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July 08, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-07-08

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. XCII, No. 35-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursd


Free Issue

Twelve Pages

may open
new Program
of graphy

The University probably will approve
a plan that would create a new
Program of Geography in place of the
department that passed out of existence
last week, according to faculty mem-
bers and administrators working on the
The staff of the program would be
mainly made up of the eight tenured
geography professors who remained at
the University after their department
was officially closed July 1, and
probably will be directed by geography
Prof. George Kish.
THE PLAN TO create a formal
geography program was drafted by a
special committee of five faculty mem-
bers appointed by Vice President for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye last
January. The committee met quietly
throughout the winter term and submit-
ted a report to Frye last month urging
that a program be opened by fall.
Most of the faculty members and
administrators familiar with the plan
said they fully expect the ad-
ministration to approve the plan and
that the program would be in place and
operating by early September.
The program would offer roughly 20
undergraduate courses in geography;
and allow students to graduate with
bachelors degrees in geography.

THE PLAN was considered most
recently by LSA Dean Peter Steiner,
who referred his recommendations to
Frye Tuesday. Steiner last night would
not discuss the substance of his report
and Frye said yesterday that he had not
yet received the recommendation.
It was unclear yesterday whether the
Regents would have to approve the
creation of such an academic program.
Steiner and some faculty members said
Frye would have the final decision,
while Frye said the Regents would
probably have to act on the proposal.
Frye also said the LSA Curriculum
Committee and the Executive Commit-
tee) both of which are faculty policy
bodies, would be asked to make
MANY OF THE administrators in-
volved, however, have indicated they
will support the plan. And approval by
the Regents would be likely, some ob-
servers said, because the Regents in-
structed administrators to look into the
idea when they voted to close the depar-
tmenta year ago.
Most of the eight geography
professors contacted said that while the
new program would never match the
quality of the original department, they
preferred the idea of a formal program
to noorganized curriculum at all.
See NEW, Page 2

Water wonderland
Yesterday's summer beat didn't get everybody down. This enterprising
couple found plenty of refreshing fun on a spillway in Argo Park.

on t

Israel vetos PLO pul.Mout plan
By The Associated Press there were no immediate reports of casualties in the campment, behind a white-washed concr
new shelling. had also been hit.
rael yesterday rejected PLO terms for a guerrilla Israeli forces ringing west Beirut allowed drinking Eighteen automobiles belonging to emba
cuation of west Beirut, but sent a top diplomat to water and electricity to flow into the guerrilla en- parked either inside the embassy compound
anon to consult with the U.S. presidential envoy clave for the first time in four days but kept upa food street outside were damaged by shrapnel
ng to arrange a Palestinian'withdrawal from the and fuel blockade after another round of fighting masonry. Damage within the Soviet comp
tered city. Tuesday left more dead and damaged several extensive, although no injuries were reporte
.S. envoy Philip Habib and Lebanese negotiators buildings at the Soviet Embassy compound. THE THREE-STORY embassy staffc
ght to nail down a deal that would evacuate The compound, occupying an entire block between took a direct hit on the first floor that set th4
ser Arafat's beleaguered guerrilla forces from two narrow streets off the Corniche Mazraa, one of on fire.
.rut I . west Beirut's main thoroughfares, has a Syrian army Two other shells ripped into apartmentsc
SRAELI GUNNERS pounded Palestttian encampment next to it. per floor of an adjacent building used as s
itions in two west Beirut neighborhoods for two THIRTEEN Soviet-made Syrian army trucks ters.
rs at sunset yesterday and the Palestinian news parked outside the embassy compound's wall had Three more shells caused similar damag
ncy WAFA claimed PLO defenders checked three their windshields and windows blown out by the story building on the other side of the narr
aeli attempts to advance near the paralyzed blasts of shells that fell into the mission complex The building housed the embassy commerci
rut airport. Israeli tanks and artillery opened up Tuesday night. on the first two floors and staff apartmentst
he suburbs of Hazmieh and Borj el-Barajneh, but It was not possible to see whether the Syrian en- per floors.

-ete wall,
assy staff
d or on the
or falling
ound was
e building
on the up-
taff quar-
e to a 10-
ow street.
al section
on the up-


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