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August 06, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-08-06

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The MWichigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 56-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 6, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Eckstein: Senate bid worth paycut

This is the third in a four-part,
series profiling the Democratic can-
didates running for the 18th District
state Senate seat. The primary elec-
tion will be held next Tuesday.
Why would a successful economist
want to take a pay cut and enter the
state legislature at a time when so
many problems plague Michigan? That
is the question Peter Eckstein has been
asked repeatedly since he announced
plans to run for the 18th District state
Senate seat.
Eckstein, however, says he feels that
now is a good time to become involved
in state government. He thinks there
currently is an opportunity to try in-
novative solutions to the state's
pressing problems.
"THERE ARE chances to address
real problems and to do things that
would have- been unthinkable three
years ago," Eckstein said recently.
"You can do them now because you

have to do them now."
Presently an economist and research
director for the United Auto Workers,
and formerly an economics teacher at
the University of Michigan and Western
Michigan University, Eckstein would
like to widen the state's economic base
by expanding its energy-extraction
equipment industry.
Eckstein's plan includes increasing
production of deep-drilling equipment
for oil and natural gas, equipment to
convert coal into natural gas, and even
wind and solar energy equipment.
"THOSE THINGS are machinery of
the sort we are very accustomed to
making in Michigan," he said. "We've
got the people who know how to take a
sheet or a rod of metal and convert it in-
to a machine."
"I would like to see us use those
unemployed resources, those empty
factories and unemployed workers and
try to push them back to work making
hardware for the energy industry," he
See ECKSTEIN, Page 5

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
PETER ECKSTEIN, 18th District state Senate candidate, advocates expan-
ding the state's energy equipment industry.

U.S. asks Israel to retreat

From The AssociatedPress
Thousands of panicky families fled west Beirut
yesterday and the United States stepped up efforts to
evacuate the PLO. Israeli jets flew mock divebom-
bing raids and tanks dug in near guerrilla camps at
the start of the third month of the invasion.
The Reagan administration, apparently shifting its
policy for a cease-fire in place, called on Israel to
surrendr the military gains it won in Wednesday's
fierce tank assaults and retreat to the truce lines that
existed Sunday.
THE ISRAELI Cabinet appeared to reject that
request yesterday night and declared that Israeli for-
ces would continue to return fire when shot at by
Palestinian guerrillas in west Beirut. The Cabinet
flatly rejected a United Nations call for U.N. cease-
fire observers in the Lebanese capital.
The Cabinet warned the PLO that "Israel's respon-
se to the violations of the cease-fires is inevitable."
While making no specific reference to President
Reagan's demand for an absolute cease-fire in
Beirut, the Cabinet accused the PLO of violating all
10 cease-fires imposed since the Israeli invasion.
THE CABINET also appeared to reject a U.N.
Security Council demand to relinquish the parts of
west Beirut its forces seized Wednesday.
It said the deployment of Israeli forces would be
negotiated "on the principle that all foreign forces
will leave the sovereign territory of Lebanon." That

referred to the PLO guerrillas and Syrian troops.
Reagan's appeal for Israeli withdrawal from the
territory gained yesterday, came amid conflicting
reports on the possibility of American sanctions
against Israel and on the prospects for a diplomatic
solution to the crisis.
Secretary of State George Shultz reportedly told
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday
that the administration is not about to level penalties
against Israel and that PLO evacuation of the
Lebanese capital remains a U.S. goal.
On Wednesday, President Reagan called on Prime
Minister Menachem Begin to maintain a "strict
cease-fire in place" that would permit U.S. special
envoy Philip Habib to negotiate a Palestine
Liberation Organization withdrawal from the embat-
tled city.
IN HIS CLOSED, 90-minute session yesterday with
the Senate committee, Shultz read from Reagan's let-
ter to the Israeli leader, suggesting that it would not
be hard to draw a conclusion that U.S. weapons were
used improperly in the Israeli assault, congressional
sources said.
Shultz also told the committee that an agreement
on how the guerrillas would quit Beirut was not in
sight, said the sources, who asked not to be identified.
Reagan's message to Begin made no reference to a
date for an Israeli withdrawal, leaving the im-
See U.S., Page 10
te freeze Coughlin said later he had inadverten-
.RT talks tly voted for the wrong measure the fir-
way with st time.
Rep. Ron Paul, (R-Tex.), made a
upporters motion to kill the legislation by sending
ounded in it back to committee, but that was
argin see- defeated 229-175.
he closing THE VOTE, coming a week after the
House approved the largest defense
when Rep. budget in history, marked a victory for
switched President Reagan's efforts to head off a
freeze to congressional summons that he said
ubstitute. See NUCLEAR, Page 2

AN ISRAELI SOLDIER runs through the outskirts
of west Beirut as Israeli jets continued mock
divebombing raids and tanks entrenched them-
selves near PLO guerrilla camps.
ousesetback fo
freeze mov
"* President R
calling upo
nuclearnuclear we
By a vote
"f out the free
for debat

GTON (AP) - In a major
r the grassroots nuclear.
vement and a victory for ,
Reagan, the House narrowly
a resolution last night
n the superpowers to halt
testing and deployment of
of 204-202, the House threw
eze resolution and accepted
e the language of a
n-sponsored substitute
The Republican proposal

avoids mention of an immedia
and instead supports the STA
on nuclear arms now under'
the Soviets in Geneva.
SHOUTS FROM freeze s
and opponents alternately res
the House chamber as the m
sawed back and forth during t
minutes of voting.
The crucial moment camev
Lawrence Coughlin, (R-Pa.),
his vote from support of the
support for the Republican st

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