OPINION 4 Page 6 The Michigan Daily Tuesday, June 7, 1983 Reagan and the 'War to End Mankind' .... Christopher POtter and communications systems. By opWhen detached from the ac- Buried deep in assorted companying mass of technical dark corners of the Pen- Jargon, these items add up to a tagon's 1984 research and single unnerving conclusion: development budget (projec- Ronald Reagan is prepared to ted cost: $26.3 million) are a commit billions of dollars to series of proposals which, the notion that we can wage - taken as a whole, are enough and win - an extended nuclear to scare the daylights out of war. the whole human race. What's more, recently Speckled throughout this leaked documents from the huge document are selective Defense Department and Ar- references to improved air- ms Control Agency frankly borne and mobile strategic state (despite Administration command centers, nuclear denials) our ambitions to explosion detectors, computer achieve a nuclear first-strike The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 13-S 93 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by students of The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board capability within ten years, with the MX missile The proposed budget's victory scenerios are hardly novel. Ever since the dawn of the Cold War, the Pentagon's armchair warriors have amused them- selves sketching and re-sketching vast, complex "what-if" scripts detailing step-by-stepprocedures for waging and winninga nuclear conflict. Previous ad- ministrations would lend a brief, bemused ear to these sweaty visions of global triumph, then serenely turn their attentions to saner matters. In 1980 Jimmy Carter doled out a few paltry millions to such doomsday schemes. Today, the Reagan Administration repor- tedly stands ready to spend up to $8 billion to transform speculative theory into apocalyp- se now. The Reagan White House and surrounding territories are packed with professional commie haters - driven ideologues who would positively love blowing the Russians to oblivion if there seemed the slightest chance our side might win the "War to End Mankind." That's the scariest aspect of Mr. Reagan's doleful presidency, which most likely still has a frightening 5 and % years to run. To his credit (or perhaps his lack of imagination), the president has generally ignored the bleatings of the far right on domestic issues, delegating authority instead to a braintrust of prudent, mainstream conser- vatives. The majority of national policy-making has been dominated by button-down pragmatists the likes of Meese, Baker, and Stockman. Not so with foreign policy. Hard-line, anti-communists like Nitze, Weinberger, and Kirk- patrick dominate our inter- national dialogue, hammering away at the "evil" enemy across the sea - an enemy who will scourge us if we display the slightest "weaknes" in resolve. Sweaty machismo rules the rhetorical roost. If America's not the toughest kid of the block then America is surely doomed. And so the misiles proliferate. It seems as if we don't even want arms limitation - it doesn't fit into our survival plans. Since the bad guys are so unmittigatedly rotten, why negotiate? Why hold a summit meeting? Why talk about anything? Instead, let's build, build, build - and once we've got enough toys to obliterate humanity ten times over, maybe then the Ruskies'll know we're not yellow. Mr. Reagan's High Noon Syn- drome reflects a fundementally and frighteningly altered ap- proach to world diplomacy. We don't talk peace at all anymore - SALT II is dead; detente is a dir- ty word. In word, if not in deed, America has become this planet's aggressor, recklessly bullying a fragile world, and ar- med with the absolute conviction of our own righteousness. Potter is a former Daily editor. Scholarly crime COPYRIGHT VIOLATORS beware. Book publishers recently have been seeking legal action against copy shops and college professors who fail to comply with copyright laws when duplicating publishers' copyrighted work for college coursepacks. Hopefully, this will force violators on this campus to finally obey the copyright laws. For far too long, many University professors and Ann Arbor copy shops inexcusably have ignored these laws. The professors and copy shops hide behind the "Fair-Use Doctrine," - a section of the 1976 Copyright Act which allows a small amount of copyrighted material tosbe copied without per- mission from the publisher - most material used in coursepacks, however, exceeds "fair use" limits. Admittedly, "fair use" provisions are un- clear and need to be clarified by our judicial system. This is no excuse, however, for professors and printers to shirk their legal responsibility, and totally disregard the law. Moreover, many professors claim that without lengthy coursepacks students will be stuck with the high cost of buying several books. This could be averted by making the copied material and the books themselves more available at University libraries. Finally, we realize that not all professors and copy shops violate copyright laws. Some copy stores, for example, are cracking down on University professors, requiring them to sign and submit written permission from publishers before copying course material. We applaud them for their efforts. Unfortunately, many professors and copy1 shops continue to break the law. By doing so, they only encourage lawsuits for themselves and the University, something we all could do without. Wasserman VF MUSTrW NO ICS- TS PoucES of TC tSlt) TA X, woMusST icti W(tl SGO) US BACK To 1110 'SPE NO ?SPEND iE NEW POUCY I SF; ND) tSEND ?oulCiOE OFTOEI PAST- 11>PUT iN PLACE LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Co ursepacks aboveboard I I To the Daily: I am writing in response to the article in the Daily ("Copy shops clamp down," Daily, May 21, 1983) about the copyright suit in New York that took place recently. I would like to address myself to anyone who may be hesitating about making or pur- chasing copies at Ann Arbor's copy shops for fear of breaking the law. The copyright laws have been in effect for many years now, and most of us are aware of their meaning. The publishers who brought suit in New York were, in my opinion, greatly overreacting to a threat of rather limited dimension. The production of course packs by a copy store in no way resembles the kind of whole sale bootlegging of plagiarized material that might pose a real threat to the publishers. The distribution of material for academic purposes by organizations other than book publishers has a long tradition - public libraries are one striking example of this. As businesses, the publishing houses in New York have a right to protect their business interests. That is why they have legal staffs sniffing out possible acts of plagiarism. On the same token, xerox businesses should not be held un- duly responsible for accepting material from their customers that might possibly be in violation of copyright laws, since there is no practical way of judging the legitimacy of a copying order. To hold copy stores responsible for the in- discretions of their customers is just another example of blaming the messenger for the message. The more blatant forms of illegal copying, such as the copying of dollar bills are so ob- vious as to not merit comment. The copyright laws themselves are vague, and repeated attemp- ts in recent years to clarify them have not really succeeded. It is unfortunate that the Daily has taken a sensationalist stance on this issue, by emphasizing that course packs might be of questionable legality, and that businesses and customers are risking imminent legal action, if they buy and sell them. Irrespon- sible journalism like this will only cause honest people to cease engaging in a perfectly legal ac- tivity and will unnecessarily take business away from Ann Arbor copy stores. As far as anyone can know at this point, the lawsuit in New York may be the last we will hear of this entire issue. After all, most of the publishing companies in the U.S. are located in New York and they were, in a sense, only protecting their own turf. I would hope, as an Ann Arbor merchant of longstanding, that students and faculty of the University will continue to patronize my and other businesses with a clear conscien- ce, and maintain the valuable service that we have performed as an educational adjunct. - Phil Zaret President, Accu-copy I 4 4