The Michigan Daily Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Kelly sane, psychologist tells jurors LEO KELLY is escorted from the courthouse yesterday after testimony was given regarding his mental state. Battles continue in chaotic Beirut By GEORGE ADAMS Leo Kelly was not mentally ill at the time of the April 17, 1981 Bursley mur-. ders he is accused with committing, a forensic psychologist testified yester- day. Harley Stock, a clinical psychologist from the State Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Ypsilanti, told jurors yesterday that based on his own examinations of Kelly and the results of other forensic center tests, "there was no evidence that the defendant met the statutory requirements for mental illness at the time of the crime." KELLY, WHO is accused of the shooting deaths of Douglas McGreaham, 21, and Edward Siwik, 19, is pleading not guilty by reason of in- sanity to the two charges of murder. Stock said Kelly was resigned to academic failure and wanted "to get out of the University or get out of life." "I got the impression that he (Kelly) felt he wasn't going to make it through the term, that he would flunk out," Stock said. "I think he wanted to go out Beirut r Khalde ad o Damoar. n Dara 3d Medterranen Sidon * \l isr Clams L EBANON ~ S Tyree UN Zone SYRIA UN Zone Nahariye ISRAE an Heights tank of their four-wheel drive vehicle. With guerrillas roaming the streets, fears escalated thatdespite statements to the contrary from Tel Aviv the Israelis might try to storm west Beirut to battle Palestinians who were trying See ISRAELI, Page 10 in a blaze of glory . .. to make a name for himself one way or another." STOCK, describing Kelly as "slightly above average in intelligence, im- mature, impulsive, explosive and a manic depressive," said he showed signs of personality disorder, but was not mentally ill. Stock also testified that he did not believe Kelly's self-proclaimed loss of memory concerning events surroun- ding the shootings. "The amnesia he's talking about is convenient amnesia," Stock said. "It starts when he wants it to and ends when he wants it to." "In my clinical opinion, Mr. Kelly was not telling me the truth about the amnesia and I think he could recall more than he said he could," Stock testified. DEFENSE attorney William Water- man, who had rested his case earlier during yesterday's proceedings, asked in cross-examination if someone could form a "mental block" about a traumatic experience. "It is possible," Stock replied, "but I don't think it hap- See PSYCHOLOGIST, Page 4 Gun man irebom bs Detroit off iee; injures 38 DETROIT (AP) - A disgruntled client opened fire with a sawed-off shotgun in his attorney's eighth-floor office yesterday after he was refused an in- surance check, then set off a firebomb next door. Police said a woman was slain, four people were wounded by gunshots and 34 were injured in the fire. At least two of those injured fell from window ledges where they and others took refuge to escape the gunman and smoke from the blaze, which burned for about an hour after it was started around noon. The gunman, Robert Harrington, 35, had gone to the law offices to complain that the firm had inadequately represented him in a dispute over money with an insurance company, See DETROIT, Page 10 ; ;. c From the AP and UPI Israelitroops andtanks stormedashore south of Beirut's international airport yesterday,fighting a major battle with Palestinian guerrillas only hours after a cease-fire with Syria - but not the PLO - went into effect. Beirut's streets were filled last night with burning piles of garbage and wan- derring refugees. The streets echoed with rattles of submachine-gun fire, long bursts of anti-aircraft fire, and the howl of Israeli jets still flying overhead. ISRAEL'S defense chief said his country has "no cease-fire with the terrorists." A guerrilla leader declared his fighters "are not concer- ned by the cease-fire in any way." The Israeli-Syrian standdown took effect at noon (6 a.m. EDT yesterday, just minutes after Israeli jets devastated Palestinian guerrilla headquarters in furious air and sea bombardments of the Lebanese capital. Lebanese authorities reported 199 people killed and 444 wounded in those attacks. Despite the cease-fire, shellfire ex- changes between the Israeli forces and the guerrillas continued. The shelling by the Israeli gun boats, cruising off the once-elegant Lebanese beaches, was the first time Israel's guns have aimed at areas of the city where there are no large concentrations of Palestinian guerrillas. MO.ST WEST Beirut shops have been closed for three days, and shortages are taking their toll. Three men with sub- machine guns pulled into one of the few operating gasoline stations yesterday and ordered the attendant to fill up the Homstill L mPCSee story,