The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 7, 1983- Page 7 Prof values rustic li est le By GEORGEA KOVANIS John Broomfield leans back in his chair and sips steaming coffee from a Styrofoam cup. Dressed in Levi's and a casual shirt the University history professor has the air of a rustic out- doorsman. Although he has championed con- troversial issues on campus such as divestment and 'research policy guidelines, Broomfield is a man who en- joys a simple lifestyle. BORN, IN New Zealand in 1935, Broomfield has a passion for rural living. He has abandoned modern con- veniences which many Americans con- sider necessities. Broomfield does not own a television or a car; he relies on Ann Arbor buses to get to his office at the University 'I always feel more alive in India than anywhere else in the world. You can't take anything for granted...because (India is) so totally different.' - John Broomfield University history professor "I sort of grew up with wholistic a matter of taking something from the views without knowing it," said Broom- family garden, he said, adding that he field who speaks with a thick New still depends on his own garden for food. Zealand accent. Cultural contrasts fascinate. Broom- IN NEW ZEALAND, eating was just field and his blue eyes light up when he describes the seven years he spent in India. "This coffee cup for example, would not be thrown away in India, it would be fashioned into something else," Broom- field said, his small frame surrounded by cluttered shelves filled with history books. "I ALWAYS feel more alive in India than anywhere else in the world. You can't take anything for gran- ted...because (India is) culturally, so totally different. The simple lifestyle in India mirrors Broomfield's habits at home. Studying American andIndian cultures provides him with some of the material for his comparative history class which he has taught for 20 years at the University. India is a land of the unexpected ac- cording to Broomfield. "You buy candy in South Asia and it is wrapped in an old exam paper," he said. "BLUEBOOKS are taken and fashioned into little bags which you buy candy and peanuts in. You can stand there and read somene's college exam." The main difference between the United States and India is that Americans consider time more impor- tant than people. "People in India will literally, if they know I'm coming, sometimes stay PROFILE away from work just to spend time with me." he explained. This is a problem when Broomfield's Indian friends visit the United States because they expect him to take off work and entertain them. HIS STUDIES in India have taught Broomfield to be open to new ideas, a lesson he tries to pass on to students. "I teach to try and change, to try and get students to at least consider my view of the world. If I'm going to have an im- pact on the way students think about their lives, I'm not going to do much of it by simply introducing a handful of students to India," he said. When Broomfield came to the University after earning his doctorate in history at the Australian National University, most students had conser- vative attitudes. Broomfield, however, was an outspoken protestor of the Viet- nam war. "At Michigan, the faculty was either ahead of the students or were partners with the students opposing the war. At most universities the students were ahead of the faculty protesting the Vietnam war," said Broomfield. There are fewer radical students on campus today which Broomfield blames on the wave of "new conser- vatism." Conservatives speak out on issues they wouldn't have dreamed of talking about in the '60s, such as backing draft registration, Broomfield said, a trend which embattled radical students. "There's a group of radical or left- radical students who understand the complexity of making a political im- pact in a way that few students or faculty did in the late '60s," Broomfield said. But there is no longer the sense of romanticism which was an important part of the anti-war movement. Profile appears every Thur- sday. University History Prof. John Broomfield has given up typical American conveniences such as owning a television and a car. Broomfield takes the bus to work every day.