The Michigan Daily - Saturday, June 4, 1983 - Pone 7
Liberal arts majors get jobs too
ployees seem to show the same with majoring in accounting or any exposing you to a broad range of things
Q: I'm really interested in majoring potential as these older ones. other business or technical field, if you to think and explore.
In either psychology or anthropolegy, first know that that is what you want. Thus a liberal arts education is
but my father says cl never get a job if . Keep in mind also that there is more valuable for far more than the training
I do that. Is he right? chal e f g Bt l as to the world of work than just business. it might give you for a particular
majors. But there are ways to minimize Students who are not attracted to career. It actually can help you develop
A: Wit th prole publicity these days the problems you face. business and industry should explore the skills you need to examine your life
about the problems liberal arts studen- Knowing what you want and getting opportunities in education, health, and decide how you want to spend it.
...svi v et uxu svasu Irc i vu icyb.. an ecd owyuuatt0se- t
is face entering the job market, it's no
wonder your father is concerned.
There's no doubt that the liberal arts
student can have a more difficult job
search than the technically-trained
student. You should reassure your
father, however, that liberal arts
students tend to do well in the long run.
Studies done recently at AT&T show
that more employees with liberal arts
backgrounds have reached mid-
management positions there than em-
ployees with engineering or business
backgrounds. Newer liberal arts em-
relevant experience are the Keys. Cour-
sework, extracurricular activities, and
summer and part-time jobs are ex-
cellent ways to learn about what you
like, what you're good at doing, and
what in the world of work might be wor-
th pursuing. While you're exploring
possibilities this way, you'll also beget-
ting the valuable hands-on experience
you need to make you a good candidate
in the job market.
Don't forget that it is possible to take
courses in a subject without majoring
in it. A 1975 study done here at the
University and a follow-up study done
five years later at Sweet Briar College
both point out that liberal arts students
can greatly increase their em-
ployability in business simply bytaking
a couple of introductory-level courses
in business-related subjects, especially
OF COURSE, there is nothing wrong
government, science, and the rest of the
non-profit sector.
By using your college years as a way
to explore and learn about what in-
terests you instead of just using them to
train yourself for a field where you
think there will be jobs, you stand a bet-
ter chance of finding a career that will
work for you.
AFTER ALL, there is more at stake
here than simply finding an open slot
and plugging yourself into it. It is dif-
ficult to be successful in a career if
you're not happy with it and not good at
doing it, no matter how many openings
there are in it.
Figuring out where you fit in and
where you would be happy is not easy
for most of us. One of the great advan-
tages of a liberal arts education is that
it trains you in the techniques of
thinking and exploring new ideas while
Earning a living is not all there is to
life, and students who focus only on
their financial needs are selling them-
selves short. They need to look at the
bigger picture, and a liberal arts
education can be an excellent way to
learn to do that.
THOUGHT, effort, and work will be
necessary to make the transition from
school to career. But tell your father not
to fear. A liberal arts education will not
keep you from getting a job.
Lawrence works in the
University's Career Planning
and Placement office, a
department of Student Ser-
Careers will appear every
New Jersey officials police dioxin levels
NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) - Environ- Newark's Ironbound section who Vietnam War defoliant Agent Orange - barrels in the warehouse owned by
mental officials went door-to-door refused to evacuate their homes if they had migrated from a warehouse. Diamond Alkali Co., which last
yesterday, collecting dirt and air sam- could have the contents of their vacuum The tests were a prelude to a more manufactured herbicides and
ples from residents and businesses cleaners. extensive sampling program which is pesticides in 1968. The site is now owned
within three blocks of a former her- - THE RESIDENTS were only too awaiting approval from the Centers for by Marisol Inc., a chemical solvent
bicide company contaminated with happy to oblige. Disease Control in Atlanta, said Jorge firm that has not yet developed the
hazardous levels of dioxin. Officials said the dust samples would Berkowitz of the state Department of property.
Clad in business suits, ties and tran- give them an indication by Wednesday Environmental Protection.
sparent green gloves, members of the of how far the deadly chemical - a BERKOWITZ said authorities also Gov. Thomas Kean said yesterday he
field team asked homeowners in byproduct of the manufacture of the intend to sample the contents of some 300 will visit the site today.
Grand Prix
fans show
despite rain
(Continued from Page 1)
It was difficult to take a step without
running into souvenir stands selling t-
shirts, jewelry, model cars, and posters
outside the race under tents and um-
And no fair would be complete
without endless food stands, steaming
the standard fare, hot dogs, kielbasa,
nachos, and beer. None of the stands,
however, were selling the most needed
item - umbrellas. But two enterprising
Detroit high school students were
scalping Hefty garbage bags to be used
as rain gear for a mean price.
THE STROH'S TENT, a Grand Prix
favorite, located near the start/finish
line, provided a unique view of the race.
Under the tent, only a 100 feet away
from the course, patrons could hear the
cars screaming around the course, but
instead of fighting for a front row seat,
they could watch the action on a large-
screen television.
The Grand Prix is different from the
more common American style of Indy
car racing on paved tracks. The course
is on the streets and parking lots of the
Racing fans who missed yesterday's
free day will have to' pay full ticket
prices, ranging from $15 (for general
admission) to $100 (for a deluxe photo
pass) to watch the race.
QUrriiI r0Iip 'EtPUIE0
502 East Huron, 663-9376
10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship. Child care
is provided.
11:00 a.m.-Church School. Classes
for all ages. Class for undergraduates.
Class for graduates and faculty.
Choir Thursday 7:15 p.m., John Reed,
director; Janice Beck, organist.
Ministry Assistants: Marlene Francis,
Terry Ging, Barbara Griffen, Jerry
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
by Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors:
Rose McLean and Carol Bennington.
(The Campus Ministry
of the LCA-ALC-AELC)
Galen Hora, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St. 668-7622
Worship Sunday at 10:30a.m.
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Reverend Don Postema
10:00 a.m. Service of Holy Com-
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship.
Wednesday, 10:00 p.m. Evening
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus/Career Fellowship Coor-
dinator: Steve Spina.
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee House-10:30 social hall.
Wednesday p.m.
8:00-Allelous (Christian
Fellowship), French Room.
8:30-Study/Discussion Groups
9:30-Holy Communion, sanctuary.
632 N. Fourth Ave.
Rev. Avery Dumas Jr., Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:45 Morning Worship.
7:00 p.m. Evening service.
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m.
For rides call761-1530.
1511 Washtenaw between Hill and South
Sunday Service 9:30 a.m.
Sunday morning' Bible Study
following service.
Wednesdays: Volleyball at 7 p.m. and
Bible Study at 9 p.m.
CALL 764-0557