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May 12, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-12

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 12, 1982-Page 3
Alleged arsonist to undergo tests
By GEORGE ADAMS fession to the crimes is unconstitutional because of the Keller and Abdullah Al-Hosan, two friends of Arroyo,
unorthodox circumstances under which it was taken, testified that Arroyo told them he lit the fire because
Alleged Economics Building arsonist Arthur According to Prosecuting Attorney William people in the economics department were writing
Arroyo will undergo tests to determine his criminal Delhey, Arroyo's arresting officer, Ann Arbor Police papers endorsing President Reagan's economic
competence and legal responsibility after being Detective Craig Roderick, testified that Arroyo ad- policies.
arraigned in Washtenaw County Circuit Court mitted during the plane ride back from San Diego, POWELL ADMITTED that "even if we prevail on
yesterday on counts of breaking and entering and of where Arroyo was arrested in February, that he the confession, we face some formidable obstacles
arson committed both crimes. because of his friends' testimony."
Arroyo, a former University employee, is charged POWELL SAID he will "investigate the circum- -Arroyo stood mute to the charges of breaking and
with breaking into the Economics Building last stances under which the confession was taken" and entering and of arson, which carry maximum
Thanksgiving to steal a typewriter and setting fire to will "put the constitutionality of the confession in penalties of ten and 20 year prison sentences, respec-
the 125-year-old structure on Christmas Eve front of a judge as soon as I can." tively, and Judge William Ager entered a plea of not
PUBLIC DEFENDER Lloyd Powell said Arroyo The state has a very strong case against Arroyo, guilty for him.
will now be sent to the State Center for Forensic Delhey said. "Even without the confession," he said, Ager set a pre-trial date of June 9 and a trial date of
Psychiatry in Ypsilanti for tests to determine "I think we have enough evidence in the testimony of July 12. Judge Henry Conlin will preside over the pre-.
whether or not he was temporarily insane at the time his (Arroyo's) friends to convict him on both trial and trial.
of either or both crimes. charges." Ager upheld the $25,000 bond for each charge,
Powell said he may try to prove that Arroyo's con- At the pre-trial examination last week, Roger which was set at the pre-trial examination.
SState official
-V joins debate
r~ aon drunk driving

LANSING (UPI) - The state's drug
abuse chief waded into the debate over
drunk driving yesterday, contending
stepped up enforcement and efforts to
alter drinking habits would be more ef-
fective than stiff, mandatory sentences.
Kenneth Eaton made the comments
at a news conference called to outline
the initial recommendations of his of-
fice of substance abuse services and the
state office of highway safety planning.
THOSE recommendations which
adopt a significantly softer line than
many current legislative proposals,
remain subject to review by a special
Task Force on Drunk Driving.
That task force, named by Gov.

William Milliken, will hold hearings on
the issue across the state.
WITH organizations like Mothers
Against Drunk Driving applying inten-
sifying pressure the issue has become
one of the hottest in the capitol.
Numerous packages of legislation have
been introduced in each chamber and
legislative committees have been con-
ducting their own hearings.
Many of these packages contain
penalties for drunk drivers, responding
to charges that tipsy motorists too often
go free and even those involved in fatal
accidents frequently escape severe

Proposed city budget
creates controversy

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
High and dry
Graduate school dropout turned window washer Alan Toth perches
precariously while cleaning up at the corner of State and Liberty. Toth, who
now runs a window washing business, rises to new heights every day.
CIIM to receive grant

The University's Center for Robotics
and Integrated Manufacturing has
learned it will receive at least part of a
$7.2 million funding request made to the
Air Force, although the amount of the
grant has not been set, CRIM director
Daniel Atkins said yesterday.
"It sounds like we're not going to get
the full $7.2 million request," Atkins, an
engineering professor, said. The large
number of colleges that applied for Air
Force technological research grants
this year willimit the-amount given to

the University, Atkins said.
CRIM expects to find out at the end of
the summer what areas of the research
proposal will be included in the grant
and how much money will be involved,
Atkins said.
"It's a two-phased process," Atkins
said. After the Air Force director of
electronics and solid state sciences
Thomas Walsh makes technical
judgments on, the CRIM proposal,
Walsh and the Air Force's contracts
department will determine the
specifics of the grant, he added.

The proposed 1982-83 budget for the
city of Ann Arbor, released this week,
has stirred up a great deal of con-
troversy, much of which is unnecessary
according to city officials.
The controversy centers around the
1981-82 budget's estimated $2.6 million
surplus. Residents crammed the Ann
Arbor City Council meeting room Mon-
day night to offer suggestions on how to
spend the extra money.
ALL OF THE surplus, however, can-
not be spent, said Assistant Ad-
ministrator for Budget Services Donald
"We have a surplus. We can't touch
it, but we have a surplus," Ayres said.
"The surplus represents cash, invest-
ments, and accounts receivable, so not
all of it is useable."
Ayers added that the city must keepa
steady surplus of more than $1 million
to avoid cash-flow problems. ,. . , -.
'AYERS SAID the large surplus was'

not unusual. The city ran a $2.2 million
surplus in the 1980-81 fiscal year, and
expects a $2.1 million surplus for next
"Since the surplus for 1980-81 was
$2,208,929, the actual operating surplus
for this year is an estimated $408,829,
not almost $3 million," Ayers said.
The new budget also eliminates 23
full-time positions from the city's
payrolls. City Administrator Terry
Sprenkel said the staff reductions could
be made without sacrificing any city
services because of "a number of ef-
ficiency measures" taken over the last
two years.
The police department, set to lose
seven people, will be hardest hit with
staff cuts. The fire department will lose
four employees, and most other depar-
tments will lose one or two staff mem-
bers. Only the city administrator's of-
fice will increase its staff next year.
The proposd bpdgetfor al pnits of
the city totals to roughly $56 million, up
$4. millioofrom.tse curreat budget,, I' .

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