Page 8-Wednesday, June 2; 1982-The Michigan Daily 'Androcles' goes modern 1 (CnntinuedfromPage7) and more "emphasis on fun . . .We've put surprises in every act." While the show is not a musical, Fox' enlisted the aid of Ph.D. student Gary Garrison in choreographing one sur- prise. A waltz at the beginning of the play is part of the original script, but the ending now features nothing less than a dance of celebration - to a disco beat. "Beausa disen is their kind nf music," Fox says, "the dance number is one more way of reaching out to kids and getting them involved." Garrison notes that Shaw wrote the play in the form of an English Christ- mas pageant. Tradition called for a subdued, even gloomy, beginning which builds to a final resolution of conflict. To complement this production's lighter tone, Garrison thought it ap- propriate for the Christians to let loose and dance in the last scene. Actors aren't often formally trained in dance, he says, although he believes a well-rounded performer should have some ability to dance and sing as well as act. Having had training in those areas himself, he was put in charge of selecting and coaching acore group of a dozen dancers for "Androcles." That group performs most of the steps, he says, although the entire cast of a2 does get in on the action. When they do, "they have a great time!" Student Newspaper at The University of Michigan I I H ----------- WRITE YOUR AD HERE! ---------- - --m-1 II _ ___ _..__..__-- - -_ -'- il - - -- - = _-- _- - -- - - - ----- ---_ I 1i _ i1 -----I----- CLIP AND MAIL TODAY !----------. 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Garrison also worked closely with Catrina Ganey in her lead role as the lion. Ganey, he said, had to learn a whole new way of moving to portray a bulky, masculine animal through pan- tomime. Since the story is a fairy tale, the goal is to project as much reality as possible through the lion's movements. Reality, says Fox, is what' will help young people relate to a story set in distant Roman times. To hold the attention of younger audience members, Fox has created a revolving set along with other staging devices. Costumes are brightly colored and dramatic, she says, contributing to the visual impact. As for musical innovations, "Onward Christian Soldiers" and a gospel song have been included in the show, again with the intention of enhancing the story line. Fox emphasizes that PTP chose An- drocles and the Lien in order to have a family show in its season. "Because of television and film, it's rare that young people get to see live theater anymore. This is a play the entire family can come to see for a summer evening out." Fox, who has acted professionally for the last several years in New York, Los Angeles and on daytime television, plans to pursue a career in directing. She has been at U of M since receiving a PTP fellowship through the.University Residential Theater Association, and begins teaching at the California In- stitute of Arts this fall. Working with a full cast of 32 in An- drocles was "almost ovetwhelming," she says. Directing student actors in the PTP program, however, has had consistent rewards. It is a teaching process she notes, which only adds to the chellenge of producing a professional-quality play. There is always some unevenness in any performance, Fox adds,' whether professional or otherwise. In four weeks of rehearsal, what problems she has encountered have been of a "professional caliber," she says, leaving her ".very pleased, overall" with her students and with the final product. "Our show is like a waltz that turns into a disco at the end," she says. "Everyone - adults and children alike - can enjoy the story. That's just what we want them to do." After Androcles and the Lion, the University Players will continue their season with Tennessee Williams autobiographical drama The Glass Menagerie. Richard Burgwin directs the play which runs June 9 through 11. George Feydeau's The Happy Hun- tsman will follow June 16 through 19. Directed by James Martin, the light- hearted farce pokes fun at Parisien society during the turn of the century. All three Summer Series productions begin at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theater, and all three are followed by The $4 Revue, a blend of slapstick comedy, vaudeville routines and nostalgic musical numbers presen- ted in the Michigan Leageu by Univer- sity graduates and theater students. Support the March of Dimes BIWTHm EFCOS FOUNDATiON 4 ' .5 I i I