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August 10, 1982 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1982-08-10

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 10, 1982-Page 11



Detroit reactivates pitcher Wilcox
DETROIT (AP)- The Detroit Tigers signed free agent Tom Rowe to a one- with you if he failed to appear," she told
esterday restored right-hander Milt year National Hockey League contract. Dardis. "He'd come in. He might be in
ilcox to their active roster, but the Rowe, 26, has played all or part of pieces, but he'd come in." NEW YORK (AP)- Califo
merican League baseball club said it seven seasons in the NHL. Last season, GABLE SAID she had not read Angels third baseman Doug DeCir
uncertain when he will be back in the he played 21 games with Hartford and Reese's first-person story on drugs in who drilled eight home runs last %
arting rotation. six with Washington, scoring five goals. the National Football League that has been named American Lei
The club also optioned right-hander THE 6-FOOT, 190-pound right wing "gave rise to all this hoop-de-la" and Player of the Week, the League
ave Gumpert to the Tiger's AA farm: also played in 34 games last season for didn't plan to before the hearing. nounced yesterday.
tam, the Birmingham Barons of the. Hershey of the American Hockey Reese, who served a year in the Dade
outhern League, to make room for League, scoring 17 goals and 17 assists. County stockade with Crowder, could - DeCinces went 12-for-24 last
Vilcox on the roster, Tigers General His best season was in 1978-79 when go back to prison if found guilty of while hitting his homers, inclu
Manager Jim Campbell said. he scored 31 goals and added 30 assists violating the probation which, three against Seattle on Sun
Wilcox was placed on the disabled list for the Washington Capitols. He also ironically, ends today. Prosecutors DeCinces now has two three-ho
uly 19 because of a sore right shoulder. compiled 137 penalty minutes that year. have said they wouldn't have been able games this season, only the secon
[e had compiled a 6-6 season record In 1980-81, he tallied 13 goals and 28 to bring the charges if publication of the player ever to accomplish the feat.
ith an ERA of 3.84. assists while chalking up 190 penalty story had been delayed by two months.
Gumpert was called up to the major minutes for the Hartford Whalers. Reese, who later played for New Tda
ragues on July 23. He appeared in five No terms of Rowe's contract with Orleans and San Diego, is accused of had a pair of three-homer game
agmesn hu pitche justtw inns ine Detroit were announced. possessing cocaine while in the 1957.
tames, but pitched just two innings in stockade, using the narcotic after his
ital and posted a 27.000 ERA. Troubled life of Don Reese rst ad using henti aes L Player of Week
release and heing present in places NL .ae
.ions' Towle retires MIAMI (AP)- A Dade County circuit where illegal drugs were used. Crowder NEW YORK (AP)- San Franci
PONTIAC (AP)- Detroit Lion judge, telling Don Reese she didn't has no connection to this case and Reggie Smith, who batted .560
nebacker Steve Towle, suffering from know him "from a hole in the ground,'' earlier issued a statement that he helped the Giants win seven str,
recurring injury, announced yester sterday ordered the former pro foot- hadn't used drugs since the arrest. games, has heen named Nat
ay that he was retiring from ball player to report to a private detec- Since the story was published, Reese League Player of the Week, the le
rofessional football. tive twice a day while awaiting an Aug. has completed a drug rehabilitation said yesterday.
Towle, 29, came to Detroit last season- 31 hearing on charges that he violated program. His attorney entered a denial
rom the Miami Dolphins, where he had - his drug-trafficking probation. of the charges yesterday. Siith went 14 for 25 with t
een a standout for much of his six- Reese, who admitted his cocaine ad- Reese, who lives in suburban Atlanta, homers and seven runs batted in
eason career there as well as a team diction in a June14 Sports Illustrated provoked a warning from the judge had six straight hits and extender
aptain for the National Football cover story, was released to the custody when he asked who would pay for the hitting streak to 11 games.
eague club. of Martin Dardis a former investi atr telenhone calls to Dardis. -

d AL
d Sox
es in
. He
d his

THE 6-FOOT-2, 230-pound graduate
of the University of Kansas, was draf-
ted in 1975 by Miami and plans to be a
sports representative for U.S. Tobacco,
a position he has held for the past three
years with the chewing tobacco and
cigarette manufacturer.
Towle suffered a groin muscle pull
last season and did not see any action.
He reinjured it during summer training
The Lions yesterday also released a
player, free agent linebacker Jim Sz-
czepaniuk from Northern Michigan,
leaving Detroit with 74 players in camp.
The Lions have nine linebackers in
summer camp.
Red Wings sign Rowe
DETROIT (AP)- The Detroit Red
Wings yesterday announced they had

VLM l111L lLI, a g11111YD1dV
for the state attorney's office here, until
the hearing. Reese could face up to 29
years in prison if convicted of violating
CIRCUIT JUDGE Ellen Morphonios
Gable ordered Reese, convicted of
cocaine dealing in 1977 with former
Miami Dolphins teammate Randy
Crowder, to telephone Dardis twice a
day with his whereabouts, activities
and plans. She asked Dardis to update
prosecutors twice weekly.
"I love the Dolphins. I'm a Dolphins
fan. But I don't know you from a hole in
the ground," Gable told Reese at an in-
formal arraignment. But she added
that she had known Dardis for years,
and trusted him to keep track of Reese.
"If he thinks he's in trouble with the
court system now, I don't think he has
any idea what kind of trouble he'd have

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AP Photo
CALIFORNIA ANGEL Doug DeCinces rounds third base after clouting the
second of his three home runs in Sunday night's game against Seattle.
DeCinces three-homer night was his second of the season, only the second
time in major league history that a player has had two three-homer games in
a season.

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