Watt opens most of U. S . coast to drilling (Continued from Page 1) Under the plan, 1 billion acres off the entire U.S. coast will be considered for leasing, compared to an estimated 55 million acres under the Carter program. Interior Department of- ficials said, however, that they expec- ted the actual amount of land leased to be only a "small percentage" of the 1 billion acres. However, they predicted tht percen- tage would still be larger than under the Carter offerings since Watt's plan of- fers more highly desirable areas off Alaska that have not been drilled before and makes those so-called "frontier areas" available sooner than the Carter plan. WATT DID make some changes because of opposition. Responding to The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 22, 1982-Page 5 Juggling team draws crowds at artfair (Continued from Page 3) us and we figured 'why not get paid for without hitting him. As the volunteer having fun,' "Martin said. grows nervous, Martin announces to Their art fair juggling show, which crowd applause, "He has demonstrated lasts roughly an hour, features both fun a complete lack of concern for his own and thrills. At one point, Martin sets personal health so that he now has fire to both ends of a stick and juggles nothing to lose. "the flaming devil stick." "More The jugglers say they "make enough danger," the crowd yells to encourage money to live on" solely from crowd an encore, donations. Their tactics for soliciting For the grand finale, a member of the contributions, however, are all part of audience is tricked into participating the act. when Loon asks for a cigarette. The As the audience breaks up, Loon hesitant participant then stands bet- yells, "We're the First Church of Fun ween the jugglars with a cigarette in his Juggling Show. Share a dollar with our mouth, as clubs whizz by his head. the hat, or $5 or $10. We're non- object of the stunt is to knock the denominational. We can change a $20 - cigarette out of the volunteer's mouth your twenties into our twenties." Orientation aids parents (Continued from Page 3) Watt ... leasing will be controlled complaints from Alaska Gov. Jay - Hammond, Watt dropped three Alaska sales from the five-year plan and divided a South Alaska sale into three smaller sales. The plan also divided the North Atlantic into two planning areas and deferred a North Atlantic sale covering the Georges Bank off Cape Cod from August of this year until October. ILIR to release labor study (Continued from Page 3) losing work are more prone to fall apart emotionally under unemployment," Ferman said. The study identified four times when stress peaks for an unemployed person: anticipation time (when the worker thinks he will lose his job), actual job loss, the point when benefits and savings are exhausted, and intensive job-hunting which occurs roughly one year after unemployment. "The last period is by far the worst," he said. "The person panics and will take any job he or she can get his or her hands on. We found the highest number of mental illnesses and emotional problems during this time." FERMAN ALSO said programs that aid the unemployed, although "ex- tremely important," are misguided in terms of the time they are offered. "Unemployment insurance runs out after a year, and support from the government ends, too. All social sup- port programs are geared to that time when the person loses his job, and we've found that's when they need help least," he said. Programs are needed in long-term counseling and long-run income assistance, Ferman said. THE STUDY noted three basic routes the unemployed take: finding work soon after losing a job, dropping out of the work force, or constantly gaining and losing jobs. The last group is by far the worst off mentally and physically, according to Ferman. "Strangely enough, those people who never return to work are better off than those who 'ride the rollercoaster,' taking many jobs for short periods of time," he said. He also said many unemployed go through a "fantasy year" after losing their jobs. "FOR MANY there's no sense of panic. They have their savings and unemployment insurance for about a year, and they go through a year of denial that anything happened. They don't want to admit that they are unemployed," Ferman explained. Ferman's advice to the unemployed was to "prepare before it happens. "Other than that, stay attached to people. We found that people who were withdrawn didn't do so well," he said. "Also, income assistance programs are extremely important. Unemployment insurance is an absolute necessity." Ferman found irony in the timing of the report's release and the fact that ILIR currently is undergoing a budgetary review for budget cuts or possible closure. "It's funny," he said. "We're such experts on unemployment, and we might be in that boat ourselves." The report has been sent to the National Institute for Mental Health, where it will be used as a basis for a congressional recommendation regar- ding unemployment problems. Placement Office. Parents also sample some informal college activities with a trip to the University Club's happy hour. DURING THE evening, parents gather to discuss various topics such as drugs, sex, alcohol, grades, and Greek life, said Steve Alderman, a recent graduate and a program coordinator. The discussions are kept on a very in- formal level, he said, adding, "We feel we don't want any questions to go unan- swered." Many participants praised the program, one of the most in-depth parent orientations in the country. "I THOUGHT it was terrific. Every session I attended I thought there was something valuable to be learned," said Carlene Bigelow, an Ann Arbor resident. Ruth Waldorn, a former University student, said she hadn't planned to at- tend the session, but was glad she changed her mind. "Now I can be more supportive when my son comes home. We can share our feelings together," she said. Roughly 1,400 parents are expected to attend this year's orientation, which runs in 32 sessions from June to August. Perigo said evaluations of the program show that "99 percent" of the parents leave satisfied. One parent from East Brunswick, N.J., said she had acquired a new per- spective from the program. "When we came here yesterday we thought it (the University) was very big and impersonal," she said. "Today we think it's beautiful. It's not just a place you send a check to every month." 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