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May 08, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-08

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Thehigan ail
Vol. XCII, No. 4S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 8, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
to lose student aid

Federalfunds cut back
by almost $1 million

The University will lose almost $1
million in federally funded student aid
for the 1982-83 academic year, three
and a half per cent less than had
originally been anticipated, Financial
Aid Office Director Harvey Grotrian
said yesterday.
In addition, if Congress does not
reject a Department of Education
recommendation issued Monday
keeping the Guaranteed Student Loan
(GSL) eligibility requirements at the
level set Oct. 1, 1981, the University will
be able to process applications begin-
ning in mid-June, he said.
MORE THAN $325,000 in federal aid
has been cut from the Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant
(SEOG), College Work Study (CWS),
and National Direct Student Loan nd-
sld) Program, all of which are campus-
Although the SEOG Program will be
losing one-quarter of its allocation, the
most severe loss is the 17 percent cut in
the work-study budget, Grotrian said.
The loss of almost $400,000 in the
work-study program will result in the
termination of several hundred student
jobs, according to Grotrian. In ad-
dition, he said, the University will be
adjusting its federal/employer
allocation ratio for work-study jobs
from 70-30 to 65-35.
UNDER THE WORK-study program,
the federal government and the em-
ployer, either a University office or a
non-profit organization, share the cost
of employing a student, each paying a
specified proportion of the worker's
DUE TO WHAT Grotrian described
as a "quirk in the federal formula," the
University will receive a 16 percent in-
crease for the NDSL Program.

The two other federal aid programs,
the Basic Educational Opportunity
Grant (BEOG) and the State Student
Incentive Grant (SSIG), however, suf-
fered cutbacks.
THE UNIVERSITY will lose about 12
percent, or $400,000, in federal funds for
the BEOG Program, also known as Pell
Grants, but the SSIG progam will suffer
a loss of only $23,000, or four percent.
A great deal of uncertainty regarding
GSLs still remains, Grotrian and Senior
Aid Officer Elaine Nowak said.
According to Grotrian, 80 percent of
the 14,000 GSL applications filed last
year were processed before Oct. 1. The
remaining 20 percent were processed
under the revised 1981-82 guidelines
which required students whose ad-
justed family income totaled more than
$30,000 to demonstrate financial need.
ministration proposal for the 1982-83
academic year called for GSL
eligibility to be determined on a
remaining needs basis after all other
forms of aid had been considered.
In addition, the administration also
recommended doubling the loan's
origination fee from five percent to 10
percent, apd raising the interest rate to
current market levels two years into
the repayment program, thus ter-
minating the special allowance
provided by the federal government.
The eliminiation of graduate and
professional students from the program
was also proposed.
However, Grotrian said, none of these
proposals were addressed in Monday's
Education Department's recommen-
dation. It is difficult to project when
any type of decision on these proposals
will be made, according to Nowak, who
said the Michigan Department of
See 'U' LOSES, Page5

Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
Mirror image
The streets and thoroughfares of Ann Arbor become mirrors after yesterday's
downpour, reflecting trees and pedestrians normally seen only on the

Noted heart surgeon visits 'U'

The long-anticipated development of
an artificial heart and refining of heart
transplantation techniques may be im-
practical, prominent heart surgeon Dr.
Michael DeBakey asserted during a
University workshopheld yesterday.
"We do not have, in my opinion, at the
present time, any artificial heart that
can be implanted for any length of
time," DeBakey said, after calling the
mechanism "a form of prolongation of
death." His remarks came at a School
of Nursing workshop title "Develop-
ments in Cardiovascular Surgery."
ACCORDING to DeBakey, although
his research laboratory has been
"working on the artificial heart for over
20 years;" several obstacles still hinder

'We stopped doing heart transplants at our in-
stitution because we didn't feel we were getting
significant results for the price we were paying.'
--Dr. Michael DeBakey,

its final development.
The surgeon cited difficulties in
developing an internal drive
mechanism and material that will
resist breaking down as twoproblems
plaguing the device.
DeBakey, chancellor and c airman
of the surgery department at Baylor
University's College of Medicine in
Houston, Texas, gained national

prominence when, as a medical
student, he developed the heart pump,
and later was the first to use it suc-
DEBAKEY ALSO gained recognition
when-he performed the first coronary
bypass operation. He also performed a
multiple transplant-the heart, both
kidneys, and lungs of one donor were
transplanted into four different

DeBakey said at the workshop that
the transplant operation has not proven
to be as effective as once thought in
alleviating chronic coronary disease
and that the key to avoiding the disease
lies in prevention.
"It (transplants) makes great news,
but I think it's not a great medical
scientific breakthrough," DeBakey
said. "We stopped doing heart tran-
splants at our institution because we
didn't feel we were getting significant
results for the price we were paying."
ACCORDING to DeBakey, the
average transplant operation costs a
hospital approximately $175,000 and
requires a full-time transplant unit
See DEBAKEY, Page 3

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