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July 14, 1982 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1982-07-14

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Page 10-Wednesday, July 14, 1982-The'Michigan Daily

TV biased
study says
WASHINGTON (AP)- Children's
programming on commercial
television is so one-sided in its depiction
of white, male characters "that it can
only be seen as a major barrier in the
battle for recognition and respect for
minorities in this country," a public-
interest group study says.
The research unveiled here yester-
day by Action for Children's Television,
a public-interest group based in Boston,
was done by Dr. Earle Barcus, a
professor of communications research
at Boston University's School of Public
THE STUDY is divided into three
sections, focusing on sex roles,
minority portrayals and the view of
family life offered by cartoons and
other children's programs. In each
case, it finds much to fault.
Of the 1,145 TV characters that ap-
peared during the 38 hours of children's
shows studied, Barcus reported only 42
were black and 47 belonged to other
minority groups. Stated another way,
3.7 percent of the characters in the
sample were black; 3.1 percent were
Hispanic, and 0.8 percent were Asian.
Native Americans were represented
solely by the character "Tonto" from
the "Tar zan-Lone Ranger Adventure
Hour," the study added.
Peggy Charren, founder and
president of the group, said she found
the study upsetting because "it shows a
kind of implicit racism.
"Today, in this day and age, the
broadcasting industry is still creating
unacceptable stereotypes," Charren

inily rnoto by DUUG McMAHON
Being grilled
They sure don't make 'em like they used to. As the grill to this classic automobile reflects, the old ways may have been
the best ways when it comes to stylish autos.
Second registration evader indicted
ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -A 20-year-old Diego. At a solemn news conference in a
college student yesterday became the Eller is a member of the Church of Methodist church building in
second person indicted for refusing to the Brethren, which operates Washington, D.C., Eller said he had not
register for the draft since mandatory Bridgewater College in northwestern registered "simply because the U.S.
registration was reinstituted two years Virginia, where he is a math and physics government has asked me to do
ago. major, something God would not have me do."
Enten Eller of La Verne, Calif. has While the grand jury was meeting on Eller said he could not support U.S.
admitted that he failed to register for his case yesterday morning in the involvement in any way. "I don't think
the draft in 1980, and has said he wrote Federal Building here, about 50 people there is any. conflict that is worth
the Selective Service System that he did demonstrated outside, ma rching raising arms or armies for," he said.
so for religious reasons. holding hands, singing and carrying a U.S. Attorney John Perry Alderman
"I could not see involvement with the banner opposing draft registration. said in a statement that the charge
military as consistent with what Christ THE MAXIMUM penalty for refusing against Eller deals "with a registration
asked us to do....," he said. to register for the draft is five years in statute, and not the issue of who should
ON JUNE 30, Benjamin Sasway, a 21- prison and a $10,000 fine. be inducted."
year-old California college student, was Eller is to be arraigned tomorrow in
indicted for failing to register in San federal court here.



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