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August 10, 1982 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1982-08-10

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 10, 1982-Page 3
Women in office
Numbers have tripled in just seven years

raising brochure of the Women's Cam-
paign Fund claims that men run
America. If that's true, it is less true
than it once was and after November it
is likely to be a little further from the
After the elections, four women may
sit in the U.S. Senate where there have
never been more than two at any time.
And women may govern two states
previously run only by men.
"EVENTUALLY I think we're going,
to get a Congress that looks like the
country," says Ann Lewis, political
director of the Democratic National
Committee, the first woman to hold so
high a post in the inner workings of
Japan a
U.S. 1ifei

either poli
is still min
total of 5,
fice; five;
almost trig
Ten yea:
the state 1
the mayor
or more:
percent of
state legis
But the
a third of
s f

tical party.
s role in governing America
nimal, but growing. In 1975, a
765 women held elective of-
years later, the number had
pled to 16,136.
rs ago, only two percent of the
of Congress, five percent of
egislators and one percent of
s in America were women.
percentages have all doubled
Women now constitute four
f Congress, 12 percent of the
slatures, eight percent of the
picture in uneven. More than
the women elected to state
es in 1980 were in seven
dents met with a Chrysler
arketing representative in
ridayand noted after their
1 Japanese factories make
se of automation and robots.
aid the students were worried
w they would be accepted by
s. But the students said they
treated very well by all their
E COMING to Michigan, the
toured the semi-conducter in-
ar San Jose, Calif., the oil in-
Houston, and the manufac-
cca of Chicago.
dent, Satoru Fukauda, said he
ressed by the diversity of
people and their lifestyles.
an," he commented, "there is
rogeneity. People think more
ople here are very different,
on is unique." This uniformity
however, is slowly beginning
e,he added.
HER student, Toru Ogawa,
erican education is more
ed. In Japan,ahe explained, the
study broader areas and
ee WEALTH, Page 4

states-New Hampshire, Maine,
Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Con-
necticut and Vermont.
In the legislatures of Pennsylvania
and five Southern states-Mississippi,
Louisians, Alabama, Arkansas and
Tennessee-women hold less than five
percent of the seats.
Nonetheless, women who earn their
livings in politics say they sense that
women are going to play an ever-larger
role in governing the country.
LEWIS THINKS an anti-government
mood that first helped Jimmy Carter
and then helped Ronald Reagan now is
going to help women.
"If people think political institutions
aren't working in their interests, they

think, 'These men don't care about
what I think or how I live,' " she says.
"A woman candidate is a little more
likely to know what-real life is like. Just
like you, she's a bit of an outsider. To a
voter, that can be attractive."
There once was a prejudice against
electing women candidates.
"WE SAW in 1980 the crumbling of
that sort of attitude in a lot of places in
the country and I can't think of any
area where it's a big problem now,"
says Nancy Sinnott, executive director
of the Republican Congressional Cam-
paign Committee.
Rugh Mandel, director of the Center
See NUMBER, Page 5

The stun
Everthing Americans have is - in a Corp. ma
word - BIG. From their houses to Detroit F
their cars to the highways on which visit that
they drive, Americans are accustomed greater us
to a deluxe lifestyle. Shore sa
That's the conclusion drawn by 12 about how
Japanese college students who swept American
through Ann Arbor last weekend on their had been
cross-country educational tour of hosts.
American industry. BEFOR
THE STUDENTS, who are members students t
of AIESEC, an international student dustry ne
business and economics club, said they dustry in
couldn't understand why Americans turing me
still are hooked on big, luxury cars. One stud
More accustomed to smaller, fuel- was impr
efficient Toyotas and Nissans, the American
Japanese students also noted the dif-
ference between their country's "In Jap
narrow, crowded roads and America's more hom
wide and lengthy highways. alike. Pe
Karen Shore, a University business each pers
school undergraduate who hosted the in Japan,
foreign students on their visit to the to change
area, said she was impressed with the ANOTH
students' eagerness to learn, said Am
"THEY HAVE tons of questions and specializ
are very curious," said Shore, director students
of projects for the University's AIESEC S
budget at

Sea breezes
One of man's oldest methods of transportation becomes fun as the skill of a
local windsurfer is put to the test at Gallup Park on the Huron River.

AFTON, Okla. (AP)- Budget balancing fervor
swept the nation's governors yesterday, but they
quickly parted company on how and when to achieve
that goal.
A majority of speakers at a closed meeting of the
National Governors' Association supported amen-
ding the Constitution to requiure a balanced federal
budget, according to several governors, but there
were strong reservations over the proposal before
Congress and backed by President Reagan.
SEVERAL governors were seeking support for
sending Congress a message to "keep it simple" in an
amendment it might approve and send to the states
for ratification.
A few governors strongly opposed amending the
Constitution while others questioned whether an
amendment, which would take years to be put into af-
fect if approved, was the way to deal with current
soaring deficits.
Every governor who commented after their two-
hour closed discussion of the budget amendment ex-

pressed dedication to balanced budgets.
"I'm very much in factor of balancing the budget,"
said Gov. Scott Matheson of Utah, a Democrat who
will take over as chairman of the association at the
close of this session.
"I don't like this amendment," he added, "and,
frankly, I would like to do it another way than with a
constitutional amendment."
Michigan's governor, William Milliken, said an
amendment for balancing the budget "is not sound
public policy," and added that "the answer really is
for a responsive and responsible Congress to make
the tough hard, politically courageous decisions to
bring that budget back into balance in a period of
GOV. BRUCE Babbitt of Arizona, another
Democrat, said there was widespread agreement
among governors that "the present proposal is
needlessly complex and holds out an invitation to the
courts to become the arbiters of the budget process."

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