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June 08, 1982 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1982-06-08

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Page 2-Tuesday, June 8, 1982-The Michigan Daily
At MSU, the soaps
are serious business

have long studied the romances of
Romeo and Juliet and Anthony and
Cleopatra, but what about Luke and
A Michigan State University com-
munications professor who takes the
soaps as seriously as some take the
classics has concluded that up to one
quarter of all women, running the
gamut from housewives to college
students, find themselves fatally at-
tracted by the mixture of romance,
heartbreak, and sex served up on
daytime television.
"A HUGE number of college kids are
watching the soaps and enjoying
them," said Bradley Greenberg, who
also teaches a course on the subject. "It
ties them back to what they were before
they came to the university."
Greenberg, head of MSU's com-
munications department, is one of the
few researchers studying the effects of
soap operas, which he believes have
been thought of as "second class" too
long to be taken seriously.
Greenberg's popular class has con-
centrated on studying the sex content in
the new CBS program "Capitol."
STUDENTS ARE encouraged to keep
up with the torrid story line, but often
Bursley mur
'can't rememl
(Continued from Page i)
Waterman said adding that evidence
will show that "the defendant was in-
capable of distinguishing right from
wrong at the time of the dormitory
shooting." Kelly is pleading not guilty
by reason of insanity.
Waterman later questioned Kelly
about a notepad found in his room con-
taining the words "The Civil Rights
movement, 1950 to 1964, Brown vs.
Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas.
This is it. It's all meaningless." The last
two lines were underlined.
Kelly, describing the notepad as a
title page for a paper he was writing,
said he didn't remember writing the
last two lines.
WATERMAN also asked Kelly how
the shotgun in his room became sawed-
off, to which he replied "I don't want to
talk about it." Kelly later said that he
remembered shortening the weapon,
but said that he was intoxicated when
he did so. He said he was aware that the
gun was shortened beyond legal limits.
He also said that he did not remem-
ber purchasing a gas mask or leather
vest, both of which have been traced to
him by testimony of a salesman. Kelly
was seen wearing the vest by eyewit-
nesses on the night of the killings.
As the trial re-opened yesterday,
prosecutors Lynwood Noah and Brian
Mackie rested their case against Kelly.
Waterman, in his opening statement for
the defense, told the judge and jury that
Kelly's decision to take the stand was
made against his advice.
ALSO IN his opening statement,
VWaterman described Kelly as "a quiet,
sort of aloof individual, one who was
conscientious about his studies," and
wvho came from a stable family.
Kellybegan his testimony by giving a
half-hour narrative of his life from his
ildhood to the time he moved to Bur-
sley Hall in January of 1981.
Kelly said he had no family or drug

use newspaper summaries rather than
spending classtime glued to the tube.
"We've probably only watched three
hours of soaps in class all term,"
Greenberg says.
Greenberg has also found that people
who become "fans"-a category he
says makes up one fouth of all
women-form a habit of watching and
that they need their daily fix of roman-
ce and heartbreak.
"THE FAN has been one for a long
time," he says. "These are habits that
start and continue for years and years
and years."
He says that the new cable soap
operas will seriously affect the sex con-
tent in network daytime shgs. In order
to compete with R-rated cable, (treen-
berg says, the daytime soaps will have
to become more and more racy.
"What they're going to do is have a
lot more sex content," he says. "The
sex you get in the soaps right now is a
lot of petting and mashing."
Many of Greenberg's students are
fans and, the growing, almost cult-like
attraction of the soaps makes his.class
more and more popular.
"Both times we've had to close
enrollment at 60 students and turn
away at least that many," he says.
der suspect
ber' shootings
problems, had not experienced any
depression or psychological problems,
and got along well with people,
although, "I wasn't really an ex-
trovert," he said.
KELLY SAID he did well at the
University until he joined Omega Psi
Phi, a predominately black fraternity,
hoping to add to his social life. "I was
thinking of becoming more involved
socially," hesaid.
When questioned about his 1980 arrest
in Texas for carrying "illegal
weapons" in his car, Kelly testified that
he was stopped for a moving violation,
and when the police officer searched his
car, he found a knife and some Oreintal
fighting sticks.
Kelly said he had gone to Texas with
his father in the summer of 1979 after he
had been dismissed from the University
because of academic problems. The
two went to Texas in search of work.
The trial proceedings were brought to
a halt when two jurors became ill
during the testimony. Washtenaw
County Circuit Court Judge Ross Cam-
pbell adjourned the trial, which is
scheduled to resume today at 9 a.m.
Support the
March of Dimes
CALL 764-0557

The weather
Today will be a wonderful weather day - if thundershowers don't appear.
There is a 20 percent chance of some thunderstorm activity; temperatures
will be in the lower 80s. Q
Two-car quackup
AMALLARD WITH LITTLE practice asa pedestrian managed to causea
major tie-up on an Illinois freeway last week that had drivers ducking for
cover. Last Tuesday, the duck began to waddle across Chicago-bound lanes
in Northbrook, Ill., in the midst of rush-hour traffic. When a commuter
swerved to miss the duck, it ran into the path of a semi-trailed containing 35
tons of loose calendar paper. The truck then overturned, blocking traffic and
spilling 200 gallons of diesel fuel across the expressway. Although drivers
involved suffered only minor injuries, the accident resulted in a five-hour
traffic jam, as firemen attempted to prevent an avalanche of loose paper
from the truck's interior. Traffic finally started flowing smoothly again at 7
p.m., twelve hours after the duck's fateful walk. O
Too popped to pop
E IGHTH-GRADE math teacher David Schoenfield of River Edge, New
Jersey, started a class project to demonstrate how much space a million
popcorn kernels filled, and wound up with a bad case of "popcorn lung."
Schoenfield organized a project in which one million pieces of popped pop-
corn were placed in a huge container. After sniffing too much hot air from
popcorn poppers he came down with his mysterious ailment, he-said, adding
that his main symptom is a cough. Schoenfield, however, doesn't mind the
side effects, since the project turned out to be such a success. "The students
were excited," he said. "It was a very impressive sight. I had never seen a
million of anything.either." Q
CFT - The 39 Steps, 4,7 & 8:30 p.m., Michigan Theater.
CEW - Informal Job Hunt Club, noon to 1:30 p.m., Center Library.
Ann Arbor Go Club - meeting, 7 p.m., 1433 Mason.
School of Education - Summer Institute on Employee Assistance
Programs, West Bank Holiday Inn, 2900 Jackson Rd.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
TeMichigan Daily

Vol. XCII, No. 24-S
Tuesday, June 8,1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and
managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published dally
Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, 49109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2
semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Summer session published
Tuesday through Saturday mor-
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Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at
Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
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Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI.
The Michigan Daily is a member
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