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July 07, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-07-07

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Theb Michigan Daily*
Vol. XCII, No. 34-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 7, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
U.S. may go into Lebanon

President Reagan offered yesterday to
send U.S. Marines to evacuate
Palestinian guerrillas besieged in west
Beirut by a ring of Israeli armor. His
announcement drew angry reactions
from Palestinian leaders, but some said
it could pave the way for an end to the
bloody stalemate.
Reagan said in Los Angeles he had
agreed to send up to 1,000 combat
troops to Lebanon "subject to certain
conditions." He gave few details, but
Pentagon officials in Washington said
three U.S. Navy amphibious ships set
sail Monday from the Italian port of

Reagan offers troops
for Beirut peace force

THEY COULD bring together an
1,800-man Marine battalion to serve as
the U.S. contribution to an international
force to avacuate the guerrillas of the
Palesitne Liberation Organization by
Egypt's semi-official newspaper Al-
Ahram said that under the plan, the
guerrillas probably would be transpor-

ted to various Arab countries, including
Egypt, but most would be delivered to
the Syrian port of Latakia.
The American offer came as the fifth
U.S.-arranged cease-fire was blown
apart by Palestinian and Israeli gun-
ners. Israel mean*hile tightened its
three-day food and water blockade of
west Beirut.

Sharif said any evacuation plan in-
volving the United States was
"ridiculous, because the PLO is not ina
weak position to accept such offers, adn
because you don't expect the aggressor
to come to the rescue of the victim."
However, he told a news conference
inthe Palestinians' west Beirut enclave
that the PLO would not rule out U.S.
participation in a nited Nations peace
force to oversee an Israeli-PLO
disengaement in Beirut, after which teh
PLO would be ready to negotiate a
"reorganization. of its presence in
See REAGAN, Page 10
Frye gives
support to
MSA plan
for budget
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) proposal for handling the
University's five-year, $20 million
dollar reallocation met with some ad-
ministrative approval yesterday, ac-
cording to both MSA officials and Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy
In a letter addressed jointly to MSA
and Jamie Moeller, chairman of MSA's
redirection committee, Frye wrote that
the first two proposals in the three-part
plan submitted to Frye last month "are
consistent with my own thinking."
THE MSA proposal, drafted by
Moeller and MSA President Amy
Moore, calls for the issuance of specific
definitions and supporting reasons for
the six "high priority" areas of the
University identified by Frye, a public
forum to discuss and debate these
statements, and the formation of a
committee to determine the amount
and manner of reallocation.
Frye said the MSA plan was "con-
sistent with what I proposed at the out-
set" of the review process. He said the
plan was "very constructive, except for
the notion of an independent commit-
"It's not advisable or necessary to
See FRYE, Page 2

Where's the moving van ! i!ythtbylUsMCtVI
This University Cellar employee reads a magazine at the store's temporary home in Lorch Hall, killing time while
construction on the new store finishes up. U-Cellar expects to move permanently into its new site on West Liberty
next Wednesday.
'U' dorms to rent refrigerators

The University has entered the cam-
pus cold war. Beginning this fall, three
dormitories will offer optional
refrigerators in rooms as an ex-
periment, according to Larry Durst,
campus housing business manager.
Until now, students who wanted a
refrigerator in their dormitory room
had to rent it from local businesses, in-
cluding the University Cellar, the
student-run bookstore.
DURST SAID that Bursley, Markley,
and South Quad dormitories will offer
the option in response to numerous
requests from students for the service.
Several dormitories at other univer-

sities offer the same service, he said.
"We're hoping this service will be
more convenient for students and that
we can provide it at a competitive
price," Durst said. The rental price will
be $36 for the Fall/Winter terms, he
Refrigerator rentals traditionally
have been supplied by Frigid Midget
Refrigerator Rentals and the Univer-
sity Cellar.
FRED FLISS, manager of Frigid
Midget, said of the University's
decision: "This will probably hurt our
business. It'll make life rough for us. I
don't like it."
He also said that last year's rental

price will be lowered from $32 to $30 as
an added attraction for students.
Bruce Weinberg, manager of the U-
Cellar, said, "It's going to cut into our
business, no doubt. However, they will
only provide one size (2 cubic feet) and
we offer three larger sizes in addition to
that." The Cellar currently charges $32
for Fall/Winter Term rentals.

In the news
The Daily catches up today on events that occured during a two-week publish-
ing break. A brief recap of local news highlights since June 19 appears on
Page 3.

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