary limit. Instructional
faculty, however, are paid at least par-
tially by the University.
"Salary levels are suppo
the same (on the average)
Researchers and instructio
similar rank," the repo
"figures demonstrate tha
tainly not the case
especially with regard
primary researchers."
In a study of salari,
primary researchersaofar
the report showed that am(
research scientists, ral
average salary which is
higher than their female c
The discrepancy was slig
full research scientists, wit
ing only 23 percent more th
Proposed Ed. school cuts
could drop black students
By JACKIE YOUNG student enrollment at the University from 6.9 to 5.2 percent
since 1978, although overall minority enrollment has
The University's minority enrollment could drop by 3 per- remained constant.
cent, eliminating nearly 70 black students, if proposed deep The proposed cuts to the Education School would put the
cuts to the School of Education go into effect, according to a University even farther behind in its efforts to attract and
recent report by the Council for Minority Concerns. retain black students.
A key University budget committee has recommended a 40 The 21-member committee will eventually present their
percent cut to theEducation School which enrolls more black report to the University's executive officers urging them to
students than any other school on campus. The cuts would be committed to minority enrollment when recommending
nearly eliminate the school's undergraduate programs, cuts to schools.
reduce faculty by almost one-third and could cut the number THE EDUCATION School cuts are part of the University's
of minority students in the school by half. five-year plan to cut $20 million from its budget. The money
THE REPORT outlining the effects the Education School would be channeled into high-priority areas such as faculty
cuts would have on minorities, follows recent affirmative ac- salaries, graduate student aid and purchasing new equipment.
tion statistics released in May which showed a drop in black