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June 02, 1983 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1983-06-02

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCIII, No. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, June 2, 1983 Ten Cents Twenty Pages

Union leade
Lansing today
properly cond
University cler
The Michiga
of State, Coun
ME), Jim Jarn
charges were,
could result in
national union
wages and ben
1,216 vote, ag

Union cries foul play
By JAYNE HENDEL were challenged by AFSCME, the University, and the The almost even split makes the challenge votes
rs said they will file a complaint in Michigan Employment Relations -Commission key in determining whether University clericals will.
y charging that state officials im- (MERC). be represented by AFSCME.
lucted last week's vote to unionize If AFSCME hadn't filed a complaint, a formal Those secretaries whose ballots were challenged
ricals and secretaries. hearing scheduled for next week, would have deter- may be ineligible to vote under MERC guidelines if
n Director of the American Federation mined the outcome of the vote. their jobs include any supervisory duties. There were
ty and Municipal Employees (AFSC- A judge in MERC's office in Lansing will hear the 186 ballots which were challenged during the three-
mer, would not say yesterday what the case and decide if a new vote should be scheduled, day vote last week, but 47 were resolved ina meeting
but state officials said the objection said Shlomo Sperka, MERC director. 'of AFSCME, the University and MERC, and the
a new vote. UNDER MERC guidelines both sides have five eligible votes were counted in the election.
University clericals will have the working days to file complaints before the vote is THE NATIONAL union has campaigned on campus
n represent them in bargaining for final. The University however, has no plans to file an since September, spending nearly $100,000 trying to
efits is undecided. Last week's 1,217 to objection, said Jim Thiry, University personnel gain University clericals' support said AFSCME of-
ainst the union left 139 ballots which director. ficials.

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Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Shake it
Tom Easthope, associate vice president for student services, wiggles along with a belly-dancer, the surprise guest at his
birthday celebration at the 'U' Club yesterday.
)nthe Ins ide **
Pnie.Hearings begin for
.ocal News ......" " e
The familyrofeiain civil rights re stration resister
ryL k.rThe istYsss 1fase ci ,II s-lKst

to World
For the third time in four years the
Michigan baseball team has been in-
vited to that most exclusive of college
parties - the College World Series in
The Wolverines invite was no freebie,
however. Coach Bud Middaugh's blue
bombers paid their dues by winning the
Mideast Regional at Fisher Stadium
last weekend. Michigan's first game is
against East Regional champion Maine
(29-14) at 6:10 p.m. on Saturday. The
game will be nationally televised on
ESPN, though it will be tape-delayed
until midnight on Saturday.
ALTHOUGH 10 of Michigan's 22
regulars have been to Omaha before,
Middaugh still expects a few sweaty
palms and knotted stomachs before the
first pitch.
"It's an impressive situation," said
the fourth-year coach.s"Everygame
gets big headlines in the newspapers,
just like the (Detroit) Tigers do here.
It's very easy to get swallowed up by it
But when you talk to the players you
wonder who will swallow whom. After
Sunday's victory over Morehead State
to clinch the Regional, the players were
reserved but quietly confident of suc-
cess in the upcoming World Series.
OUR TEAM is gelling, we're
peaking," said co-captain and leading
hitter Rich Bair. "I'd like to think we'll
continue to peak up ioto Omaha and
through it."
Pitching ace Rich Stoll was more
direct in his observations: "We've got a
See ON, Page 20

Hearings began in a federal court last
week in an attempt to dismiss charges
againat Daniel Rutt, the first Michigan
man indicted for failing to register for
the draft.
U.S. District Court Judge Philip Pratt
could rule as early as this week on one
of four motions to drop charges against
Rutt, a 21-year-old graduate of Hope
College in Holland, Michigan.
THE MOTION heard last Thursday
asks that the charges against Rutt be
dismissed because his right to freedom
of religion is being denied.
Rutt is a Methodist, but his parents
are former members of the Mennonite

faith, which advocates pacifist beliefs.
Rutt cannot be classified as a conscien-
tious objector under the current
system, which does not give men an op-
portunity to register as objectors before
they are drafted.
Rutt was indicted for refusing to
register for the draft by a federal grand,
jury in January 1980. If he loses on all
of the motions for dismissal, the case
will probably come to trial in late
summer, said defense attorney James
Lafferty of the American Civil Liber-
ties Union.
RUTT FACES a five-year prison sen-
tence and a $10,000 fine if he loses the
See DECISION, Page 2

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