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June 04, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-06-04

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 22-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 4, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
'Playgirl'Big Ten search is on

University males looking for lots of
exposure, here is your chance. Playgirl
is coming to Ann Arbor.
The magazine will be in town from
June 7 to 10, seeking both clothed and
not so clothed models for its October
and November issues, to be titled
"Playgirl Comes to the Big Ten."
"A HEALTHY guy, in good shape,
who has good muscle tones," is how
Playgirl's talent coordinator Linda
Horwitz described the models the

magazine hopes to find. The male must
also have good photogenic qualities, she
In a required interview, prospective
models are asked why they want to ap-
pear in the magazine, how they feel
about posing nude, and how sincere
they are. Personality is an important
factor, Horwitz said, but "of course,
you check them out physically."
In the past few years, the magazine
has done spreads on both Ivy League
and Pac-Ten men. In its quest for Big
Ten men, Playgirl has been to Ohio

State University and, after coming to
Ann Arbor, will move on to the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin.
ABOUT 200 men, slightly more than
expected, turned out for interviews
yesterday at OSU, according to Hor-
witz. Eight men, who will earn $100 for
roughly an hour and a half of work, will
be chosen from each college.
The men at OSU were extremely en-
thusiastic, Horwitz said. "They've gone
crazy over here in Columbus. . . They
all sort of look at it as a once-in-a-
lifetime thing."

In addition, the magazine, with its
estimated four million readers world-
wide, will give those selected for the
spread "a lot of exposure," Horwitz
said, excusing the pun.
THE THREE-woman judging com-
mittee, composed of Horwitz, her
assistant, and a photographer, has had
a lot of trouble picking the winners at
OSU, she said. "We can't make any
decisions. We have so many good-
looking men."
Wes Querns, a graduate student at
See PLAYGIRL, Page 10
of stalling
Democrats blasted the Milliken ad-
ministration yesterday for stalling ef-
forts to draft a fiscal 1982-83 budget at
the same time it pressures lawmakers
to pass the spending plan this month.
Senate Democratic Leader William
Faust of Westland said the Senate
would do no further work on the budget
until Gov. William Milliken releases
revised target figures for ap-
propriations bills.
"IF THE governor is serious about
getting quick action on appropriations
bills, he would do well to convey that
message to budget experts," Faust
Faust's statement, issued in conjun-
ction with Appropriations Chairman
Jerome Hart (D-Saginaw), came as
three senators met with Moody's In-
vestors Service officials in New York.
The Senate, saying it no longer trusts
the Milliken administration's
statements, sent Democrats Thomas
Guastello of St. Clair and David Holmes
of Detroit and Republican Harry Gast
of St. Joseph to meet with Moody's.
THE SENATE is seeking more
thorough explanations as to why
Moody's dropped Michigan's short
term credit rating to the lowest in the
nation as well as some guidance on how
passage of a budget could be used to
improve the state's financial status.
Rep. David Hollister, one of three
House members who also made the
trip, said in a telephone interview the
financial service gave indications
Michigan would be better off to wait un-
til fall-when spending projections
were clearer-for final passage of a

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Greek gala
These young spectators view folk dancing performed by the St. Nicholas Dancers yesterday during the city's Ya'ssoo
Greek Festival. The festivities will continue through tomorrow.
Scholars' material returned

The technical material seized last
month from Chinese scholars who were
visiting the University will be returned
to them, according to a State Depar-
tment official.
Customs officials at New York's
Kennedy Airport detained the luggage
of three scholars, who were returning
home to the communist People's
Republic of China, under suspicion that
sensitive technical information was
being taken out of the country. The
materials in question came from the
University's aerospace engineering
BUT THE Commerce Department's
export division examined the materials
and found they were neither sensitive
nor classified, said Conrad Bellamy,
China desk officer for the State Depar-

tment. The materials - which included
lecture notes, slides, computer
programs, and a disk used to store
computer information - have been
given to China International Airlines
and soon will be returned to the
Government sources have attributed
the seizure to an ongoing effort to con-
trol the export of sensitive material
from universities with random airport
checks, said Political Science Prof.
Michael Oksenberg, a coordinator for
the- University's chinese studies
The U.S. government recently has
cracked down on the activities of
foreign scholars at universities
throughout the nation. During the past.
year, the State Department attempted
to restrict the activities of a Chinese

exchange student at the University of
Minnesota and Soviet scientists at Stan-
ford University and the University of
IN FEBRUARY, FBI agents visited
the University of Michigan's
Engineering-Transportation Library in
an attempt to find out what materials a
visiting Russian scholar was reading.
The three Chinese scholars, Chuan-
jun Yan, Shi-jie Yu, and Bo-hu Li, had
open access to the University's
aerospace materials, all of which are
non-classified and available to the
public, said Prof. Robert Howe, chair-
man of the aerospace department.
"What they (custom officials) did ws
legal under the law. The return of the
material just confirms what we knew
all along - that the documents were not
sensitive." Howe said.

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