C p w & e, sl Ji p k n i s Y Dryingc After a leisurely swim in the Huron River at Delhi Park, Fred York; Supreme Court lose WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme identified by name did no lourt is ablush over its handling of a much hope of turning up t >ornography case - but not because of evidence. They said sim chat it saw. It just lost the stuff. plained losses of exhibits ii The high court can't find movies and cases have occurred in the pi our magazines sent to the justices The films and magazines earlier this year - and the loss of the the state's case against t exually explicit materials may have City, Idaho, adult books eopardized an Idaho pornography prosecutors have been tryi rosecution. down for five years. "A SEARCH is underway. We don't "I'M NOT certsin the 1 know whether the material was nisplaced - or what," court material will cause us to los pokesman Barrett McGurn said but one never can be sure,' yesterday. Thomas of the state attorne office. "It'llalways a math Court sources who asked not to be concern when a part of the re The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June,3, 1982-Page 9 U.S. may attempt to lmit Iran/Iraq confliet WASHINGTON (AP)- Working with other nations, the Reagan ad- ministration is preparing to join an in- tense diplomatic effort to try to convin- ce Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini not to invade neighboring Iraq, ad- ministration sources report. Flush with victory after pushing in- vading Iraqi forces out of Iranian territory during 20 months of war, Iranian forces now are poised along the Iraqi border, their next move in doubt. U.S. OFFICIALS and Mideast exper- ts here believe Khomeini is weighing the advantages and disadvantages of Doily Photo by JACKIE BELL waging war on Iraqi soil and that the time for influencing his decision may be short. aff h"This is the key time to bring about and his dog Luther furiously shake themselves dry. some kind of international pressure to bear," a senior State Department of- ficial said this week. "Obviously, the ,s i ~ whole thing could shift at any time." d irt Il 111 ~ The official did not want his name used. The Reagan administration is t hold out out of sight." worried that Iran may now make good he missing Most of the exhibits that had been on past threats to try to topple other ilar unex- shipped to Washington were returned to Arab regimes, such as the one in Saudi n obscenity the Idaho Supreme Court for relay to Arabia. The Saudis, along with Kuwait ast. the state trial judge. But some and Jordan, backed Iraq with money are part of materials were missing. and supplies in its invasion of Iran. wo Garden By May 12, Supreme Court Clerk In disclosing last week that the stores that Alexander Stevas was forced to send a United States planned to become more ng to close letter of apology from the nation's involved in seeking ' a solution, highest court. Secretary of State Alexander Haig said "As of this writing, I am sorry to say that the war "has brought the region in- oss of the the missing exhibits have not been to great danger, with ominous im- e the case, recovered and we cannot account for plications for Western interests." He 'said Lynn them. Please accept my apologies for said a continuing conflict could change y general's their loss." the regional balance of power and offer er of great "The poor guy is embarrassed," one the Soviet Union an opportunity to ex- ecord drops of Stevas' employees explained. pand its influence. uit complai ning. Take a LORI? Q Daily break instead. It's not too ate to subscribe-764-0558