The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, August4, 1982-Page 5 SANDINISTAN GOVERNMENT MEETS INCREASING OPPOSITION Unrest grows in Nicaragua MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)- Three years after the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship, opposition to Nicaragua's Sandinista leadership is growing, and the few dissident leaders left in the country say the government is becoming isolated and unpopular. The Sandinista National Liberation Front, which deposed Anastasio Somoza in July 1979, has not called for elections and a state of emergency has been in ef- fect for five months. , THE GOVERNMENT says the emergency is justified by a threat from the United States. "The political space has been reduced gradually while the repression increases," said Adan Fletes, president of the Christian Democratic Party. . His party still has a representative on the, legislative State Council, but the 47-member body's power has been abrogated for the most part by the Sandinistas. Fletes says many party youth leaders have been arrested and held incomunicado without charges since the state of emergency began. NICARAGUA is ruled by a three-member San- dinista-appointed junta-Daniel Ortega, Sergio Ramirez and Rafael Cordova. Ortega also is on the nine-member Sandinista directorate, which foreign analysts say functions as a government by commit- tee. "We feel we are moving towards a Marxist- Leninist concept of government," said Reynaldo Hernandez, national president of the Superior Coun- cil of Private Enterprise, the equivalent of the cham- ber of commerce. He and other leaders of the organization were jailed earlier this year for criticizing the gover- nment's economic policies, a violation of the social and economic emergency laws. THE SANDINISTA National Liberation Front's lef- tist politics, close friendship with Cuba and other socialist countries and its strong support of leftist guerrillas'in neighboring El Salvador have created many enemies at home. They have also earned the antagonism of the United States. The state of emergency, which suspends many in- dividual and press rights, has been extended through the end of the year to combat, the government says, the "systematic aggression of the coun- terrevolutionaries." SANDINISTA leaders acknowledge the existence of domestic opposition, but they insist their most serious problem is the United States, which they ac- cuse of supporting armed rightist exiles who frequen- tly attack the Nicaraguan army from bases in neigh- boring Honduras. "We are willing to discuss all issues with the United States," Ramirez said in a recent interview. "But our main concern is the safety of our borders and a U.S. commitment that it will not sponsor any attacks against us." While whipping up nationalistic fervor against alleged U.S.-sponsored attacks, the Sandinistas also are seeking an agreement with the United States that would open talks on an estimated $2.5 billion foreign debt. They have paid a token sum to show good faith. Anti-rape committee to post city maps (Continued from Page1) tion committee, who originally planned and constructed the maps. The group is composed of representatives from the police department, the University, MSA, and the community. It is chaired by Ann Arbor City Councilmember Lowell Peterson. Peterson said the rape prevention group was formed last year "to serve asa network of people who are active in the field." The construction of sexual assault maps is only one of the projects the group is planning, he said. "We are -in the process of putting together an ordinance to require proper locks in rental buildings to avoid break- MAHON ins," Peterson said. Other projects in- clude compiling data about the relation between victim and assailant prior to a sexual assault and making information on rape available in libraries, he ex- plained. Daily Photo by DOUG Mc Horticultural lesson A local mother and daughter team explore the city's sidewalk gardens this week. Pollack fights (ContinuedfromPage 1)' advocates developing new industry that could take advantage of the already existing economic base. IT IS NOT an unusual platform in a time when the state's economy seems strapped to the same rollercoaster as the automobile industry, but Pollack has some unique ideas on how to achieve this diversification. "One of the best things we can look at is the production of heavy machinery for energy extraction," says Pollack. "We need to be manufacturing another product area that has a national and an international demand, just like the automobile did." A second part of Pollack's vision for economic redevelopment involves the establishment of a small business base, which she says includes ventures into high technology. "EIGHTY percent of the new jobs in the last ten years have come from small businesses," said Pollack. "We need to offer a climate and incentives for small business and to realize that hjgh tech is essentially small for Democratic spot in state Senate race business." To aid the growth of high technology and the growth of industry in general, Pollack says she will support efforts to bridge the gap between basic in- stitutional research and applied in- dustrial needs. "Industry has been very, very slow to utilize the . . . ap- plications that come out of basic research," she said. An increased effort to process more of the state's agricultural and forestry products within the state, and better development of the tourist industry round off the ideas Pollack has for economic diversification. POLLACK seems to be one of the few candidates to concede that tax hikes may be necessary to support under- funded programs and bring the state out of its economic slump. "We need to tax ourselves even through the recession," she said. "I know we're in difficult times, but not to do so is self-serving and short-sighted. It's politically expedient, but it's not whatwe need," she explained. One area to divert tax revenues is education. According to Pollack, in spite of the current recession higher education needs increasing and con- tinued state support. 'While you continue to look for inef- ficiencies in government and continue to invest in diversification, you must continue to invest in your institutions," said Pollack. "If we cannot afford to support education because there is a recession, then we will never see the other side of the recession," she added. Tomorow: The Daily will profile 18th District state Senate candidate Ron Allen. Candidates Peter Eckstein and James Murray will be featured on Friday and Saturday. KANA A new family restaurant! Korean & Ametican Foods Available Oriental vegetarian dishes Quality food and fine service Our soups prepared daily Free parking available "We're cheap but we're good" 9 am-9 pm 1133 EAST HURON Monday through Saturday (former location of Rojo Roni)