The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 23, 1982-Page 3
In what is probably a commonplace
dialogue this week, two artists debate
the advantages of an electric over a
manual potter's wheel. Twenty feet
away, however, the discussion is a little
bit different.
The subject is unemployment among
inner-city black youths.
"WHY DON'T they move to a place
where the jobs are available?" prods the
middle-aged man.
"There is no place where jobs are
available," answers the youth behind
the table.
"You don't know wht you're talking
about," the older man continues.
"YOU BELIEVE what you believe,"
the young man says, becoming angrier,
"but that's not what my organization
stands for."
Several people look up as the two men
raise their voices at each other. After
another minute or two, the older man
walks away.
Such "discussions" are not uncom-
mon in the area that has become known
as the art fair's political arena. Each
year, about 80 nonprofit organization-
set up booths and tables on the corner of
East and South University in front of
the Engineering Arch, displaying
literature, T-shirts, and bumper
stickers rather than ceramics, pain-
tings, or sculpture.
Other groups with booths at the arch
include Action for Children's
Television, the Ypsilanti Heritage
Festival, and the Humane Society of
Huron Valley. Some of the more
NONPROFIT GROUPS offer ideas, not art, at booths near the Engineering Arch.
politically-oriented groups include the
Committee to Free MAO Defendants
and the Socialist Workers Party.
Many candidates in this November's
election also have booths.
"THERE'S always a few people who
are very much opposed to progressive
organizations," said Tim Feeman of
the Young Workers Liberation League,
a group that has had a table at the arch
for the last four years. "There are
always people who will get in an
argument with you over what's not the
main issue."
Most of those working at booths agree
that having a booth at the arch is a
more effective way of reaching people.
than may otherwise be possible.
"Fifty percent of the people that
come by at least look at it," said Neil
Donahue of the Nuclear Weapons
Freeze campaign. "There's quite a
visible amount of positive support," he
said, adding the group is seeking sup-
port for a nuclear weapons freeze
proposal on this November's ballot.
"ONE GUY said it won't make a dif-
ference," Donahue said, "but nobody
opposes the initiative."
See NON-PROFIT, Page 5
. c fLneAIrfrn students use fair
r unir n u
to fight school review
By LOU FINTOR tors for a comprehensive budgetar
review that could result in it
There is a different group nestled in elimination.
among the other special interests on the Curious passersby are then given th
corner of S. University and N. Univer- opportunity to sign petitions that will b
sity this year. It is not novel because its forwarded to members of the ad
cause is something in danger of extin- ministration and review committee.
ction. The cause is unlike the others Brody said that so far the response ha:
because part of the University is in en- been tremendous.
dangered. "THEY KNOW that the peopl
A student and a grad. student sat in behind this booth have a lot to lose,
the cubicle yesterday with T-shirts, Wilke said. Body added that everyon
buttons, and petitions, much the same from entering freshman to alumni hav
as other booths. The people at this stopped by to sign the petitions in sup
booth, however, were trying to save the port of SNR.
School of Natural Resources (SNR).
"WE'RE TRYING to be 'visible, to Money collected through the sale o
make people aware that the school is in buttons and T-shirts will go to th
danger and that the school does exist," Student Coordinating Committeeo
said Ellen Brody, a senior in SNR's SNR. It will be used to reduce the com
Behavior and the Environment mittee's postage and printing costs.
program. "When people ask 'what's en
Brody and SNR Graduate student dangered?' they don't expect to hear'
Rob Wilke sit in the small white booth school,' " Brody said. Informationa
lined with tee shirts, buttons,. and flyers are being distributed at the boot
petitions and explained to passersby that that urge people to support SNR b
the school is endangered because it has writing administrators and legislator
been targeted by University administr- See STUDENTS, Page 5
:: .
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
THESE STUDENTS from the School of Natural Resources attempt to obtain
signatures in a petition drive to support SNR, which is currently undergoing
a budgetary review that may result in its elimination.
Statement on
Pieree leaving
raee a mia-up,
Fereney says
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zolton Feren-
cy said yesterday that the erroneous press release
issued by his office announcing the withdrawal of
fellow Democrat Edward Pierce was a misunder-
standing between the two men and their offices.
"It (the misunderstanding) is really a sequence of
events that started in April," Ferency said during a
visit to the Ann Arbor art fair. "He (Pierce) thought
it would be unwise for both of us to file for the
primary and that we'd be working against each
other, possibly splitting out support."
THE PRESS release, issued Tuesday, stated that
Pierce had offered to withdraw from the Aug. 10
primary and give his support to Ferency. Ferency
had not consulted Pierce before making the
statement, which Pierce later described as "balder-
"I was looking for a way. to combine," Ferency
said. "Time is running short: I'm urging this to hap-
pen before it's too late." Polls released as late as
yesterday show Pierce far behind Ferency in public
Ferency said he did not want to embarrass Pierce,
and denied charges that his comments were an
See FERENCY, Page 5