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August 07, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-08-07

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 7, 1982-Page 3
Hiroshima rally draws hundreds

LANSING (UPI)- Up to 350 people gathered
yesterday at a Michigan Capitol "Remember
Hiroshima" rally to call for a halt in the nuclear arms
race between the United States and the Soviet Union.
The rally, among the first to draw together
spokesmen from Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and
eastern religions, was held on the 37th anniversary of
the American atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan,
in World War II.
POLICE estimated the crowd at between 200 and
250, but rally organizers later said up to 100 more
people may have been scattered over the Capitol
lawn and gathered under shade trees on the hot, sun-
ny day.
Also working the crowd were Democratic can-
didates for governor Sen. Edward Pierce (D-Ann Ar-

bor), East Lansing attorney Zolton Ferency, and to live," Rev. Royal Synwolt, the presi
Democratic congressional hopeful Robert Carr. Michigan Council of Churches, told the cro
"I know there were a lot of people representing a Synwolt, who said war "is an institution
whole lot of other people," said Sister Arteth Platte, a and nurtured by greedy, diabolical people
Catholic nun who serves as a Saginaw city council rally-goers to put pressure on political
woman. "stop this madness, madness, madness."
SHE SAID peace groups from throughout the state Several speakers mentioned the U.S
were represented at the rally. Sister Platte and other Re reeti es otethenday bo
organizers noted several similar demonstrations a nuclear freeze resolution and supportir
were being held at the same time elsewhere in the nate measure hacked by President Reaga
state, including a vigil at the site of the proposed ELF The vote in the House was not as disc
submarine radio communications system in the Up- chimighto the RabbinicaComrssion
per eninulaHe called the tally "very close" and saidv
"I am here today because I love life and I want to Hp additional prere n semer
live. You are here because you love life and you want apply additional pressure in November.
the sources
of acid rain

dent of the
n that is fed
leaders to
. House of
re opposing
ig an alter-
ouraging as
onrad, past.
of Detroit.
voters could.

Acid rain has the capability of tur-
ning an entire lake into a clear, lifeless
puddle. To prevent that from hap-
pening, the University, among other
research centers, studies the
phenomenon, traces it to its origins,
and tries to ultimately find a cure.
The University is one of eight resear-
ch centers in the nation under contract
to the Environmental Protection Agen-
cy (EPA) charged with tracing the
origins of acid rain, said Assistant Prof.
Perry Samson at the atmospheric and
oceanic sciences department.
SAMSON explained that acid rain is
created when dry acidic particles mix
with water and fall on land areas not
basic enough to neutralize the acid. The
particles seep through the soil into a
watersheed to bodies of water.
"The lakes (affected by acid rain)
are clear lakes, and they are dead.
They are clear because there is no
algae or fish," Samson said.
"Generally, the sources (of acid
rains) are electric power facilities,"
Samson said.
POWER PLANTS burn materials for
fuel that give off acidic particles, Sam-
son said. The particles sometimes enter
the upper atmosphere and travel up to
hundreds of miles away before they
come to the ground, either in

precipitation or from their own weight.
Finding the source of the acid,
however, does not mean that the
problem can be solved, Samson said,
because much of acid rain's effects are
due to interactions with other substan-
"We need to understand a little more
about how these interactions occur,"
Samson said, before acid rain can be
Private industry, though a source of
acid rain, also is helping solve the
problem, Samson said. "Our funding is
a fifty-fifty split between industry and
government sources," he said.
"There are some very, very thoughtful
people in industry who are interested in
this research."
SAMSON SAID that Ann 'Arbor does
not have the acid rain problem because
the soil has enough limestone, a basic
substance, to neutralize the acid. But,
he added, it is a problem in the Adiron-
dacks and lower Canada.
Samson said he recently applied for a
three-month grant from EPA to study
acid rain, but he said that it may be the
last grant for some time.
"We've had some trouble with EPA,
and they are having some internal
trouble," Samson said. "I probably
won't apply to the EPA for funding until
the administration changes."

Balancing act
Juggling three balls at once is a neat trick, but try doing it while straddling
two suspended ropes. Tim Ivory demonstrates the proper technique in front
of Angell Hall yesterday.

Ameriean Red
Cross makes
effort to assist
vietims in

In an effort to aid victims of war-torn Lebanon, the
Washtenaw County chapter of the American Red
Cross has raised $700 through a local fund drive, ac-
cording to chapter director Wes McKenzie.
The drive, which will continue through August 13, is
part of the Red Cross' nationwide Lebanon Relief
"THE MONEY received from contributions will be
used for the supplies they need and for continuing
their economy," McKenzie said.
Among these supplies, he added, are blankets, cots,
and medical equipment.
McKenzie said donations are being sent from this
country to the Red Cross international center in
Geneva, Switzerland, and are then forwarded to
ACCORDING TO Red Cross figures, the number of
civilians in need of assistance is still on the rise, but is
expected to level off at about 200,000..

Presently, almost 100 Red Cross surgeons, nurses,
and public health experts are working with victims in
the hardest hit areas of Lebanon, including Bekaa
Valley and west Beirut.
McKenzie said Red Cross assistance is distributed
on a non-discriminatory basis and is available to all
who require aid.
"ANYONE WHO is affected, we try to assist. We
pick no particular people," he said. "The Red Cross is
neutral in its entire regard to the war. Politically, we
do not take any side and we will help anyone who
needs it."
In addition to money, members of Ann Arbor's
Lebanese community as well as other citizens have
donated blood for the relief operation, McKenzie said.
He added, however, that although requests for
blood have come from European and other Middle
Eastern countries, the Red Cross has yet to receive
blood requests from Lebanon.
"We feel'if you can't give money, you can con-
tribute by giving blood to be used here for local use,"
McKenzie said.

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