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August 05, 1982 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1982-08-05

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The Michigan Daily

Thursday, August 5, 1982

Page 7

-A selection of campusJilm Ihighli)
Gates of Heaven
(Errol Morris, 1979)
No, this isn't the $40 million dollar
western, this is the much, much
cheaper, and much, much funnier
pet-cemetery documentary. (Wer-
ner Herzog once told Morris that if
Morris ever stopped talking about
movies and actually made one, he
would eat his shoe. After Gates of
Heaven won much critical acclaim,
Herzog stewed his Australian
walking boots for several hours and
ate them in front of a startled crowd
attending the movie. And now you
know . . the rest of the story.)
(Thursday, August 5; Lorch Hall,

Those Who Can't
(Lawrence Kasdan)
This short film was made by Kasdan
when he was a student here. "Those
who can-do; those who can't.. '."It
is both a documentary about a
venerable professor and a mar-
velous jab at education. Kasdan's
first real movie, Body Heat, com-
pletes the double bill. (Saturday,
August7; MLB 3, 7:15, 9:30).
The Blues Brothers
(John Landis, 1980)
After the enormous success of
Animal House, Landis got the choice
assignment of directing the Blues
Brothers in their one and only
movie. The result is less than suc-
cessful. At times dull, at times trite,
and often times both, the film lacks
any real rhythm. James Brown, Ray
Charles, and Cab Calloway all pitch
in to help but it never comes
together to form the quintessential
blues movie. Plenty of car crashes,
though; The Blue Brothers show a
complete disregard for American
automobiles. (Saturday, August 7;
Lorch Hall, 7:00, 9:30).

Black Sheep

company closes
after 3. years
By setting, somewhere where the peopl
y ou Fintor would not ordinarily have a chance t
A S THE CURTAIN fell on the enjoy theater," he added.
Manchester-based Creative Acting The CAC is the second Ann Arbo
Company's summer production of area acting company to leave the are,
Vaudeville! this weekend, a three-year this summer. The Canterbury Loft'
Vaudele thisg week-pesna tee- Stage Company left for Chicago at th
struggle to hring semi-professional en- end of June.
tertainment to the rural community According to Henning, members o
faded away. the company tried several technique
For almost three years the company for dealing with the budget crunch in
has attempted to stay ahead of hills, cluding advertising cuthacks, workini
pay salaries, and generate public sup- without pay, and performing buildini
port, but skyrocketing inflation, maintenance tasks themselves.
declining audiences, and maintenance "We've even had to shut off the ho
costs for the 116-year old Black Sheep water," Henning said.
Reperatory Theatre building have Tatersoingisas
finally taken their tollThe theater's closing is also expecte
"It's really a heartbreak," said Matt to affect husiness at the Black Sheel
Thornton, the company's artistic direc- Tavern, a nearhy restaurant that ha
tor and sometime playwright, "people traditionally been a popular after
just don't have the hucks to see theater theater watering hole.
jto t Tavern manager Chris Hoover (whc
today." owns both the theater and restauran
According to Thornton, the company buildings) said he is currently
will now go on the road-contracting for negotiating with several small actin
limited engagements-n an effort to companies in an attempt to get the
remainingitact theater going again.
The feeling is that we don't intend to "The theater may only be dark one
let the theater company die," said Tim weekend," Hoover said. "It's beena
Henning, one of the actors. "We're put- struggle financially for both of us."
ting high quality theater in a small town


On The Waterfront Breaker Morant
(Elia Kazan, 1954) (Bruce Beresford, 1979)
Excellent acting forms the backbone
Along with Streetcar Named Desire, to this involving, absorbing movie.
this is definitive Brando. Waterfront Officers court-martialed for
corruption is neatly dealt a lethal executing prisoners during the Boer
blow, while Brando looms larger War are discovered to have been
than life. Including Casablanca, obeying orders. Based on a true in-
Waterfront has some of the most cident, Morant is directed with
memorized dialogue in moviedom. crystal clear understanding and
(Friday, August 6; Lorch Hall, empathy. (Saturday, August 7;
7:30). Auditorium A, 7:30,9:30).
-compiled by Richard Campbell -
Lookig at a sex
HOLLYWOOD (AP)- There were
many photographs of Marilyn Monroe,
but two stand out. One launched her
career. The other may have cost the
star her marriage to Joe DiMaggio.
She posed for the first when she was a
broke, aspiring actress. It was a nude
for a calendar.
Jet Fore, a publicist at 20th Century-
Fox in 1946 when Marilyn Monroe was
placed under contract at $125 a week,
recalls the reaction when his boss lear-
ned of her naked past.
"THIS WILL ruin the studio!" the
man cried. "We've got three of her pic-
tures in the can."
Fore says it was a shock, "because in
those days no famous actress had ex-
posed her breasts."
Tom Kelly, the photographer, says he
spent 10 years trying to live down the
picture "because I didn't want to be
known as a nudie photographer."
Revelation of the calendar in 1952
helped make Marilyn the hottest star in
movies. Despite the publicity chief's
initial shock and dire prediction, the
public responded sympathetically when
she explained why she had posed.
AMERICAN males responded with
enthusiasm, and the Playboy centerfold
of the calendar made Marilyn the pinup.
of the Korean War.
"Marilyn came along at just the right
time; the brink of the sexual
revolution," said Fore. ONE OF MARILYN Monroe's most fa
The other famous photo is among the tress was filming a scene from "The
See PHOTOS, Page 10 photograph may have cost Monroe her


THURS., FRI-7:0, 9:10 (R)
6:00 P.M.

( )
THURS, FRI-7:40, 9:55

amous pnotograpns, vaaen wanie ce-a
Seven Year Itch" in Manhattan. The
r marriage to Joe DiMaggio.

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