The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 60-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 12, 1982
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Headlee, Blanchard contest set
From staff and wire reports
State voters will face a classic partisan political
confrontation this November in the Michigan guber-
natorial race.
Richard Headlee, surprise winner of Tuesday's
Republican primary, is well-known and well-liked in
The final results of the 18th District state
Senate primary as well as a recap of
Tuesday's events at the gubernatorial
candidates' election headquarters is
featured on Page 3.
the Michigan business community, while Democratic
winner James Blanchard has from the early stages of
the campaign enjoyed the unified support of
organized labor.
HEADLEE'Svictory was a defeat for the retiring
Gov. William Milliken, who has consistently run and
won as a GOP moderate. About 25 percent of
Michigan's 5.5 million registered voters went to the
The governor made no secret of his misgivings
dpring an impromptu Capitol news conference, while
Headlee admitted he and the governor are not exac-
tly blood brothers.
While Blanchard has been typed as the union can-
didate, it was apparent the four-term congressman
will try to avoid being pigeonholed. His first
scheduled campaign event was a noon meeting with a
blue chip business advisory council.
BLANCHARD'S primary victory was decisive and
With 99 percent of all precincts reporting, he had
405,758 votes or 50 percent in a crowded, seven man
His closest rival, 1978 Democraticnominee William
Fitzgerald, was a distant second with 137,491 or 17
percent. Fitzgerald's strategy was to attack Blan-
chard from the right as the creation of union
WASHTENAW County voters differed considerably
from the rest of the state, giving Ann Arbor state Sen.
Edward Pierce a county-wide victory by more than
1,500 votes over Blanchard. Pierce gathered 39 per-
cent of the county vote, while Blanchard garnered 30
percent, in an election that only saw 20 percent of the
county's registered voters turning out.
Headlee's victory was narrow compared to Blan-
chard's margin.
He garnered 219,737 votes or 34 percent, compared
with 194,172 or 30 percent for Brickley. Oakland Coun-
ty Prosecutor L. Brooks Patterson was' third and
See HEADLEE, Page 3
REPUBLICAN RICHARD Headlee exults yesterday
after his narrow gubernatorial primary victory.
Ann Arbor I
to question
suspect in
Hoping to finally close the files on the
1980 "Sunday morning slasher" mur-
ders of three Ann Arbor women, Ann
Arbor Police have sent two detectives
and the Washtenaw County Prosecuting
Attorney to Houston, Texas to in-
terrogate a suspect there.
Coral Eugene Watts, a 28-year-old ex-
Detroiter who confessed to the slayings
of nine Houston women, has offered to
help authorities solve as many as 33 un-
solved killings stretching from Canada
to Texas.
According to Maj. Walter Hawkins of
the Ann Arbor Police Department,
'Detectives Lt. Dale Heath, Staff Sgt.
Paul Bunton, and Washtenaw County
Prosecutor William Delhey are in
Houston, possibly to offer immunity to
all charges stemming from the Ann Ar-
bor killings in exchange for information
about the deaths.
WATTS implicated himself in as
many as 22 murders, and had offered to
help authorities solve the crimes in ex-
change for a plea-bargained 60-year
sentence on a burglary charge.
Texas State District Judge Doug
Shaver yesterday accepted the plea-
See LOCAL, Page 2
Doily Photo by MARK GINDIN
BABY Lucille, a 65-pound basset hound, is the unofficial mascot of ABC's Wide World of Sports and is widely recognized
from her appearances on Olympic game telecasts.
Doggone! Baby Lucille's a star
By FANNIE WEINSTEIN World of Sports" show. when a friend told him of a sign he
"SHE HAS 900 aunts and uncles on seen in a Lake George, New Yoi
Recognized by her long, flappy ears ABC alone," he said. supermarket, offeringa basset houn
and fine coat of hair, she is anything Although she spends most of the According to Miller, an admitt
but a typical female celebrity. But time guarding the network's trucks, basset hound lover from Lake Placi
then again, Baby Lucille is a 65-pound Lucille has also appeared in front of the Lucille had already been throug
basset hound. camera, he said. several owners.
According to her owner Jim Miller, "She's a super dog in the studio," "I took her from rags ... I made he
a freelance television production Miller said. "She's very good on famous," he explained.
worker, Lucille has become the unof- camera."
ficial mascot of the network's "Wide MILLER TEAMED un with Lucille See BABY, Page5
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