Talk about an unlikely turn of events.
Last year, Michigan basketball
player Paul Heuerman was chosen in
the fourth round of the National
Basketball Association draft by the
Phoenix Suns. Heuerman lasted until
the last series of cuts whereupon he was
let go from the squad. Thus, he enrolled
in the Florida law school with his
basketball career seemingly over.
SO GUESS who called Heuerman on
the phone three weeks ago as he was
preparing for finals? The Indiana
"I guess they had talked to Phoenix,
and Phoenix must have said some nice
things," said Heuerman, who was at
to Spurs
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) - Artis
Gilmore, an all-star in nine of his 11 pro
basketball seasons, was acquired by
the San Antonio Spurs from the Chicago
Bulls yesterday for backup center Dave
Corzine and starting forward Mark
Gilmore, 32, was an all-star in each of
the five years he played for Kentucky in
the American Basketball Association.
Along with Julius Erving and David
Thompson, his talent was a major fac-
tor in the National Basketball
Association decision to accept five ABA
teams into the NBA.
GILMORE has been with the Bulls
for six years and has played in the NBA
All-Star game four times, including last
season when he averaged 18.5 points,
was ninth in the league in rebounds with
a 10.2 average and was first in field goal
percentage and fourth in blocked shots.
Bulls General Manager Rod Thorn
told a crowded news conference in the
Bulls' Chicago office, "I wish Artis
Gilmore nothing but success in San An-
tonio. He was a class act while he was
with the Bulls."
Thorn added that he feels "this trade
is a good one for both teams and all the
players involved."
THE BULLS' poor performance last
season - they were 34-48 - at times led
Gilmore to consider retirement.
"Maybe it (retirement) will happen
after this season, maybe next, but it
will be soon, very soon," he said last
"I'm tired of losing," Gilmore said at
the time. He has been in the playoffs
only twice in six years with the Bulls.
BUT HE hinted that a winning
Fsituation could cool his ardor to retire
and in the Spurs he will be going to a
team that has made the playoffs all six
years since they came into the NBA
from the ABA.
Corzine's future had been in limbo
since he announced a week ago that he
had signed an offer sheet with the New
Jersey Nets. Local newspapers repor-
ted the proposed pact was for $3.25
million over five years.
Under NBA rules, the Spurs had 15
days to match the Nets' offer or let Cor-
zine, who became a free agent at the
end of last season, go to New Jersey.
The Michigan Daily-Friday July 23, 1982-Page 11
call surprises Heuerman
Pioneer High School last night to play in who will leave for Indiana on Monday. "But rather than hang out in Montana
the Sandy Sanders Summer Basketball "As ou can see right now I'm a for the winter, I figured I'd go to the
"They must have said that it diamond in the rough. This is the first beaches of Florida and law school."
was just a numbers game and I got cut time I've played full court in two mon- But after the Pacers called, Heuer-
on the last cut." ths. My chances of making it are slim can gave up the beaches. 'I d go from
Heuerman admits that he is not in as very slim. I'd have to play well and a lotgym and studying to playi eemnthe
good shape as he used to be. "I told In- of things would have to go in my favor. gym from 12-2 a.m.,h said Heuerman.
diana that the only exercise I'd had was You never know what'll happen, but I The high school coach gave me the
golf and tennis," said Heuerman. "I'd don't think you go from the Gainesville key to the gym. I was going on four or
play some basketball, but there's no City League to the NBA." five hors of sleep, so it was tough.
one good to play. But they still said Summer league notes - An All-Star
they'd like me to go." If the Suns had their waywhen they cut game will be held at Pioneer High
THE 6-8 CAGER realizes that despite Heuerman, he would not have been School tomorrow featuring Darryl
the Pacers' interest in him, he is anywhere near the Gainesville City Dawkins, Terry Cummings, Campy
unlikely to make the club. "What the League. "When Phoenix cut me last russell and many more stars. Tickets
heck, it's a long shot but I figure I'll at year, they wanted me to go to the Con- can be purchased at Moe's Sport Shop
least give it a shot," said Heuerman, tinental League in Montana," he said. or Stein & Goetz for $4.
------"AP Pho
- . ~A day at the -beach A h
BILL ROGERS KNOCKS a shot out of the bunker yesterday during the first round of the Anheuser-Busch Golf Classic in
Williamsburg, Virginia. Rogers finished the day with a 66, good enough to tie for second.
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