The Michigan Daily-
Vol. XCII, No. 29-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 15, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Falkiands cease-fire called
From AP and UPI
The commanders of the British and
Argentine forces on the Falkland Islan-
ds agreed yesterday to a cease-fire un-
til this morning, an Argentine military
spokesman said. Pentagon sources in
Washington said Argentine forces at
Stanley were "in the process of surren-
The cease-fire is in effect until 10 a.m.
Argentine time (9 a.m. EDT), the
military spokesman in Buenos Aires
GEN. MARIO Menendez, comman-
der of the Argentine garrison in the
islands' capital of Stanley, planned to
leave immediately for Buenos Aires to
consult with the junta, the spokesman
In Washington, Pentagon sources
Argentine surrender
expected to follow
said of the Argentine troops at Stanley:
"They are in the process of surren-
dering." The sources, who declined to
be identified, said the ceasefire
"probably is preliminary to a surren-
Menendez and the British field com-
mander, Gen. Jeremy Moore, agreed to
the cease-fire shortly after British for-
ces captured three strategic hilltops on
the outskirts of Stanely, the Argentine
spokesman said.
BRITISH Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher told a cheering House of
Commons yesterday night that "white
flags are flying over Port Stanley" and
negotiations were under way for the
surrender of the estimated 9,000 Argen-
tine soldiers in the Falkland Islands.
In land, sea, and air battles of the un-
declared war, at least 228 British
soldiers and sailors were killed while
Argentine losses were estimated at 775
dead or missing and more than a
thousand captured. Both sides claimed
they shot down scores of enemy aircraft
and Argentine jet fighters sank five
British ships. Argentina's major naval
loss was the sinking of its only cruiser,
the General Belgrano, by a British
submarine last month.
Thatcher told the Commons "large
numbers of Argentinian soldiers threw
down their weapons" and white flags
were raised as British infantrymen bat-
tled their way into the outskirts of
"Our troops have been ordered not to
fire except in self-defense," she said.
A COMMUNIQUE from the Argen-
tine Joint Chiefs of Staff said the cease-
fire was arranged in a face-to-face
meeting in Stanley between Menendez
and British marine Maj. Gen. Jeremy
at U.N.
. .
NEW YORK (UPI) - Waves of chan-
ting anti-nuclear protesters yesterday
burned flags and tried to block the en-
trances to U.N. missions of five nuclear
powers in a massive display of civil
disobedience. An army of police
arrested more than 1,600 demon-
Police said there were few violent in-
Hundreds of thousands of
marchers--including scores
from Ann Arbor-descended
on New York protesting
nuclear weapons over the
weekend. See story, Page 3.
cidents. Only one injury was reported.
MANY OF THE protesters carried
daisies they offered to police. they
ranged from teenagers to veteran
militants and echoed the non-violent
Vietnam protests of the mid 1960s.
"It's like old times," said policemean
as he led a young woman to a police bus
for the trip to central booking.
"We're nonviolent, how about you?"
the demonstrators shouted at police.
ABOUT 3,000 helmeted police stood
behind barricades at the U.N. missions
of the United States, Soviet Union,
China, Great Britain and France in
midtown Manhattan and arrested line
after line of protesters who tired to get
through the cordons or sat in the streets
as part of the "Blockade the Bom-
bmakers" campaign.
See 1.600, Page 3
Ch o slie Daily Photo by ELIZABETH SCOTT
Enjoying the afternoon outside of Zingerman's Deli, this group practices a bit of leg-crossing Broadway magic. Ap- I
parently, the little tyke on the left hasn't got into the swing yet.
Expert says Kelly targeted victi M
By LOU FINTOR firebombing and subsequent shooting stimulate jealousy, it was Mr. Siwik,"
Leo Kelly was "out to shoot" Edward deaths of Siwik, who was a University Blunt said. "Even though he was
Siwik the morning two University freshman, and Douglas McGreaham, a working at it, I think he (Kelly) knew he
students were murdered in Bursley Bursley resident advisor. was going to fail again and took out his
dormitory last year, a state forensic Blunt said Kelly's actions were rage," Blunt added.
psychiatrist testified yesterday. premediated and were motivated by ACCORDING to Blunt, Kelly did not
"Yes, he was looking for Mr. Siwik jealousy of fellow Douglas House intend to shot McGreaham, who "just
and yes, he (Siwik) was one of the in' resident Siwik, whom Blunt described happened to be there." Evidence ad-
tended victims," said Dr. Lynn Blunt, as well-liked, successful, and "the ideal mitted earlier in the trail included a list
psychiatrist and clinical director of the pre-medical student." Kelly originally found in Kelly's room which contains
state's Center for Forensic Psychiatry. entered the University in a pre-med the names of several residents - in-
KELLY, 23, of Detroit, is pleading curriculum, but switched to psychology cluding Siwik - who lived on Kelly's
"not guilty by reason of insanity" to after academic dismissal. floor. Siwik's name is prominently
two counts of first degree murder in the "If there was anyone who would See KELLY, Page io.