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June 05, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-06-05

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 23-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 5, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages

Thousands of students fought for it.
Seven hundred of them took control of
the LSA building for it. One hundred
and seven students would not yield to
police and were arrested for it. And
today, after a spirited 12-year tenure in
the Michigan Union's basement, the
University's student-run bookstore
quietly will depart campus.
The University Cellar-which closes
its Union doors for the last time at 5
p.m. today-is not dying, however; it
merely is facing an important turning
point in its often-times radical history.
'IT'S GOING to be great to get out of
the Union. We'll have the freedom to
sell what we want to sell," said Dave
Logan, a U-Cellar employee. "We're
hoping it will be successful, but we need
student support."
Reflecting on the four-block move to
the corner of Liberty and Division
Streets, most Cellar employees last
week expressed optimism that the store
will remain financially prosperous. But
some admitted fear that the move two
blocks off campus might mean fewer
student customers.
"A lot of freshmen and sophomores
don't believe anything exists west of
State Street," said Tobin Nellhaus,,
another employee, "but ultimately it's
going to work out."
THE NEW store, at 341 E. Liberty St.,
will have almost twice as much retail
space as the Union location, said Bruce
Weinberg, U-Cellar's general manager.
"It is set up in an intelligent manner,
it's not all crowded together, like here
(in the Union)," Weinburg said.
With three floors and broad display
windows, the Cellar will have a com-
pletely new and attractive appearan-
ce, he said.
THE UNIVERSITY Cellar Board of
Directors decided last January to move
out of the Union when they were unable
to negotiate acceptable terms on a new
The major sticking point in
negotiations was over the question of
rent. Union Director Frank Cianicola
wanted to raise the Cellar's rent to a
competitive market price-approxi-
mately 65 percent more than the Cellar
had been paying.
See CELLAR, Page 11

leaves Union toda
-Nil Flni QEE

Doily Photo by JACKIE BELL
THE MOVE BY the University Cellar bookstore from the Union this weekend will mark the end of an association for-
med with the aid of massive student protests and marches. A worker is shown moving materials from the old location to
the new one a few blocks away which sports a sign behind the Cellar's new glass windowfront.
Bookstore arose fro-m

to save

By GREG BRUSSTAR bookstore which would qualify for a (the forerunner of the Michiga
four percent sales tax exemption to Assembly) then organized a;
first move toward establishing a which all state educational institutions the Regents meeting for Sept
t-operated non-profit bookstore selling books to "bona fide enrolled" 1969, hoping that it would br
in March, 1969 when a student students are entitled. action toward the format
ndum was passed calling for a The student bookstore issue became bookstore.
increase of $1.75 per student to anitem of intense controversy in the For the first time ever,a
e initial capital for the proposed ensuing months. meeting was disrupted as mor
ore. In July, 1969, the Regents defeated students marched in to show
y students said they wanted a the proposal offered by the students port of the proposed bookstore
t bookstore because the private because it would have resulted in a This was only the begi
in Ann Arbor charged ex- tuition increase. The Regents had protests in favor of the bookstc
ely high prices for books. A way decided not to increase tuition in the On September 26, 1969 th
e themselves money would be to following school year.
ish a University discount The Student Government Council See PRICE, Page 11

an Student
march on
ember 19,
ing about
ion of a
a Regents
*e than 400
their sup-
inning of
e Student

,, _

of pa
the te

Psychiatrist speaks on 'Death and Dying'
By LOU FINTOR dealwith the terminally ill on a regular basis. plaguing today's society are brought about by a lack
Specialtothe Daily Kubler-Ross, a Swiss-trained psychiatrist, won of understanding between parent and child at an
MULUS- Famed for her work with thousands widespread acclaim for her international bestseller early age. She urged participants-to raise their
tients suffering from terminal illnesses, inter- "On Death and Dying," which chronicles the children in an atmosphere of "hugging, touching, and
nally renowned author and psychiatrist Dr. physical, emotional, and intellectual trauma ex- feeling," and explained that "when you deal with a
beth Kubler-Ross captivated an audience of perienced by terminally ill patients. terminally ill patient, you start at exactly the same
than 800 health professionals Thursday evening - "I LEARNED at a young age that you can have a point."
she cqnducted a special University workshop million dollars but have nothing if nobody cares about According to Kubler-Ross, feelings of emotional
ed "Death and Dying." you as a human being," Kubler-Ross said, adding loss following the death of someone close-or the
workshop focused on helping the family and that in many health care institutions the patient is realization that one will soon die-are natural
trminally ill patient deal with the transaction known only as a "case" rather than as an "in psychological self-defense mechanisms and to
life to death and reo nizint the needs of these dividual." restrain them will only lead to more acute emotional

-through their work or personal lives-must

Kubler-Ross maintains that many of the social ills

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