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May 26, 1983 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1983-05-26

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, May 26, 1983- Page 3
' ' aid can't bait students

In the race to nab top-notch students
nationwide the University can't count
on slick financial aid packages for bait
that competing schools use.
Leading universities which have
poured money into financial aid
programs and merit scholarships to at-
tract high quality students are stealing
potential applicants from the Univer-
ALTHOUGH the University is one of
the leaders among public institutions in
providing financial aid to Michigan
residents, it is losing hold of the out-of-
state student market, said Jim Zim-
merman, associate director of financial
aid. (See related story.)
An out-of-state student at the Univer-
sity who receives financial aid on the
average comes up $2,500 to $3,000 short
of paying tuition costs. Other schools
are able to fully subsidize students.
Private institutions have an edge
over the University because they
at union
Almost 100 University secretaries
and clericals who cast ballots in the
past two days in a vote to unionize,
discovered they may be ineligible to
vote, union officials said.
To ensure that ineligible workers did
not cast ballots, polling officials
checked every voter's name with a
computerized list supplied by the
University which was later edited by
both University and union officials.
ALTHOUGH it is standard union
voting procedure to verify an em-
ployee's status, some University
secretaries and clericals said they
See CLERICAL, Page 17
A rborla

receive the majority of their financial
aid funds from alternative sources and
do not rely solely on state or federal
For example, the University receives
less than $1 million from sources out-
side the state or federal government
such as alumni contributions, while
Stanford University receives more than
$6 million from outside sources.
THE UNIVERSITY is trying to in-
crease funding from outside sources,
said University Financial Aid Director
Harvey Grotrian, but meanwhile
rising tuition and less financial aid for
out-of state students has increased the
competition with other leading
Competition for qualified minority
students is especially fierce, Grotrian
said. The University's black student
enrollment has consistently declined in
the past six years according to a report
by the office of Affirmative Action

Michigan residents to
get more financial aid

Threats from the federal gover-
nment to cut or eliminate major
student aid programs will not go into
effect this fall and financial aid of-
ficials saidthe outlook for Michigan
residents is positive.
"There are positive signs that the
University would be able to meet the
(financial) need of more in-state
students and award more students
this year than in 1982-83," said Har-
vey Grotrian, University director of
financial aid.
THIS IS a sharp change from the
past three years when both in-state
. , ;

and out-of-state students have faced
delays and deept cuts in federal
financial aid programs which forced
them to find outside sources to pay
education costs.
Grotrian predicts that this fall the
financial aid office will be able to
provide in-state students with com-
plete packages because of an in-
crease in work study funds. Far
fewer students will have to turn to
alternative sources, such as guaran-
teed student loans, to help pay
education costs, he said.
This fall students will be "more
See FEDERAL, Page 7

University employees Marlene Allen (left) and Marie Schatz use their lunch hour to tell fellow secretaries and clericals
to vote "no" to AFSCME unionization, at the Michigan League yesterday.
nd promises big bargains

It looks like Briarwood Mall will have some com-
petion for student money next fall, when a local
shopping center will offer similar quality goods at
cheaper prices.
The Arborland shopping center, located on
Washtenaw between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, is
changing its format from a traditional shopping mall
to an "off price" retail center.
THE MALL WILL include stores offering name
brand items at discount prices, such as TJ Maxx, Hit
or Miss, and F & M Distributors, according to Ar-
borland Area Manager Steve Bowden.
"This is the most progressive form of retailing
that's happening right now," he said.
Arborland was sold to Melvin Simon & Associates,

Inc. of Indianapolis, Ind. last month after it ran into
financial problems. Arborland has consistently had
trouble competing with Briarwood Mall, said Jim
Lee, vice president for development at Melvin &
ARBORLAND WILL not close completely during
the remodelling that begins next week, because some
stores will stay in the mall. One of Arborland's major
stores, Montgomery Ward, has already closed and an
other, Crowley's, is scheduled to shut its doors Satur-
The remodelled center will be the first of its kind in
Michigan, Lee said. The company already owns two
similar shopping malls in Indiana. .
Although the type of stores planned for Arborland
will have similar quality merchandise that other
department and retail stores have, the prices will be

lower because the center will pay less overhead and
maintenance costs, Lee said.
"THERE IS less emphasis on decor and fancy
treatment," he said. "The purpose is to give value
and bargain to customers."
Lee said Arborland's location was one of the
deciding factors in the move to buy the ailing mall,
because it is close enough to Ypsilanti, Detroit, and
Ann Arbor to get business from all three cities.
The center is also easily accesible to students
through public transportation, Bowden said, adding
that the low prices will attract a large student clien-
tele. "This kind of retailing is ideal for college
students," he said.
Bowden said there are not firm plans yet as to what
stores will be in the center, but mall owners hope
to open some stores by fall and are planning a
grand opening next spring.

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