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July 28, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-07-28

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e 1C 1DRI0 1
The MAV-ichigan.Dail
Vol. XCII, No. 49-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 28, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
'U' enrollment to drop by 830

A drop in student enrollment coupled
with decreasing state aid will have a
significant impact on the 1982-83 fiscal
budget and may create a "financially
elitist school," University officials said
Sue Mims, director of the Office of
Academic Planning and Analysis, said
enrollment for this fall will decrease by
approximately 830 students, even
though freshman enrollment is expec-
ted to remain the same.
ACCORDING to Mims, the decline -
composed primarily of continuing and
transfer students - willconsist of 390
undergraduates and 250 Rackham
Graduate School students. The
remaining loss will come from

'This (the tuition increase and decline in
enrollment) is a short step to an uncomfortable
degree of elitism. ' -Cliff Sjogren
director, undergraduate admissions

professional schools and non-Rackham
graudate programs, Mims said.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Billy Frye said he does not believe the
recently announced tuition hike was a
major factor in the decline since it
came after information projecting the
drop was compiled. "That (increased
tuition) will have a larger effect next
year," he said.
Frye said, however, that high tuition

and the generally poor economic con-
ditions throughout the country offered
the clearest explanation for the unex-
pected fall.
"THERE'S NO doubt that high
tuition is a large part of the answer," he
said, adding that it puts the University
in an uncomfortable position of accep-
ting fewer students and charging them
more money, a situation he blames on
declining state revenues.

"We will be accused of becoming a
financially elitist school," Frye said,
"and the lack of state support is
pushing us in that direction. People
have already begun to say that, and
they'rercorrect. There should be a
warning there."
"THE REASONS (for the decline)
are basically financial," said Cliff
Sjogren, director of undergraduate
admissions. "Not only is this a
relatively expensive school, but our
financial aid awards went out later than
other schools, and our merit scholar-
ship program is not nearly as com-
prehensive as some other institutions."
"This (the tuition increase and
decline in enrollment) is a short step to
See FALL, Page 2
may top
deficits could reach $140 billion to $160
billion for each of the next three years,
far above the Reagan administration's
forecast and too high to permit a
"vigorous recovery" from the
recession, the head of the
Congressional Budget Office said
As the gloomy prediction came in, the
Senate, considering a proposed con-
stitutional requirement that Congress
pass a balanced budget, refused
yesterday to require the president to
submit one in the first place.
The 53-45 vote marked the first test of
the balanced budget amendment in the
Senate. A two-third majority is
required to send the politically popular
proposal to the House.
Alice Rivlin, of the Congressional
Budget Office, suggested Congress con-
sider following up on the package of tax
increases and spending cuts now being
debated with another deficit-reducing
package in 1983.
"IT WILL take another look at the
whole budget, not exempting defense
spending, not exempting the en-
titlement programs-including Social
Security-not exempting the tax side,"
she told the Senate Budget Committee.
Rivlin's testimony contrasted shar-
ply with Congress' official forecast for
the deficit and with a slightly more
pessimistic one that the Reagan ad-
ministration is expected to unveil later
this week.
At the White House, deputy press
secretary Larry Speakes said the ad-
See FEDERAL, Page5

Uaily roto by DEBORAH LEWIS'
Camera never blinks
As the camera misses the action in the Diag yesterday, University Regent Deane Baker discusses his bid for the
Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate with a Detroit television reporter.
U.S. clears El Salvador on human rights

administration, clearing the way for
continued U.S. military aid to El
Salvador, certified yesterday that the
Salvadoran government is improving
its human rights record and pressing
ahead with land reform.
The finding, signed by Secretary of
State George Shultz, came one day
earlier than expected and was prom-
ptly attacked by congressional critics
who charged that serious human rights
abuses were continuing and that land
reform had been reversed.
"WE CONTINUE to be concerned
over the human rights situation and the
course of the reform program in El

Salvador," reported Shultz.
"Nevertheless, there have been
tangible signs of progress in each of the
areas covered under the certification
requirements and we believe ... a firm
basis has been established for further
progress in the months ahead," he ad-
The report cited problems in curbing
human rights abuses and implementing
land reform, but declared that
significant progress had been made.
IT PRAISED Salvadorans for con-
ducting the country's first fair election
in more than 50 years, the disciplining
of 109 members of the armed forces
over the past six months, and issuing

land titles to 11,238peasants this year.
The report also noted a decline in the
number of political killings.
"Although serious problems remain,
we conclude that the government of El
Salvador is making a concerted and
significant effort to comply with inter-
nationally recognized human rights,"
the document said.
A SENIOR State Department official,
speaking on condition that he not be
identified, said the report contained
"both negative and positive infor-
mation." -
The report does not address the issue
of torture by Salvadoran security for-

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