he Michigan Daily
Vol. XCIII, No. 10-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, May 26, 1983 Ten Cents Twenty Pages
a.'~ FLrw , 4 DIiner goes
Like a worn out pair of tennis shoes, the Fleet-
wood Diner, Ann Arbor's best late-night greasy
spoon, couldn't hold up any longer. The 36-year-old
restaurant, which has scrambled eggs for
everyone from street people to University
professors, declared bankruptcy this week.
- The diner has six months to reorganize and
( propose a plan to pay off their debts under Chapter
11 .of federal bankruptcy laws, but in the mean-
time the Fleetwood's doors are temporarily
"WE HOPE to preserve the place and its
9 image," said a tearful Kay Dumsick yesterday,
owner of the Fleetwood. "It's a place where
everyone from street people to business men are
welcome, and everyone can find friends there."
Daily Photo by ELIZABETH SCOTT The Fleetwood owes the Internal Revenue Ser-
Kay Dumsick, owner of Ann Arbor's famed Fleetwood Diner, laments the closing of her business. The Fleetwood, vice a large amount of back taxes, but Dumsick
along with Bimbo's and Central Cafe, has closed its doors because of financial problems. Dumsick hopes to reopen would not estimate how much. The IRS penalized
the diner under federal court guidelines by early June. din ith a te s t s ar
dition to the unpaid tsxes, she said.
See FLEETWOOD, Page 17
EMU president calls for inquiry
By MIKE WILKINSON "No free institution in this vestigate how the decision was made.
country should cooperate with Porter, who was not involved in making the
CThe presidend C ra Easterh Michoriginal decision, said that the release of information
The president of Eastern Michigan University said a government whose aims and "could be an embarrassment to the university if we
yesterday the school will investigate its decision to indeed
release information on its students from Iran to the objectives are contrary to our ine did not follow channels."
of uticeandacadmic "I'M ASSUMING our people acted in good faith,"
Iranian government. system of ustice and academic Porter said. "If they did, then it is not an em-
Controversy surrounding the information's release " barrassment."
- which some say directly violates a federal sta- -State Sen. Jack Faxon EMU officials have said they released the informa-.
tute - prompted the inquiry. (D-Southfield) tion partially because they felt it would help students
WHEN STATE Senator Jack Faxon (D-Southfield) who are Iranian nationals obtain financial aid, which
learned about the April 27 decision to release names President John Porter expressing concern and they need to keep their student status and remain in
and addresses to the Iranian government through the requesting a response from the school the United States.
Algerian embassy, he sent a telegram to EMU As a result, Porter announced the school would in- See IRANIAN, Page 7
On the Inside Ai~ e Sexp~
Page~ii~ Attorneys. exvpect ruling
Local News ....... 3
University clericals are "
ehallenged for identification at A1F
ti"4 F..w in Liuzzo family lawsuit
OpinIon" .. .. ... .. .. 6 By GEORGEA KOVANIS
e Uniersity needs a serious A decision in the $2 million case of slain Detroit civil rights Highway 80 when several shots were fired from a car
Commitment to improve ha ck worker Viola Liuzzo is expected to be handed down today in carrying three Ku Klux Klansmen and FBI Klan informant
student enrollment. Ann Arbor's Federal District Court following more than a Gary Thomas Rowe.
month of deliberation, according to Liuzzo family attorneys. During testimony in March, formerKlansmen Collie Leroy
oleges . ."The decision is in its final stages as of this afternoon," at- Wilkins and Eugene Thomas accused Rowe of firing the fatal
Sarahtorney J. Jeffrey Long said yesterday. "But if (the judge) shot. In a videotaped deposition, Rowe accused Wilkins of
sudts adte has some major changes to make, he may take it home with being the triggerman.
d.him and review it tonight," Long added. THE CIVIL SUIT, however, contends that the FBI knew in
Arts .............. 9 FILED IN 1979 by Luizzo's five children, the lawsuit advance that the Klansmen were likely to commit violent ac-
ong lines for Star stars addicts charges the FBI with negligence in the March 25, 1965 ts, but did not intervene in order to protect Rowe's "cover."
ysterday at the opening of fteturn shooting of their mother which occurred while she was Wilkins, Thomas, and a third Klansman William Eaton
of the Jedi. driving a black civil rights worker from Montgomery to were convicted on federal charges of conspiracy to violate
S t19 Selma, Alabama following the famous Selma-Montgomery Liuzzo's civil rights. Wilkins and Thomas served almost six
fare on . .... i.l. r Voting Rights March. years of their 10-year sentence. Eaton died before sentencing
A ar -r-' M g 't d The 39-year-old white housewife drove along deserted U.S. See ATTORNEYS, Page 13